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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Bigdog99 I did not mean a literal $50-$100, I mean you either spend it now or potentially inherit someone else’s problem. This isn’t the hobby to get by as cheap as possible from the beginning. You will have to spend some money and a peace of mind is well worth it.
  2. I’d go shrimp only. You can keep a countless supply in a 5 gallon. Also most lfs will gladly trade or buy neo’s.
  3. Cheap is very risky word when looking to purchase an aquarium. Sometimes, spending an extra $50-$100 now can save you the headache of something going very wrong. There are definitely ways to be frugal in this hobby, but this is not where I’d start.
  4. @JosiahBass you’re asking and we are doing the process of elimination. Whether you agree or not, it just kind of is what it is. Plastic plants have torn up fish before. In one of your photos, I see plastic plants. Whether it’s the quarantine tank or not, is too much for me to keep up with. Just know, the more decor, the higher the chance of injury.
  5. I can’t give you an exact diagnosis, however keeping a hefty catfish like that means you’re going to have to minimize all of the plastic items in that tank. Plastic plants are notorious for being sharp and a feeler is quite fragile. Your setup doesn’t match the species being kept and it’ll only get worst as it puts on size.
  6. Fin rot wouldn’t take half the whisker in a matter of days. It would be a bit more drawn out than that. Again, that’s assuming he had full whiskers when he went in.
  7. If he had them when he went in the tank then my guess would be that he got spooked and bumped into the glass, that cave, the filter, or the lid. What size aquarium do you have him goin into next? 15 gallon is really small even for a quarantine for these guys.
  8. Photos would greatly help your cause. What size aquarium and what’s the decor, tank mates, etc.
  9. @Schuyler https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/16-13-a-few-oddities/ It’s a fascinating read.
  10. Lights just came on and everyone seems to be hiding. I believe there are 2 up front. I just moved them into this aquarium a couple of weeks ago so they seem to spook easily. They did not like my phone near their aquarium. @AAE
  11. @Tony s agreed. It freaked me out at first, but curiosity has the best of me. I want to see how big it will get, it’s got plenty of room to grow, whatever it is. The fish and plants seem unphased by it.
  12. @Schuyler I found a spot online that described it. If I can find it again, I will attach it here.
  13. Personally, if you’re going to go rainbows, I’d stick with pseudomugils and please don’t put an angelfish in a 20 long unless you have something taller to move it to. If it were me, I’d add to the gouramis.
  14. I’ll always vote shellie, they’re insanely entertaining.
  15. And it grows, pretty quickly and is spreading throughout the same piece of wood. It looks like black coral. Just as a size reference, that’s a 4” rainbow and way in the background are 5” Denison barbs. First time, I wanted the fish to dive bomb the photo for size reference, but apparently they had an etiquette class earlier today.
  16. @AAE it’s lights out at this point but as soon as I get the chance, will do.
  17. Sounds cool, I would imagine you’d have to be sure the CPD’s get to the food. Other than that, it sounds pretty spectacular.
  18. Wow that sort of throws an asterisk after the “brichardi death squad” Those are great fish, I have a colony of Daffodils from Germany, they are one of my favorite fish.
  19. @AAE very cool. Have those brichardi bred? How do they interact with the julidochromis?
  20. @AAE I just snapped this photo, however lights were off so everyone is sleeping. You get the idea though.
  21. @AAE I have a 75 gallon species only with some Chindongo Saulosi and they love their cichlid stones. I probably have somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 of various sizes. It makes a really cool scape if you have enough of them and the various sizes help create a ton of depth. Their customer service is also excellent. 2 of them arrived broken so they shipped out replacements plus an extra. Great product.
  22. Agreed with everything stated above. I’ll add that I also treat my ricefish to hikari (saki) ricefish formula for fry and also a different formula for breeding adults. I’ve had mine shipped from Japan and shipping wasn’t too bad. Try eBay if interested. The packaging is ridiculously cool.
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