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glenn anthony

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Everything posted by glenn anthony

  1. I'm in the same boat with the stand issue, I've had a 40 breeder siting on the ground, and with that much weight I'm a little skeptical about using i solid piece of furniture (I have a 20g long on there now, but...400+ lbs. I am very mechanically inclined but I'm not so sure I would trust my wood working skills (also major OCD here) so i'd probably lose sleep worrying if the tank will crack cause its not 100% straight etc and i would like one with a shelf and doors. that i could do if one i bought did not have said features 🤔🙄
  2. soo just outta curiosity is there a certain type of pothos sub species thats better than the rest. Been wantin try a piece in my HOB, but have not gotten around to buying one yet (even though i pass home depot daily) i know thers the verigated or marble type thats has some white mixed in the green of the leaf, and if im not mistaken a "golden pothos". Want mine to get as big as the one Corey has in his fish room, whoa! talk about little shop of horrors, dont know what hes feeding that giant thanks for any info 🙄
  3. yeah i finally ordered some of the nano packets, 5 per bag im gonna try it in my 20 long. THANKS for the info...now i cant wait to try it, (have seachem/sicce tidal HOB guessing ill place it on top or under filter floss) thats the same place i put purigen if i am using it. Oh and yeah i could do with some tannin removal, love the heavy weight of mopami wood sink right down to bottom, but agter boiling 3 times the mopami is still leaching out tannins ( do use cattapa leaves 1-2 in my 2 betta tanks but with that amount see no difference in water color
  4. Yeah, thats why i was curious about the chemi-pure green, and right in its description: states in so many words good for the panted aquarium, was basically trying to find out how it compares to purigen, which i have used. so guess i was worried about the carbon stealing the plants nutrients. THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY
  5. Well thanks for the reply, only thing i've used was purigen, when i came across the chemi-pure green, mt first thought was.....wait did the say activated carbom. most things ive researched, or learned from corey, is that you really should not use carbon in a planted because it will absorb most of the liquid ferts. But after some more research found out supposedly the carbon/resin mix they use is plant safe and not absorb plant hutrients, just looking to see if anyone had used it, because i may try some (if you say it lowered your PH i guess i need to watch that mainly do to having a low KH so not much of a buffer PH is about 6.8-7.2 well thanks for the info
  6. Has anyone tried the chemi pure green (supposed to be for planted tanks, but contains activated carbon as well as a ion resin. I have used purigen, but always like trying new things, just curious as to if anyone has used it and seen a difference, in olants or water quality etc THANKS NERMS
  7. I have never tried to grow anything from a bulb, but next coop order I do intend on getting a few Hope they grow for me think its the tiger lotus and red dwarf lily, and Cory if your lurkin' stop putting out so many products its starting to thin out my wallet LOL😗🤑
  8. I do that combo fairly often (low tech tank no co2) it really seems to help roots grow in quicker, and IMO helps with the different water parameter my water might as well be a liquid boulder, but i am pretty certain the coop has soft water. Maybe it helps the plant with the initial transition. it does seem to have some effect I purchased some plants for a new 40Breeder but had just missed petcos sale, so i figured id put some in my 20 long and the others mainly anubias into a bucket with a light, used the easy green and a daily dose of advance, those phyto hormones or whatever they are called did seem to give the nanas and gold coin a growth spurt. used every other day with weekly to bi-weekly easy green, used the advance for aporx. 45 days, will be doing that combo again
