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Everything posted by giantlumberjack

  1. Oh I found some eggs again yesterday. But i'm wondering if I should touch them. You see they are in a spot where my filter shoots water out of. So i'm wondering if the fish knew that it could help them or something. What do you guys think? I finally manage to get a sponge to make sure frys and such cant get sucked in but all my other fish are still in so im assuming theres a high chance they might get ate.
  2. Thank you for the help guys. Sorry for the late response, for some reason it does not always tell me when somebody post in my threads.
  3. Darn I think either my eggs were eaten by my snail that could of somehow gotten in and out of the cage, the eggs were bad or they hatch and are hopefully swimming in my tank. But i think they would have gotten ate.
  4. Alright got a airstone in the cage sadly could not get it near the heater but the water is at a nice temp so i think its going to be fine.
  5. Oh so you need an air stone in the cage?
  6. Would a fry cage be ok? Sadly i live in canada and co op does not ship here yet.
  7. Just wanted advice since i wanted to put a sponge on my aqueon 20 gallon filter. https://www.aqueon.com/products/filtration-media/quietflow-led-pro-aquarium-power-filters this thing. A sponge for that absorbing part to make sure frys dont get sucked in. Anyone know what size or type i should get for this?
  8. Quick update its been two weeks and i still see some holes on it but i think its been healing so i've put it back in my 20 gallon so i could see it better and so i could make sure its actually eating stuff. Was that a good move or should i put it back in the salt bath?
  9. So should i boil the leaves or just put them as is? Also for how long? 3, 5 minutes? More?
  10. Oh yea forgot to say what kind of fish i have. Right now i have one snail, not sure what kind but is has a strange tire /race car tire marking on its shell. 2 bronze cory 1 albino and i think pepper cory 2 female guppies 1 male swordtail 1 Otocinclus Catfish 2 kuhli loachs And a angelfish Some eggs were on the glass before i put my angel back but now i've seen others so i dont know.
  11. So i found theseeggs on my glass. Are they just snail eggs or something else?
  12. Should i try treating the tank even if the fish is dead now?
  13. Darn, i think she died. Anyone got a clue what could of been the cause?
  14. Interesting, alright i think i will try it, see how it goes. Though should they be boiled just to be safe? Or will that remove all the good stuff from it? Oh and ghost shrimp are from the America's? I did not know that.
  15. Like the title says are Bay leaves ok for shrimps? Also got a couple other questions like do i only re-feed my shrimps after they are done with the leaves? Do i need to change it? Or will they eat it all/degrade over time?
  16. Ok so I just need to ""re-salt"" when i do water changes, got it. How often do you recommend i do a water change? every week was my plan but would it be better if it was by day or every 2 days ect?
  17. Oh btw stupid question i know but for the salt treatment do you give the dosage every day or every week? And do you change the water day by day?
  18. pH I would say either 7 or 7.2 and 7.4 on a test of high PH Nitrates 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Ammonia 0 Water Temperature About 72/74 F or 25/26 C Did not get an image of what she was doing on the log since i already put her in the fry cage.
  19. Alright i will try that and report back in a couple days.
  20. So one of my female guppy is resting on the bottom of the tank, i dont know if shes sick or pregnant but its weird i keep seeing her go back to the same spot over and over. The spot is a on top of my log decoration. Any ideas? Maybe shes pregnant but i swear she was not near a male for a more than 8 months. Any ideas on what i should do? Will post image later if you guys need some.
  21. Ah alright i will try that and post the results. Thanks mates. Though only thing Should i separate my angel fish from the others? My aquarium does have plants and a snail. Also I think hes fully grown and my hospital tank is a five gallon will he still be alright?
  22. Sorry for the late reply but yeah I think that's it. I was not sure but i saw some other damage near its head. That being said changing the filter seems to have help. It says you need metronidazole to cure right? Can i get that here in canada? Since my country seems to have ban some stuff recently.
  23. Still looks the same but ive changed the filter so maybe that could help.
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