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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Wow, I wish I could draw fish, I tried to draw a betta fish one time and that did not work. Nice picture
  2. Yes they are my favorite fish ever, thanks for the suggestion again!!!
  3. I always just use the water conditioner even if there is no chlorine to be safe, if you don’t have a way to test chlorine then I would definitely add some @annalyn
  4. I wanted to do this before now but here we go, gotta a 10 gallon, want more plants and more plants so I got some more from AC 2 days ago, currently in this tank I have anubias nana, Pearl weed, and micro sword, I ordered Java fern, root tabs, and moneywort 2 days ago, the fish in the tank is white cloud minnows at the moment,this tank has been set up since like the last day of December, got it for a killer deal at 50 bucks instead of 80, but over these last 2 months I have dropped at least 350 bucks on it, it has been quite a journey that I hope to share with others 🙂. Thanks to @Scaperoot for suggesting to start this topic!!! ps: sorry for the bad pics 🙃
  5. Thanks I was just wondering about that, yes I should start a topic on that, thanks so much for the suggestion @Scaperoot 😀
  6. No yeah your right, i was just saying uselly, most of the time it is a product that is just not good or the shipping was messsed up or they lose it,but sometimes people just be mean to the company because the product was not everything they wanted, your right, it is just our human nature.
  7. 😂 yeah it seems that most people that give 1 star review on everything don’t understand something or are just completely mad over nothing that doesn’t have to do with the product 😅 Oh man, the nitrite is pretty high there, dead fish all day 😂nitrates are not even reading on there
  8. Yeah ok, uh I guess photos, videos, and journals for that kind of thing, or experiments @Auban if you are asking that, about a topic on them….
  9. Yes if u can, could you get this topic in the disease forum, a lot of people see thatway more than this, I suggest salt, (aquarium salt) kanaplex, ich x.
  10. What are the paremeters @Cjbear087? Best to know those before examining this
  11. I have never kept ramshorns so don’t trust me on the ramshorn part but, is this the only one in the tank @yakteriyaki?
  12. Shrimp or harqulin rosaboras or white Cloud Mountain minnows which are super hardy, is this a planted tank @Felicia? kinda late to the topic lol
  13. Yes I like to draw a lot too, I used to do the really hard coloring books but realized that coloring is not my thing lol
  14. Yeah it kinda does look like a baby SNAIL, just not 100% if it is A ramshorn snail, thinking you have ramshorns in the tank right @yakteriyaki
  15. Same question here, you don’t need one if you don’t have any algae. I probably would not like the look but if they are the best algae eating fish then I would probably get them if I had algae.
  16. Yes I forgot to mention that both are great beginner fish and water paremeters are uselly not an issue here.
  17. Yes you can get all these I mentioned here at petco + even more kinds of shrimp + snails @annalyn
  18. Here is some options @annalyn, nerite snails, 1-2 is fine, a group of Amano shrimp or cherry shrimp.
  19. Hello, i have a Q before suggesting algae eaters, what tank size is this exactly @annalyn?
  20. @Ronnie, like @JosiahBass said, treating him is what you should do here, kanaplex is good too, look these up buy one, treat and inspect him after, more Qs is great and hope you continue on updates for us.
  21. No problem, it would be awesome if you could add easy root tabs from AC lol, but i am sure that doesn’t work at all 😅
  22. If you don’t have a testing kit, I suggest the API test kit, guppies can be kinda sensitive to certain water paremeters like bettas, or at least could you get a ammonia test kit @Guupy42?
  23. I was reading this and getting more and more jealous 🤣🤣🤣. I like the stoking ideas there @FLFishChik, and like everyone else said, should not be a problem and like @Wisdom said if you don’t want to fall asleep at 3:00 AM in the morning because you are wondering “is this something I should be concerned about?” then any wood not just plywood could be slapped on there, and ther you fine, no more restless nights lol
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