  9. I did something similar without thinking, had some green hair algae on a J. fern windelov (seem to always give a hard time, but i can grow a jungle of normal java fern. i used the H2O2 peroxide method which i normally with a pipette or syringe and spot treat,(works great by the way. this was a 20 long split into 3 sections aprox 6-7 gall each for 3 bettas got 1 week later another 2 we all know how that goes anyhow 3- 4 yrs later 2 died within 2 weeks of each other so took plants from last bettas section put him in a 10g/ i than looked up the safe does for using h2o2 and just dumped in that amount. hair algea arrgh.... was not supposed to leave filters running during this procedure, well plnts began to pearl like know ones business, but ihad 2 moss ball/algae balls rith below small filter outflow.......slowly watched in a mix of fear and amazement as moss balls began go from green to a nasty brown, still unable replace due to those little muscles that have been found in some....miss my little green fuzzy (oh hell) balls
  10. i just had a thought i had been dosing seachem advance every other day, then i ran out (unfortunately i did not do my normal ocd thing of taking notes, due to the fact it was only a 10gall for a HMPK male Betta, (love the HMPK bettas) notes on h2o yes but not as crazy with the plants and fert notes as i do with my 40g, post its notes in every color
  11. Oh, shoot that was the one thing I did change (been using nilog thrive c) liquid and i did up the dose from 2ml per week, and as it grew so fast i raised the dose and began adding an extra 1ml so i was actually dosing twice a week (only other plants in tank at the moment are 1:big java farn, #2med/small J.Fern Windelov, #3anubias nana and a nice size portion of anubias petite (awesome lill" plant) Well anyhow all were growing, actually was shocked by how often the Nana was making leaves (sucker even flowered) placed plant order thru coop had like 6 plants in grow out tub, had to leave for a week so i said lemmie toss in the 4+ inch piece of penny wort, when i returned home i had nice roots and leaves larger than a quarter some were the size of the old 50cent peace, few wks later began extra fert regimine thanks for the response, sorry so long 1 too many mountain dews
  12. i bought the potted penny wort from the co-op, grew out of the tank, had tons, but suddenly it began to melt away until i barely had any left (i had aprox. 6 foot long sections, loved it had some planted, and some floating, it was growing like duck weed 🤔 did not make any changes to lighting, ferts, etc, Anyone else have this hppen?? THANKS for any insight Glenn A.
  13. Thanks, I always use some sort of bacteria starter, even when i use some seeded filer bio material, most of my tanks ( 2 10gall 1 20 gall have alot of easy rhizome plants< so this being a 40g breeder i wanns use (pogo, vall, maybe dwarf chain, bacopa carolina? along with java fern and anubias. Ghess ill have to season tank for a bit anyway to make the corys happy Just wanted to get an idea on the substrate, been using redular rounded type gravel (black in 20g and a neutral mix in the 10s THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT
  14. I also recently discovered this substrate also, will be setting up a 40 breeder (petcos 50% off sale) but, just my luck looks like i'll be building the stand. I had an old one but, guess i messed up my dimensions got the front to back wrong (now im trying to figure out what the stand was for. Anyway that was the first time i had come across, a planted substrate that contains plant nutrients and bacteria to help tank cycle (that was not sand, dirt or other. Was wondering 2 things: if anyone can help a fellow NERM. 1. would this gravel be okay for Corydoras (as far as size of gravel and them being able to get/find food) 2. Would i still need to use root tabs loose after nutrients (oh i lied last question) 3. Since the bag supposedly contains beneficial bacteria, would using Btightwell or ftitzyme bottled bacteria be overkill THANK TO YOU ALL FOR LISTENING AND A DOUBLE TANK U FOR ANY QUESTIONS U COULD ANSWER
  15. ive done the same with just a rhizome and a few months later while trimming a java fern... wow there it was my once leaf less anubias congensis had now grow 5 new leaves, they were not that tall but i had totally forgot it was there, its still short but i get a new leaf once a month (its an anubias after all, I have noticed in a plant grow out tub i often use that if a slow grower is left to float it will grow faster i currently have A. Nana and some others in a tub and when i added some ferts the other day i foud a 4+ inch flower on one of the Nanas (never had one flower before😑
  16. curved scissors for trimming off dead leaves, but with a mini camera cause i always end up cutting half of a dead leaf and a perfect newly grow one at the same time maybe even mini cutters that you can control from your phone or something
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