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CJs Aquatics

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Everything posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. Just wondering what species you breed or have bred that yielded you the most coin, or store credit, or trade value for those breeders out there
  2. @nabokovfan87 that’s actually a very good idea I never would have thought of
  3. I have one, never really used it, it’s missing a few pieces, after a search I found the pieces and ordered them, how would you set it up @nabokovfan87?
  4. Anyone ever used this filter? (Marineland Magnum) thoughts? how did you load it? where can I find replacement parts/ diy options? Optimization alternatives?
  5. Currently running 9 undergravel filters with plans for one more in the next few days, I would love to see this experiment carried out
  6. I’ve had success with fish fungus in the past treating with Maracyn, and Ick-x as an added measure bc some illnesses are hard to diagnose. When the med trio hasn’t worked for me, I’ve had great success with some seachem products such as kanaplex and polyguard (worked awesome for me when I didn’t know what the exact illness is). Tried medicated food before when I was new and it helped but this would probably be my last course of action now. Not well versed with meds and diseases that’s @Colu , I just thought I would share what’s worked for me before as asked…
  7. I rehomed mine to a friend when I got the ziss but I agree it does work really well
  8. Update: The eggs grew fungus so I split them into 2 different places, I figure they are no good but I put some in with shrimp we will see what happens, lessons learned anyway so not a total loss
  9. Random though perhaps a relatively good sized caridina tank would work as well, like some crystal reds, the fill all areas of the water column and kinda set and forget, plus are probably relatively easy if you get them going to take to a LFS for some store credit, idk still debating, it’s not my favorite size tank but it’s the biggest i can put in the space I have set out for it
  10. @Fish Folk I was actually thinking pair of angels, or discus or possibly if set up properly a pair of goldfish for the time being I love the ideas you’ve presented @Ninjoma currently have: guppies platies tiger limia blue finned goodeid dragon puffers pea puffers bristlenose plecos red lizard whiptails mekong puffers dojo loaches a single ornate bichir green Corydoras neocaridina shrimp mystery snails hillstream loaches other things like ramshorns/ bladder snails I probably missed something but I’ve done quite a few other things over the years
  11. Flagfish is my vote for what your looking for as long as your filtration is adequate
  12. Thinking tomorrow I’m doing away with my indoor nano ponds and going to get a 37, would love some thoughts on stocking/ set up…
  13. I’ve been looking for a female of these for so long also, still no luck, congrats on the breeding
  14. Perhaps breeder nets or boxes in the back of each tank for initial first few fry days then if you decide to do a dedicated grow out, for plecos the depth is less important then the length and width in most cases. 29 or 40 will def work though whichever your preference, if you go with the 40’s you may be able to divide them as well to keep things organized if you so chose
  15. I suppose step one would be removing the eggs from there cave and spreading them in the breeder box 😅
  16. @nabokovfan87 can you describe what you mean by adjusting the ziss? I have shrimp available I was wary of putting any in the box bc I’ve heard they eat eggs I’ve also heard they clean them so I wasn’t sure which way was safest. The eggs are red lizard whiptails again, wanted to try to get a better survivability rate as well as be able to isolate them but pulled the cave at the egg stage and the male left. That being said I was Ill prepared but wanted to still try to hatch them I’ve heard -shrimp -peroxide -leaves/ botanicals - methylene blue - flow - tumblers I honestly can admit idk what I’m doing lol
  17. So, I pulled some eggs too soon, I’ve never hatched eggs myself but I think this will be a good learning experience. My question is, how do I keep them from going bad from fungus? Currently I have the cave with the eggs in it in a ziss breeder box in a more established tank with the airstone running in front of the cave entrance and some catappa leaves in it as well. I’m concerned since the bubbles are going up that it’s not creating enough flow going over the eggs to keep them from getting fungus, anyone have any better methods?
  18. Haven’t done it yet but considering it also for my pea puffers as well, I found this video quite informative and super easy to follow
  19. @OnlyGenusCaps I’d love to pick your brain about some of what you found on eBay/ the straw method and things it yields
  20. I have thought about this myself. I think it can be done if still dosed properly nutrient wise, the coral as a medium should have no issue allowing roots to grow depending on its particular size. I feel the issue would be adequate plant nutrition which the coral probably does not solely provide.
  21. Generally speaking the food we feed is almost a supplement to the 24 hr a day grazing they do in the tank already. They can go a long long time without food, fry a significantly shorter time for proper raising, however still quite a while. They forage on things our eyes can’t even pick up in established aquariums, microscopic algae’s and bacteria’s, detritus, live things etc. If you watch there behavior, as well as examine the remnants if any of the food you offer, this will allow you to better dial in if it’s enough or not. Do they eat it all or is there some left on the bottom? Do they clean up what’s left on the bottom? Are they acting extra ravenous? Do they appear to be growing healthily? Finally how long has the tank been set up? These questions provide some of the basis for a guideline. If there is a bunch left over they don’t eat it may be too much or they don’t prefer the food. If they eat it all or clean the bottom it’s probably the proper amount and if you added a bit more and saw the leftovers that’s how you would know. The age of aquarium typically tells you if there is available supplemental food opportunity. Generally speaking I think .20 grams twice a day for the fish and amount listed sounds like enough on paper without looking at it, but I feel like the most suitable answer will come from the specific observation of the tank and it’s inhabitants.
  22. That’s a tight fitting 37 gallon if my tank dimension memory serves correct or possibly a more manageable 29
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