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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Yes. Full tank. It is easier, especially if the leaves are thin and lay over like what @Mmiller2001 mentioned.
  2. Looking great. Better than mine, I spent a hour just cleaning algae. It is better now, but still a work in progress. Your tanks are awesome!
  3. My nerite is a female. She laid eggs. Lots of em. The pics are only half of these white sesame seed looking eggs. Pictures!
  4. Ok thanks @Tony s. Will wait. And thanks for the plant suggestions!
  5. So update again. My ammonia has been sitting at 2 ppm. And nitrite still hasn’t showed up one bit. It’s 0 ppm. Ph is still 7.5. I sadly forgot when I started the cycle 😒, but I think it has been 15 days. Around there. Should I add more ammonia today? I have added it twice, on day one of the cycle, and day 7. Thoughts?
  6. Perfectly said. And like @Tony s said, So important. It is the #1 rule in fishkeeping imo, keep the fish ALIVE, but not just that, healthy.
  7. A fishless cycle is my way to go IMO. It is so much more simple, add ammonia, no water changes pretty much, and just patience. And when i did my first fishless cycle, i was so happy i did. My fish are very healthy! And the tank is doing good as well. Fish in is basically constant water changes. But either one is fine. But a boost for the cycle is a plus. A sponge filter from a fully established tank is a great way for a boost in your cycle. I like a ammonia in bottle product, so you know relatively how much you are dosing. Dr tims ammonia is my personal fav. But there is others as well. Like fritz fuel like @Tony s mentioned. And agree with @daggaz.
  8. Give it time. Patience is needed with plants that die off. I totally agree. Some green not all dead. There is a chance. Good luck @Lonkley.
  9. Got it. I will do a separate doc, then make you a editor. Then you can paste it. I won’t make it huge. Just basic info.
  10. Looks awesome, i have so much inspiration for my 5g tank that i am about to start on. Love it!
  11. Ok, so should i just make a doc about the WCMMs, then give you the link? And you can copy and paste to this section?
  12. Yes I will! Will link it from google docs!
  13. Great! Ok, I am sorry I haven’t actually been working on my WCMM section, but it was because I had company over the entire weekend, I will work on it through the coming week if that is fine @Kunersbettasl
  14. It worked! Looks like rot to me. And might be dying. I have seen severe die offs, but this looks like it is dead. And if the fish are feasting on it, I’d take it out, it doesn’t look great sadly @Lonkley. IMO. Let’s see what everyone else thinks.
  15. Not seeing the picture either. Maybe possibly edit it and make it smaller if that is possible? Pic would help. I know I attached it, but it is white.
  16. An amazing fish, my personal fav is the panda.
  17. Nice. So i have some decent pics of white cloud minnows. @Kunersbettas said I can do a guide on WCMM s, and I have some average pictures, but I don't know if it is considered high quality. Thinking that you mean, no pics from the internet obviously lol. @Guupy42
  18. Correct, I have spiderwood! Thanks for the suggestions! @Guupy42. Will have to look into those, thanks @EricksonAquatics.
  19. I would go with 6 to 8 corys. I suggest panda corys or albino! 8-10 is fine to, a 20g has options lol. Also 6 kuhli loaches if you want, but you will not see them a lot. Agreed with @AllFishNoBrakes, on no pleco. As well.
  20. I have read that you should have 6 or more, in a 10g. The otos. One would be fine? thx @JoeQ
  21. Thanks a lot. Ok i will get maracyn, and then clean the tank a lot. A full clean, getting most of the algae, not really any one the glass, as I still want to feed my snail with algae. Thanks. I have a airstone, and the filter is turned up to second highest flow. I will maybe add some hornwort. A oto huh? Ok, just one? Idk anything about them. Thanks!
  22. This time, I am going to setup the tank! I am going to use the stand inthe picture. I am almost certain it will hold it. It looks sketchy, but held it last year with no problem. Now I just need the money 🤣🤣🤣🤣. My bank account is broke from buying stuff for my 20g and 10g. But don’t worry, this will be my summer project!
  23. Suggestions on plants? I was thinking a Amazon sword, and maybe some more Pearl weed, but I am open to suggestions! Thanks
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