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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Update: my ammonia is now at 1 ppm, nitrite 0 and ph same. 7.6 ph. I added more ammonia 2 days ago, and last night it read 1. So progress is being made! Welcome yes like @Flipper said, feel free to ask Qs!
  2. Idk, maybe. But seems more likely that a bladder or pond snail could hitchhike.
  3. This is probably poop, but just clarifying that it is correct. This is my nerite snail and right beside him it looks like poop. Idk becasue I don’t have much experience with nerites, can’t be eggs because they are usually white looking ones. Like sesame seeds. Again only clarifying. Thanks
  4. Mystery snail or bladder. Best guess, bladder snail. The picture that @bryanisag posted is pointing me towards bladder
  5. Yes agreed. We should not have To many pics. But if we had 80, wow, that would be almost picture every page lol. Oh i can do a section on WCMMs, i own them and have a good amount of experience with them. They may not be the most common, but are the #1 beginner fish out there for sure @Kunersbettas.
  6. For that size tank, white cloud minnows would be great, but a lid would probably be needed, agree with @Meep556, house panels from the Home Depot would work great. If you have a hob you can cut a hole in it for it. Or sponge filter just a tiny hole for tubing. @shrimpleaf. I vote WCMMs, or Pygmy’s.
  7. Oh ya, I forgot about that, yes it is perfectly fine! You could even put it into chapters. Idk but that doesn’t really matter. Just put it into small text right beside the other text @Kunersbettas.
  8. What do u think of my section? Hope it is good! @Kunersbettas
  9. Welcome to the forum! That is a awesome tank, same Q as xlinkedphoenix, what do u plan on putting in it?
  10. The tank cleared up a lot! It’s pretty clear now, paremeters later today, another mini update! :)
  11. Yes most likely diatom algae, all aquariums have it trust me, even non-planted tanks.
  12. Yes sadly that is prob the case. No not mine, I can’t tell them which ones either, becasue there is so many minnows and they just pick random ones 😔
  13. Update: my tank paremeters after todays check. Ammonia: .25 ppm. nitrite: a little bit over 0 ppm. ph is 7.6 still as well. There is the mini update, short and sweet :).
  14. Oh here it is, i forgot i made this last week lol. This is the guide, i tried so hard to not make any errors. But yeah here it is!!!!!! It has been a crazy week, but i tried very hard, i got some pictures from the internet and copied only about 7 sentences of stuff i found and thought i would include. Is that to many? Should i edit more? To many things from the internet. I still put a lot of my writing in there trust me.
  15. I am going to make something on google docs to start on the cycle part of this book. Then i will give you the link! I should have it done in the next week, sorry i was very busy today and i am finally starting to work on it.
  16. I have bad news, my 2 WCMMs, I bought from petsmart died right when I got home, but I brought them right home! Idk what happened, but they both died, RIP. One of them was very discolored, and he died as soon as I walked through my door. 😔. Can anyone help me figure why and how this happened if possible, I feel so bad…..
  17. Shrimp LOVE vegetables. squash or zucchini are usually favs. Calcium is beneficial for your shrimp so some crushed coral or wonder shell can work good. Seachem Equilibrium can help as well. Cucumber, etc. for the fruit. Since you have a sponge filter, for crushed coral add it to your gravel. I like crushed coral, it can help with calcium and raising kh.
  18. For the fish, rusty is funny!!!!! 😆 but the crayfish, pineapple, mango, peaches, I like fruit names! Lol
  19. Wow, thanks for that info! Yes I might get some in a few minutes, I am running lots of errands, and I am in the area. I will go with some more WCMMs, I guess 2 for now. Have a good one as well ! @JS Fish
  20. Update: minnows have been thriving, but i might key word MIGHT be able to go to petsmart and get 2 more of the WCMMs, today, or, should i get some shrimp????? Shrimp would be sick, anybody have any thoughts? What kind of shrimp? Or WCMMs? Thx!!!!
  21. We talking about bettas here? If so, down south, we betta, emphasis on the two ts, So this is what is basically like. Bedda. With Ds, idk why😅
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