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Everything posted by Chewyrat77

  1. The Kordon rapid cure doesn't seem to be working either. What's the temp that mollies and platies can handle for a week or so? I might have to crank the temp up from 82 to 86 for a week and just add some more salt. I've used this method before when I had ich in my 125 with African cichlids and it always worked with no meds at all. Thoughts??
  2. I cleaned out my filter yesterday and found 12 fry. Lol. I went and got a mesh breeder box at petsmart since the one I had is broken (all plastic, but the nipple that holds the suction cup is broke off). Anyway, when I try to feed the fry crushed up flakes the other fish in the tank come over there and nip at the mesh and probably fry after they are done eating what I gave them. Any suggestions? I also have some community repashy that I could use to coat something and suspend it in the breeder box but I'm not sure if they will eat that or not. Thoughts??
  3. I switched to Kordon rapid cure. It's worked for me before
  4. I have ich in my quarantine tank that showed up on the last day of doing the med trio marinate (all three for 7 days). I've now been treating for ich with ich x per the instructions on the bottle for 5 or 6 days but it's not going away. It goes away on some fish and comes back on others. Just doesn't seem to be going away and I'm sure its ich. Also have salt in the tank. Any suggestions on what else to do?
  5. I usually run my mollies/platies/variatus main tank at just under 80 degrees but I recently lowered the temp in that tank to just a hair over 78. My quarantine tank is at 81 degrees so transferring fish to the main tank before was a simple plop and drop. So my question is, do you guys think I'll still be ok to use this technique with nearly a 3 degree difference?
  6. What tank temp do you guys run your molly/platy/variatus at?
  7. Yeah I've noticed that mine constantly graze on the algae in the tank
  8. I think your correct. After the week is up I'll probably just treat with maracyn and ich x until the waiting period is up to redose the general cure
  9. Yeah. Like I just told laritheloud, it's odd because this started about half way through the first week of the maranate method with the med trio (all three meds for a week). Once I seen it I did a 30% water change and added more maracyn and ich x. It's a female swordtail and I bought 3 males with 2 females thinking it would be ok with that ratio until they got into the main tank. So I think it could have got started by some fin nipping from the males but I haven't really seen it happening. Thoughts??
  10. Well it's odd. This showed up about half way through the week of using the med trio (maranate method) all three meds in there for a week. Once I seen it I did a 30% water change and added more ich x and maracyn.
  11. I currently have 8 fish in quarantine and one is showing a spot that is appearing to be fin rot or a bacterial infection. My question being, Is it ok to move the other fish to my main tank and leave that one behind until its fully treated? I have a few pics I can send if that would help.
  12. Any known issues of the vibra bites causing bloat? Seems like they would swell alot. Also what flake do you recommend?
  13. Not big on the frozen foods. Any other suggestions. I was thinking the Hikari freeze dried blood worms or vibra bites. The vibra bites worry though because of possible bloat
  14. I'm currently feeding my fish Tetra flakes and occasionally some community repashy gel. What are some other foods that I can feed to change things up a bit?
  15. Lol. It's not a planted tank though. I just have alot of the malawi rocks from universal rocks in there and some really nice fake plants from a place I can't remember the name. I know planted would be even better
  16. I do 50% water changes probably every two weeks maybe 3 weeks at the most and I have two fx4s on there. Overkill filtration because I used to keep African Cichlids. Got tired of the aggression
  17. I have a 125g tank with 23 mollies/platies/variatus in it right now. I recently purchased 3 male swordtails, 1 female swordtail, and 3 other female mollies/platies/variatus. All of these new fish are in my 10g QT tank. My question is do the female mollies/platies/variatus count towards a 4 to 1 female/male ratio with the swordtails after I have all the fish in my 125? Thoughts?? Maybe I've been reading too much about swordtail aggression. Lol
  18. I have a 10g qt tank that currently has 5 mollies. About a week or so ago I noticed one of them had a white stuff on it. Definitely not ich or fin rot. I did a large water change, cleaned the intake filter and sponge filter. Added my salt back plus a little extra. Immediately after doing the water change I noticed it was gone from the fish. I continued my qt treatment as usual and now a week later it is back and due to my lack of attention one of them has died. Does this sound like Saprolegnia or Columnaris? Like I said the strange thing is that it disappeared immediately after that water change. Thoughts??
  19. No, I never seen it moving and don't see any red spots. It was around an inch long too and I'm not sure if camallanus worms get that big. Seemed pretty big to come out of a sunset variatus. The TetraMin tropical flakes I'm feeding look to be 1/3 red flakes and I'm also feeding Repashy community
  20. I recently moved a group of variatus from quarantine after probably a month or more into my 125 molly/platy/variatus tank. Today I noticed that one of them had a reddish colored turd hanging out and when it came all the way out I inspected it on the floor of the tank and it wasn't really moving or anything (wish I had taken a picture). A little while later I went back over to look at it and it was gone. I had heard of these camallanus worms before so I googled them and it kinda looked one. My question is if that was one will it die off without a host? That is if another fish didn't eat it.
  21. I recently moved a group of variatus from quarantine after probably a month or more into my 125 molly/platy/variatus tank. Today I noticed that one of them had a reddish colored turd hanging out and when it came all the way out I inspected it on the floor of the tank and it wasn't really moving or anything (wish I had taken a picture). A little while later I went back over to look at it and it was gone. I had heard of these camallanus worms before so I googled them and it kinda looked one. My question is if that was one will it die off without a host? That is if another fish didn't eat it.
  22. Does the dwarf gourami disease only affect the dwarf gouramis or if this happens will it affect my mollies/platies/variatus?
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