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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. @itsfoxtail the things we do for our fish friends, I toyed around with recording it but I’m terrible with pics and videos, honestly it’s rather anticlimactic. I just dangle a frozen one on an opposite side of the tank for maybe 60 secs to give it time to thaw a bit, then if you move the tweezers you use up and down it looks like a live worm and picky puffer loves it. If you make them wrong when the puffers attack them they almost explode a bit and make a mess in the tank and also if not made properly they can fall apart a bit but when done just right it’s a good time
  2. @mountaintoppufferkeeper I hope they love it like mine do
  3. @PaigeIs oh wow good thing you caught it
  4. @nabokovfan87 that is scary, especially after a “power was out, filter wasn’t running” disaster I experienced years ago
  5. I think it depends on quite a few factors such as how many, how it’s set up, level of maintenance, attitude of the specific honey gourami in particular etc. but overall I don’t see why it wouldn’t work what part were they concerned about on Reddit if I may ask?
  6. Those are pretty cool I must say, first one is my personal favorite….. Also Happy Birthday!
  7. I’ve struggled with bettas as well your not alone and it’s very nice to see how much you care about them and how proactive you are. My first thought wouldn’t have been bacterial but perhaps parasitic or fungal as the “not being in control of the fin flaring/ gill localization” sounds almost like an itch it can’t scratch to me but I’m absolutely no expert especially with regards to bettas. @Colu may be able to help you they’ve helped me before a few different times. Regardless of the outcome which I hope is for the best.
  8. So it appears you have all of the necessary ingredients for success, my best advice would be time and dialing things in. What I mean by this is your plants don’t seem unhappy, they just appear to not be growing as quickly as you would like which is frustrating but reframed it’s an awesome opportunity to witness and enjoy every small win. Give them some time. The second part of this speaks to the instant gratification in me personally. I would test my dosages of the ferts and potentially increase if it were feasible, I would try out other lighting presets people have suggested (although his is good) just to see how things react to different variables, and also wouldn’t hurt to test the growth at different levels of the tank by means of elevation. The end goal is a carpet but I would want to make sure the light was efficiently reaching the plants im cultivating. CO2 levels can be played with as well. It’s the smallest details that can yield the largest results sometimes. True story, I had some crypts that just refused to grow, I tried everything for weeks if not longer…. Except for cleaning the glass lid which turned out to be the solution smh. Give them a little time and keep doing what your doing is what I would do, it’s always worth it in the end.
  9. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea that would probably scare anybody
  10. I can empathize with this, I don’t feed them to my puffers I just relocate them to my puffers tank sometimes 😅
  11. @Lennie no good news to report I’ll say that, I might try again and hope the next time the post office takes a bit better care of the “live animals” package, it’s a real shame when they don’t
  12. @nabokovfan87 ugh that’s stressful, at least you figured out a work around
  13. During routine maintenance/ a rescape of a tank with predatory fish in it, one of the UGF uplift tubes broke off. Imagine a dirted substrate capped with sand no longer capped, 2 very large and very angry puffer fish no longer being visible as you with your arm in the tank frantically try to reattach the base of the uplift tube to the “clip on” located underneath the sand/ dirt. Makes for a heck of a horror story I’ll tell you, scary…This just happened fyi so next few hours will be spent siphoning water changing rinsing and repeating smh… makes for an interesting topic though, anyone have any horror stories, preferably more comedic ones like this?
  14. @Galabar a necessary evil @Guppysnail that can happen so easily
  15. @Cory shows a “throttling technique” in one of his videos which might make gravel vacuuming a bit cleaner even with soil underneath. You would probably have to adjust depth and perhaps the size of the actual vacuum tube itself and be quite intentional but off the top of my head this sounds like a viable solution…
  16. Hey all, question is how do you appropriately dose cyropro to treat anchor worms? Is it exactly how it says on the bottle? What if I have to water change prior to the 7, 14, 21 day mark, how much do I add back to continue treating without interruption? Thanks in advanced
  17. @Guppysnail wow that’s gonna be a busy but fun day
  18. Good Morning Fish Keepers, What’s on your aquarium agenda for the day?
  19. @Shadow can’t wait to see them, feel free to reach out if you run into any snags, I’m no expert but have kept them for some years now and have bred them although we are still dialing that in, @Lennie is very well versed in them also
  20. Playing catch up, did someone say red lizards?🙃 I still stand by @Lennie’s statement about them being fragile upon introduction as well as nerve racking fry raising, but they are such a beautiful, amazing, peaceful fish that it’s hard not to add them to every tank
  21. Hoping for the best but it doesn’t seem great
  22. Hey all, I recently acquired some Peruvian apple Snails. First issue was they were delayed in the mail. Second issue I noticed is there shell quality isn’t great. Third issue is there was a note on the box from the postal service apologizing for damaged package smh. So if you add all of that up these poor guys have been through it lately so I’m sure you can imagine how scared I was opening the box. Long story short, I got them in the tank bc I didn’t smell anything that suggested they had died but they all floated. Three are still floating and the 4th confirmed alive has moved slightly. Here’s my issue, the following picture shows something I’ve never seen and don’t know what to do for If anything. It appears to be a protrusion of an air bubble. It’s contained within the shell but looked real awkward so I figured I would ask the forum…thanks in advanced
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