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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Possible prolapse I would recommend doing Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help your fish reabsorb the prolapse @memorywrangler
  2. Colu

    black corys dying

    Chloramine T is a general purpose treatment it's only effective at treating some external bacterial infection with the symptoms your fish are displaying antibiotic treatment would be the most effective treatment for internal bacterial infection's
  3. It wouldn't hurt to add more wood for them
  4. Clown plecos are omnivores so require a mix of algae wafers cucumber lettuce whole peas blood worms brine shrimp as long as they don't have sunken belly's I wouldn't worry to much they probably eating a small amount of the food your offering
  5. The only success I have had with plants is water lettuce and elodea the trick is to get the plants established before adding the goldfish you could add Javan fern's as long as the root are established enough to withstand the attention of the goldfish you could try the co-op easy plants to protect the roots of the plants while they establish
  6. Nice scrape you can't go wrong with pearl gourami's or Odessa barbs they color up really well as they start to put on some size I would recommend adding some floating plants for the Pearl gourami's
  7. Ick x is safe to use with shrimp I would just treat the main tank as all the fish will have been exposed to it I would treat with ick x for 3 days after you see the last spots and add a Small amount of aquarium salt as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the aquarium salt will add back in essential electrolytes @Scaperoot
  8. You can treat fish lice with Hikari cyroPro or ESHA alx it can take multiple treatments
  9. Colu

    black corys dying

    It's very unusual to have multiple fish displaying These symptoms at the same time I would be suspicious of water quality such as high nitrates can weaken fish immune systems leave them susceptible to infection the bloating can be caused by kidney infection or internal parasites or internal bacterial infection's as you have done a first course of esha ndx I would recommend treating with Epsom salt baths for no more than 15 minutes for 5 -7 days as @Odd Duckhas suggested keep a close eye on them during Epsom salt baths if you notice any odd behavior remove them straight away from the Epsom salt bath and if you can get an antibiotic treatment such as Sera baktopur direct tables or kanaplex the active ingredient kanamycin sulfate is a good antibiotic for treating kidney infection I would treat with that if you can't get them you can contact a vet to see if you could get a prescription for antibiotics ESHA 2000 is only effective at treating mild external bacterial infection it won't help in this instance @Ron.h
  10. It's difficult to see the spots in your picture if you suspect ich I would start treating with ick x keep keep the salt at 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss the salt will add essential electrolytes straight away and treat for three days after you see the last spots @TKostecki
  11. Sorry to hear that he didn't make dwarf gourami iridovirus is becoming more common until your fish start symptoms that can be 6 months to a year after you get them makes it difficult to diagnose
  12. As this is the second gourami to have had these symptoms I wouldn't put any more gourami's in this as iridovirus can remain dormant in the tank for a minimum of 6 months reinfecting any gourami's you add to the tank if you are going to put gourami's in the tank in the future I would sterilize the tank using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or bleach be careful not to cross contaminate any nets or other equipment that you use in other tanks with gouramis
  13. There's a couple of things it could be an injury or dwarf gourami iridovirus if you can I would quarantine and add some aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes you could also do a course of maracyn or kanaplex if it's iridovirus there's no treatment available it has a 100% mortality rate it can lay dormant for up to a year before your fish start to show symptoms usually kills with in 10 days @FLFishChik
  14. Sorry he not doing well You could lower the water level so it's easy for him keep up right and increase the level of salt to 1 table for 5 gallons at this point it's just a case of wait and see
  15. I think it would be worth treating with maracyn or maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component these type of lumps can also be caused by a viral infection in that case the antibiotic treatment will help to provent secondary bacterial infection I would up you water changes to once a week for the next couple weeks and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes I would recommend getting some 5 in 1 test strips and ammonia test strips from the co-op to keep a closer eye on your water parameters during treatment @Christine L
  16. What I would do is another 50% water change and redose the correct amount of wormer plus and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes to give more energy
  17. more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc have you notice any aggression that could have caused these lumps how long have you had them when do you notice the first bump and how long before your other fish started showing the same symptoms @Christine L
  18. Betta's are heavily inbred it not uncommon to get genetic deformities in most batches of fry a small percentage will have these issues that what's more than likely going on i wouldn't use these for breeding they will pass on the negative traits some breeder will cull these individuals that a personal choice
  19. Columnaris is a gram negative bacteria it requires a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment that why I recommend treating with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone it's the most effective treatment I have found for columnaris maracyn predominantly treat's gram positive and some gram negative bacteria it isn't very effective at treating columnaris
  20. the white patches on the mouth is usually the start of mouth rot associated with columnaris it spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill your in 24hr up to 7 days depending on the stain I would quarantine and treat with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan I would also keep a close eye on your other fish if more start to show symptoms I would treat the main tank @JGlidden
  21. Colu

    black corys dying

    Theirs two medication that are similar Sera baktopur direct tables active ingredient is Nifurpirinol and Sera baktopur active ingredient is acriflavine and Methylene blue
  22. Colu

    black corys dying

    Yes you can use salt and ESHA ndx together
  23. Colu

    black corys dying

    Yes you can use ESHA ndx it does treat different types of internal parasites to Gdex I would use that as you have it to hand I would treat once a week for three weeks
  24. If you think you have over dosed I would do a 50% water change to bing the level down to a safe amount
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