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Everything posted by Chewyrat77

  1. I have one bristlenose pleco in my main tank that was in with fish that have never been quarantined. I sold all those fish and now have a QT tank with mollies and a dwarf gourami. If I QT the bristlenose with the rest of these new fish how long should i wait or what should i do to the main tank before adding all the fish from QT into the main tank? The only thing I suspect the bristlenose has is internal parasites.
  2. How long would you leave the main tank without fish or the bristlenose empty before you felt safe adding all the QT fish and bristlenose back into the main tank?
  3. I have very hard water plus salt in the tank. The two fish are basically lethargic and not eating. They just sit around on the bottom of the tank.
  4. I currently have 10 mollies and one dwarf gourami in QT. Two of the mollies aren't looking so hot right now but I just started the med trio Saturday. My question is, after the full med treatment if these two mollies still arent acting right is it still ok to move the rest out of QT into my main tank?
  5. Does general cure actually kill tapeworms and general internal parasites or just expel them from the intestines?
  6. How long would I have to simply leave a tank dry for before it would be deemed "sterile"? Not reusing any of the contents except the heater and lid.
  7. When it comes to tapeworms and general internal parasites does general cure actually kill them or just expel them from the intestines?
  8. Which aquarium co op intake sponge fits snug on the fx4 intake down tube? The large with a 1 1/4 inch hole seems way too big and the medium with a half inch hole seems about right but it's a pretty small sponge size. Thoughts??
  9. Can I feed this as a staple food for mollies, endlers, platys, corydoras and dwarf gourami?
  10. Can I feed this as a staple food for mollies, endlers, platys, corydoras and dwarf gourami?
  11. Any suggestions on what to feed mollies in my 125g. Two fx4s with no sponges on intakes and I dont really want to put them on there. I'm afraid that too much flake food will be sucked into the canisters unless I turn them off during feeding and even then it could be the same. What's a good pellet for mollies or do you not think this will be an issue if I'm turning the filters off during feeding? Thoughts??
  12. Yeah. I just got my order today and that seems like it would be really hard to get over that. Looks like it will fit the intake on my 10 gallon perfectly though. I'll have to wait and see how the flow affects the fish after I get them in there.
  13. That's the mini correct? I have one of those coming in my order for the intake on my 10 gallon. Maybe I'll see if I like what it does. I do like the surface agitation though since I have only one airstone in the 125. Have alot of large rocks (fake universal rocks) in there and some plants from elite cichlids coming. All that may help break up the flow.
  14. Is two fx4s on a 125 with 3 of the 4 nozzles pointed at the surface too much flow/current for mollies, endlers, corydoras, dwarf gourami?
  15. Ok. Do you have any idea how long internal parasites live without a host?
  16. The bristlenose has been with the cichlids who had never been quarantined. I was thinking to be on the safe side I could quarantine him before adding fish in with him that had just been quarantined/treated with the med trio. You think this is unnecessary?
  17. I have a 125 cycled that had African Cichlids and one bristlenose pleco in it. I recently sold all the cichlids and I'm keeping the tank cycled by feeding the basically empty tank. I have mollies in QT that will be going in there after that but I want to remove and QT the pleco as well just to be on the safe side. The cichlids had no signs of illness but I can't see internal parasites so that's why I'm asking how long to wait before putting the pleco and mollies in after QT
  18. How long do internal parasites and parasites in general excluding ich live in a cycled tank without a host?
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