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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @FLFishChiki bought an AC 110 from petco a couple of weeks ago for $47. You can get crazy sales and loopholes. Pickup in store takes 10% off. Also there are sometimes specials where you can get 25% off for first purchase on the site. If you’ve bought from them already, have a friend do it and pay them. Also I believe Chewy may have a similar sale. No need to spend $200 on 2 AC 110’s.
  2. @Elyse Douglas How busy do you want it to be? Personally, I’d go with 4 more boesmani, 4 more neons, and 2 more turquoise, but I’d call it done after that. With rainbows, busy is great, but too busy gives me anxiety. But that’s just me.
  3. Personally I would do either 2 large ACO sponge filters, one in each corner. Or 1 ACO sponge filter and an Aquaclear 110 with pre filter sponge. Id start with the 2 sponges and upgrade as needed, but that’s just me. There’s a zillion ways to do the same thing.
  4. It depends on what you’re keeping. There are pro’s and con’s to them all.
  5. I have an Oscar that is a literal water puppy, but nothing comes close to Saul the flowerhorn. He’s by far, the most personable fish I’ve ever kept. I’ve had a ton of different types of fish, including most cichlids, dwarf and large, and nothing acts more like a puppy as an Oscar or flowerhorn.
  6. @Elyse Douglas @nabokovfan87 personally, I never use aquarium salt. With that said, all my aquariums creep somewhere around 80-81, however they do have a ton of oxygenation. I believe adding an airstone or 2 would help tremendously. Once you add one, you should see an improvement within an hour. As a sidebar, did you use a dechlorinator?
  7. @FLFishChik there are a few different locales, my favorite are the Aytinjo and the other I’ve seen are Aves Creek. There is also the aquarium strain which is probably the one you were wanting. Check out Dan’s fish for anything rainbow fish related.
  8. @Atitagain what kind of filtration do you have on your Oscar tank? If it’s a HOB or a canister then that’s probably the reason you’re not successful with duckweed. @JettsPapa agreed, overall a much easier experience than a nano. I understand most of us don’t have the space for larger aquariums, but something should be said at how it isn’t even close maintenance wise.
  9. You could easily do all of the above. Personally I would do 1 pleco and 24-30 corydoras. You’ll experience some really neat behaviors in a school that large. What kind of boesmani were you thinking? @FLFishChik
  10. @Littlefish very true if you have 1 nano tank, but for those with MTS, it’s much more difficult to maintain an algae outbreak, plant trimming, gravel vac, and just general water change/maintenance on 10-30 tanks. Plus I don’t have algae outbreaks, duckweed is another way I’ve made this hobby a ton easier for me.
  11. I’ve had bouts of this and once we had our baby and work schedules became a bit too much, I decided that I could limit the amount of aquariums by setting a “no smaller than 75 gallon” rule. Larger aquariums are way easier to care for, maintain, and stock. I sold off or gave away anything smaller. I also limited my YouTube intake of fish content dramatically. I noticed that as I watched someone in their fish room, I was making mental wish lists, and it was getting ridiculous. Collectoritis is a real thing and it was getting borderline corny. I now have a very reasonable fish maintenance schedule which I enjoy, albeit with larger aquariums/stock ponds. I’m a much happier fish keeper now than I ever was and my family appreciates the hobby rather than the hobby taking me away from them for hours at a time.
  12. @Luciferkrist I wouldn’t let the hardness of the water deter you from getting one. They only prefer slightly alkaline conditions. I would purchase from a store that has softer water and you should be good to go. I will pm you a place that has a huge selection and also has soft water. Just beware that if you get a group, they will be a bit more aggressive, although can be kept in planted tanks, they will go after your gourami once breeding commences. However, as an individual, they will murder endlers and fry.
  13. @Luciferkrist if I were in your place, I’d add a small jewel or convict cichlid. Don’t add more than 1 because then you’ll have a load of other problems. If they aren’t breeding then they aren’t digging. Specifically hemochromis exsul will likely eradicate your endler problem and then if it doesn’t fit your scape, you can always keep it in a much smaller aquarium. Arowana’s probably wouldn’t even register an endler fry as food. Exsul also have the added bonus of being beautiful. Also after a couple of weeks of it being in the aquarium, I’d stop feeding that aquarium for a week and just spot feed the bichir. This should alleviate your problems dramatically. Good luck
  14. I know the math doesn’t add up, will post receipt as soon as my wife gets home.
  15. Yesterday I purchased an Aquaclear 110 for $47 including taxes at petco. 25% off for first time buyer (my wife) and then an extra 10% for picking up in store. I’ve never gotten one for less than $67 so this was a personal record.
  16. I haven’t tried it because I haven’t had your problem, but seems logical that it would be easier to feed a hungry fish than one that knows food is coming if it ignores the flakes long enough.
  17. Have you tried not feeding for a week and then trying flakes? @GregJ23
  18. I would definitely try that out before investing in new parts or a new filter.
  19. It’s all on what you prefer. Personally I prefer canisters and hang on backs on my larger aquariums. Have you cleaned all the hoses thoroughly? You could have some built up crud going on inside the fx6 tubing.
  20. @Elyse Douglas it may be time for a new one, but I do know that they have pasted way longer than 2 years for most, it’s quite strange.
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