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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Wow! That’s a HIGE RELIEF!!!!!! Thanks soooooo much @shawnkissed! I am very glad you clarified this. Thanks! No worries now I guess!
  2. Looks like your almost there! What is your nitrite reading tho? That is very important. Or did I miss something? 😂 I do that a lot. @Yoshi also how long has it been? Since you started. I was wondering how long it was tnak8ng you exactly…
  3. Yes, no worries, mine used to be absolutely covered in algae. And had leafs like that. But now it is thriving. For micro sword root tabs will help more than you might think, but most importantly, you need ACs all in one fertilizer to help your micro sword thrive, it makes a big difference. Plants need those ferts
  4. I am in the minority of the people who say yes, it is fine for WCMMs to be in a 5. It can happen, 5-6 only tho, I’ve seen multiple YouTubers say it is completely fine and you can make it happen, I’ve seen some people have them in a extremely planted tank. Like plants all over the place with shrimp. But overall, the best choice IMO is a betta for that size tank, but witha betta, idk if shrimp is a good idea. Yes, same Q
  5. AC Sponge filters are very adjustable, I just bought my first one, and it is awesome! It can be on a very level, with lots more flow, or if you want slower flow just turn it down with a airline air controller (which is almost always included with the pump you buy). I 100% recommend it and I have only had it for a few days now 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Here are some quick links to everything you will need for your pump and sponge filter. (I am sure you have owned lots previously and you should be able to find both links but) here they are! https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/filtration/products/aquarium-co-op-coarse-sponge-filter https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/air-pumps/products/aquarium-co-op-air-pump https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/air-pumps/products/check-valve https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/air-pumps/products/ziss-premium-air-valve https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/air-pumps/products/aquarium-co-op-black-airline-tubing But hey, I asked for HOB recommendations. So I am just gonna let u decide. ACs nano hob or sponge filter would be great for your betta. Your choice!!!!! @Tropicalfishkeeping201
  6. Ooooooooooh, ok that makes more sense! I already started it though 😞. But maybe next time! Like, I am going to set up my empty 5g, and probably make it a QT tank, and I will most likely use this method! Thanks! @EricksonAquatics.
  7. Yes sorry that is confusing. I meant that I was not good at patience but now have learned, oh and yes my other tank is cycled and my fish are thriving, + I got a new snail and it is heavily planted. It is just what I want to do, idk why, but yeah I love doing it Yes I just added BB and ammonia, so if I take out my filter cartridge (yes those brand name ones that are expensive, yes I was deceived😒) and throw it in there, and my 10g will have no cartridge? I am confused 😐. Thanks tho!!!!
  8. About to start cycle today!!!! Updates along the way as well. I am going to order some plants and supplies from AC, not sure if anybody noticed, but AC changed the minimum price of free shipping from 80 bucks, to 50, and that is much better! Thx AC!!!!! Now i am able to get free shipping faster.
  9. It has been the same lately, no improvements, nothing. But nothing has gotten worse, 3 have it, but I think there are 2 females and they don't have it, so thinking the males are trying to attract the females? I have a lot of plants and i have read, the more plants, and better diet, the better chance of breeding these WCMMs. So maybe just breeding? They are healthy as they can be, swim, are active, they are very active in fact. But ich x is still on hand just in case, Mini update 🙂
  10. Yep, in aquariums, bigger is almost always better! The bigger tank, the more stocking options! Agreed
  11. Yeah it would seem I would do that, I have a hob tho on my other tank, and this might seem odd to u, but I love the fishless cycle, patience isn’t my thing, but I will do it for the health and sake of my future fishes! Yes what you mentioned is perfectly safe prob but this is just what I am sticking with. 🙂 @doktor zhivago.
  12. Cool, thanks! Got it, just wondering the cause. Yes my patience will have to be tested again (sigh) lol. Yay! Fishless cycle time, I actually am a pretty big fan of it, teh safe and best way to cycle and aquarium, but that is IMO. Thanks everyone! @GoofyGarra, @doktor zhivago, @Lonkley, @lefty o, @Tony s, thanks for all the quick and helpful responses!
  13. Ok, yes there is actually no stocking in the tank. I am going to start the cycle today. (Fishless). Thanks! Thanks! @doktor zhivago, one quick Q, can I start the fishless cycle today even tho it is like this? I use bottled ammonia and dr Tim’s bacteria to cycle my tanks.
  14. That was my thought, how long will this stay? If you even know, but it doesn’t have any thing to do with the water paremeters right? Thanks!!!!! @GoofyGarra.
  15. I’ve never tried this before, but the AC nano filter looks pretty good! It has very good reviews! Also says it’s great for bettas @Tropicalfishkeeping201. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/filtration/products/nano-tank-hang-on-back-filter-1
  16. I might be overreacting but the water was crystal clear in my 2 day old 20g, but now this morning it is so cloudy. I am not worried, just wondering what this is.. did I not rinse my sand well enough? Is this new tank syndrome? I was planning on starting cycle today as I have let the tank sit for 48 hours now, the only decor is spider wood and sand, and my sponge filter from AC. Thoughts? But I can barely see the other side.
  17. Welcome to the forum! Me too, I learn something new every day I read this forum!!!!
  18. Cool. I think I will PM u tho, on how to do the fishless cycle and what you will need. @Kunersbettas, if that would work for you.
  19. I was thinking of maybe just writing on here, like i know the most about cycling. Fishless cycling to be exact. I could do a whole thing on that and so on, but if docs is your thing that works too!!! I am just not a techy person, that is why i suggest this @Kunersbettas lol Or did i misread? I am bad at that.
  20. Mine exactly, if you do not watch your fish as much as possible, then don't own fish. They are very fun and cool to look at, you have to take advantage of that. Agreed.
  21. Congrats on setting up your new tank! I just gotta 20g, but I have read a lot of things, about different sizes. 20g long, it’s awesome, that is what I have tho 😜. 20 high is very cool looking and you can have more taller plants and all that stuff. But overall out of the 3, I say 20g high. For someone who is just getting a new 2nd tank, I wouldn’t go super big like a 40. But this is IMO. But if not 20 high, 29 high!
  22. Not anymore, he is doing fine, I fed them some BBS cubes earlier. Light is off now.
  23. I am here for this! Great summer project! I am now following this!
  24. So next Q is what is your fertilizer schedule? Lighting? Algae can take control of plants aid either of these two things are off. This is what I read. Algae Caused by Too Many NutrientsA build-up of nutrients in the aquarium can be caused by generous feeding, infrequent water changes or filter maintenance, overcrowding, using tap water that has high levels of nitrate and/or phosphate, or a combination of one or more of the above I’ve found this helpful. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-algae Hope this helps!!!!
  25. How does it come off? Easily, or is it stubborn and is harder to completely erase? Kinda looks like diatoms but not sure….. @TanTann the fish man. Somebody else can help maybe with identifying it. But my best guess is BBA.
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