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Everything posted by mgudyka

  1. Thank you, the last thing I would want to do is hurt fish in the process so it sounds like ammonia chloride is the way to go
  2. I don't even have a tank filled with fish yet and I already find myself planning new tanks due to MTS. I am slowly convincing my husband it's necessary under the guise of needing a quarantine tank (which is true of course) but then needing another one when some fish don't get along, etc. I will have to make a purchase of some ammonium chloride
  3. 29 gallon tank. I have two plants right now (windelov java fern and anubias nana) with more on the way. I don't know anyone who fishkeeps but I have been thinking about going on my local neighborhood board and asking if anyone local would be willing to share.
  4. I AM impatient but I also am inexperienced and I don't want to not see issues and let fish die because of it. I supposed I could buy the ammonium chloride (I would just add it to the pile of things I don't need ever again). Normal household ammonia might be good for cleaning windows, but I opt to keep my windows smudgy so birds don't fly into them if they are too clean ☺️. I did do the high range after the first round (and thought maybe I tested for nitrates wrong so I did it again) and I think I am at a pretty good pH right?
  5. Hi all, I am an absolute novice at this hobby. I have had my tank running for 5 days now. I added Fritzyme 7 to the tank and added some fish food in hopes to get things moving. I received my test kit today (thanks aquarium co-op!) and tested my water and there is absolutely nothing going on here. Is fish food not going to be enough to get things moving? Should I be adding a couple fish and just test frequently and change water often? And then add more fish when it has been fully cycled? Thank you everyone for the advice.
  6. Wow! Thank you for the thoughtful response. I definitely don't know what I am going to do haha but these are great suggestions. I appreciate it
  7. Hi all, I haven't had an aquarium in my life since I was a child. Something recently jump started my interest in fish keeping. Conveniently at the same time, a semi local pet store chain was having a $1 per gallon sale, so I picked up a 29 gallon tank. While my tank cycles, I am trying to decide on what to stock my tank with. I will definitely be sticking to freshwater. My original plan was to get a betta along with some schooling fish, but as I learn more about the types of tropical fish there are, the harder it is for me to commit. I am not committed to bettas. I would love having fish in a variety of bright colors. I am not sure if brightly colored fish make suitable tank mates for bettas, though. Right now I have two lil plants but I have ordered many more (the vendor opted to halt shipping until the massive shipping delays with fedex were over) with the goal of having a heavily planted tank. I am having the hardest time narrowing it down. I would love suggestions. I am attaching a picture of my tank right now. Thank you everyone 😊
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