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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Seachems Kanaplex or neoplex are good broad spectrum antibiotic or you can get maracyn
  2. In UK I still have access to these medication Esha 2000 is better at treating fungal infections it's only effective at treating minor bacterial issues I wouldn't use it to treat more serious bacterial infections salt going to be best option for external bacterial infections and fungal if used in conjunction with esha 2000 will provide a more effective treatment salt and esha exit are effective at treating ich flubendazole or fenbendazole are found in over the counter dog dewormers and are effective at treating flukes nematode worms hook worms round worms
  3. Esha product are readily available in Europe esha exit that will treat white spot active ingredient are malachite green and methylene blue esha ndx active ingredient levamisole esha gdex active ingredient is praziquantel will treat most commonly encountered parasites Sera Baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic is effective at treating gram negative bacterial disease and aquarium salt will treat fungal infections and some external bacterial infections depending on the level used
  4. The medication expel p is a 24hr treatment then you do a 50% water change run carbon for 24 hrs to remove the remaining medication and gravel vac to remove as much of the expelled worms and eggs and repeat in 7 days do three full course of treatment expel p and maracyn2 won't colour your water won't harm your plants if you have snails such as mystery or rabbit snails levamisole can be harmful so I would remove them while your treating@Lillypad
  5. You can get the odd random deaths with a parasitic infections and you can get secondary bacterial infections what I would get holed of Fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole and get holed of maracyn2 that's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment I would treat once a week for three weeks with expel p if any fish develop any Redding like the guppy in the picture then I would do a course of maracyn2
  6. Your KH and pH is on the low side for guppies guppies like a pH of 7.5 I would add some crushed coral to help raise your pH and KH if yoo plan on adding more guppies in the future could be a parasitic infections with what your describing your guppy in picture looks like it has a bacterial infection with Redding do you have any medication to hand
  7. I noticed you had a small amount of nitire so it's possible you had an ammonia spike and missed a little more information would be helpful What's your KH GH pH Nitrate temperature what filtration have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food erratic swimming suken belly @Lillypad
  8. Colu


    Looks like ich I would treat with ick X and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes treat for 3 days after seeing the last spots
  9. If you can't get maracyn2 I would treat with kanaplex
  10. The only disease I can think that cause black spots is black spot disease the recommended treatment is praziquantel active ingredient in prazipro it's rarely fatal usually self limiting and doesn't require treatment it's more commonly found in pound because it need birds as part of its life cycle am not convinced that's what it is what's your ammonia level @Jesse L
  11. You can get secondary bacterial infections caused by the damage the ich trophont do to the the skin of your fish if your seeing Reddening on the skin it might be worthwhile also doing a course of maracyn2 as well
  12. How long have you had the fish and have you added any new fish to his tank recently as spitting out food and lose of appetite can be a sign of a parasitic infection if you had him a long time and added no new fish recently you can rule that out
  13. If it were epistylis you would want to keeping treating with ick X and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if there not eating dose the tank and do two courses of maracyn2 back to back if you can't get maracyn2 kanaplex is what I would treat with if you can take pictures of the sick fish it will help with a diagnosis
  14. Are the spots raised or flat if there raised you could be dealing with epistylis that feed's off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures here's how you tell the difference increase surface agation and add more air stones
  15. At higher dose they are more sensitive to at the level I recommended 1 table spoon for 5 gallons is fine with scaleless fish I have used that level on my bristlenose with out any issues
  16. Well I got replacement filter head that didn't resolve the issue I think I have finally found the causes the I think flow valve is broken on the outtake pipe it's set to full i think on the in side it's stuck on low I have replacement coming so in the next couple of days helpful that will resolve the issue for good
  17. The most effective treatment for ich is gradually raise the temperature to 82 treat daily with ick X following the instructions on the bottle and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 5 gallon water change add back in 1 table spoon of salt as salt only removed though water changes @alyssa.hadley94and add an extra air stone during treatment
  18. I usually feed a small amount once a day during quarantine that's a small quarantine tank so I would feed a small amount every other day just remember with salt it's only removed though water changes if you were doing 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if you do a 2 gallon water change add 1 table spoon of salt back in @Joan Brugaland add an extra air stone during treatment
  19. kanaplex maracyn2 or neoplex is what I would treat with which everyone is more readily available there all broad spectrum antibiotic treatments
  20. What medication do you have to hand
  21. I would lower the temperature to 26 and add an extra air stone and I would do a course of kanaplex and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes at that level it won't harm your loach just remember to put back what you take so if you do 5 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in
  22. Dropsy can be caused by a number of things such as internal bacterial infections organ failure parasitic infections it's not uncommon for fish to relapse after recovering if your seeing the fish return to normal no pineconing it's eating ok and active then I would leave low dose of salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for another week and treat with metronidazole for another week I would stop treating with Melafix give an update after a week
  23. did you quarantine the new loach before adding them to the main tank have treated them with any medication
  24. Look like a bad case of hole in the head some debate as to what causes hole in the head supposedly link between active carbon it can cause fish to stop eating try using garlic guard or entice that @nabokovfan87 suggested to get him to eat and do a course of metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for a minimum of three weeks if he's not eating I would dose the tank with metronidazole that's the active ingredient in metroplex if you don't have live plants I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and add an extra air stone during treatment @Becky S.
  25. Mortality rates are low with fish suffering from lymphocystis
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