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Everything posted by giantlumberjack

  1. I personally use Seachem Flourish tabs, if your plants are root base. I saw some good results quickly when i used it the first time. They say it as No phosphate or nitrate.
  2. I was thinking that too, but i wanted to make sure i was not making a mistake. Though i'm planing on using said tank to grow up frys and maybe be a seperation tank to keep all my males, do you think the other fish mentioned will like it too? Tank is 10 gallons and i'm also planing to had some rocks and plants in it. Maybe try some shrimps too.
  3. Like the tittle said does substrate really matter with guppies? I'm asking because i got this really cool looking sand for my new aquarium but the package said its more for African cichlid. Im wondering if thats still ok for guppies (and possibly swordtails,platys and mollies, shrimps ect) or will it mess up all my fish? Bought it in store but i was able to find it on amazon too if anyone needs a visual/specific on what it is. https://www.amazon.com/Carib-Sea-Eco-Complete-African-Substrate/dp/B004PB8PHK
  4. Alright thank your for the help I truly appreciate it.Will see if i can get my hands on some shrimps and good plant for frys and said shrimps. Kind of hard to get some stuff here in canada right now though. (Ps do you need to quarantine shrimps? Since they dont take meds well do people usually just drop them in the aquariums?)
  5. Alright I think i will do that, though how long should i keep it in the box? I dont want to hurt its growth. Will shrimps reproduce out of control like snails can or are they more ""controlable""?
  6. (PS sorry if my english is bad, im not using my good computer and its also not my first language.""Its not an excuse but ya know"")
  7. (Sorry for the late reply wanted to make sure i was well awake to respond to these.) I only have one fry, he/she came from a huge 30/40 gallon tank full of fish. I'm guessing it must of been the strongest and smartest to survive that. Amonia seems to be at 2.0 or 4.0 Nitrate seems to be at 40 or 80 nitrite seems ok 0 or .5 hard is at 75, soft alkalinity is at 80 or 120 PH is at 6.8 or 7.2 Going to do a water change now. Never had a water stone should i get one for fry/hospital tanks? I've never had shrimps, they seem to be hard to take care of (From what i've read they seem to be really sensative,that being said i do have snails.). Can they go well with guppies and swordtails/platys? This tank is a hospital one is it really a good idea to put shrimps in it?
  8. I'm new and im not sure if its ok to ask questions but i cant seem to find the answer to this anywhere.I got a possible swordtail hybrid fry you see and i want to make sure i'm really taking care of him/her well. I've seen people that say you need to feed them 3 times a day and all that but for how long? How long does it take for them to become like adults and only need once or twice a day feedings? How often do you do a water change for frys? And is it ok to keep a swordtail fry in a 5 gallon tank?
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