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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. The water bottle method……..didn’t work lol. Because I made a mistake. Cleaned water before adding to bottle and then when I used the funnel, it got really clogged. And I didn’t get anything in there. So I just got a plastic bowl (if you don’t want cloudy water do not attempt 🙃) and put clean sand in, put bowl in very very slowly. But when I poured even as slow as I did, there was some serious cloudiness 😐. It got down there and it worked but the cloudiness, oh yeah it was cloudy. Ok I need to stop using the word cloudy 🤣. Anyway the water is u know cloudy but it worked! Here is a picture. And comparison of when the tank was setup, vs now. before adding more sand. And after.
  2. Good. Yeah I am not experienced with nerite snails that much either lol. Have had mine for a month now I guees. The only reason that I would like to help is because I did tons and tons of research on these guys. So I know a lot by doing that.
  3. We will! We can add you to the PM thread so you can help too, so we will have our own sections and share them and put it all together! Or we can wait and just ask if needed. @EricksonAquatics
  4. Wow! We got a oto gathering on our hands 😆
  5. PM me. I don’t like revealing my name for my email if not needed either. PM message will be perfect. @Guupy42
  6. @Colu will probably have a treatment and clarify the disease for you. But I am thinking gill flukes.. 🤔
  7. Sure. I could help with some sections, and if we are doing pics. Could you make a doc and let me be a editor of it? For this section @Guupy42
  8. Nice! You should try this newer anubias plant on ACs website! I just ordered it for my 20g! It is called, anubias hastifolia. It taller, but i think it would look good! Also pearl weed is one of my favs @JS Fish. It grows like a weed! No pun intended 😉
  9. Ok, sand coming today, will add using the water bottle method. And adding lots more. It's a 10-pound bag, so should make the sand thicker for plant thx
  10. Welcome to the forum and family @texas20gallontanker! Yes like @Chick-In-Of-TheSea mentioned, have you ever tried live plants? I think it is one of many great things in this hobby. There are lots of good easy to care for plants here on Aquarium coop! But of course, you might have some in other tanks. Again welcome to the community!
  11. Thx. ANd add liquid ferts aswell correct? Thank you @Tony s
  12. Yes bigger water change, then add fish after a day or so. Make sure you start small with the fish. 2-3 is best if possible. Don’t want to overwhelm the BB. Remember: more fish, = ammonia.
  13. So I ordered Amazon sword. Anubias hastifolia, a new plant on ACs page, and micro sword. Oh yeah and Val. And planting tweezers and more root tabs. Lots of ands lol.So Q @Tony s, do I add root tabs and fertilizer BEFORE ADDING PLANTS. Or add after? Thanks
  14. Nano tanks have been my thing since I started. Some say, a beginner should start with a 20g or higher. But a 5g and 10 gallon or something like that is (imo) a good starter tank. In the right circumstances. Smaller tanks, I think you can have lots more fun with them. A 5g is a great size. Not a size that will have tons and tons of options but you can experiment, with smaller fish, shrimp, and aquascapes. I like these points! Video not showing up for me. Not sure if this is on my side, but it is just white blank space @TinaPax-Peeks. I personally like number 3!
  15. Tank after water change. Pic below. Let me tell you, this Georgia summer heat, is ruff. It hit 103 degrees earlier today. My water was BARELY cool enough for a water change. It was 73 degrees, that is how low it gets, and that is not cooled at ALL. I was planning on a change yesterday, but the water was to warm 😩. Crazy. Summer is definitely here, but I clean all the algae off of front piece of glass. And cleaned my gravel a bit. Took out some hair algae, and changed 25% of the water. Oh yeah and I am going to order more gravel to cover the diatom and algae ugly looking gravel lol.
  16. Got it. I will order ASAP. I will have to get another bottle of BB since I used all of it, since dr Tim’s one and only can’t be overdosed. Thanks @Tony s Yes! I was thinking of water sprite! And I will do some research on the red root floater! Thanks @Yoshi.
  17. Maybe lower light then for a few days, remove as much as possible, then check and look and see if it is not as bad. Lower light to maybe 7 hours.
  18. Corys seem so personal. He found a new friend 😁
  19. Yes, if ammonia nitrite go down in a 24 span, your cycled. Fingers crossed 🤞 as well.
  20. So update: My ammonia nitrite and ph are the same as above still. I am planning on adding more sand, as the sand is not deep enough for plant roots. So I am planning on a 10 or 20 pound bag of it. It is ok to add more during cycle right @Tony s? It will not disturb the cycle? And I am getting plants (ordering them) either Monday or Tuesday finally. And I am planning on more decorations. 🙂
  21. Yes it appears to be. What is the brightness for your light? And fertilizer schedule and what fertilizer you use @shawnkissed.
  22. From the paremeters. Your tank looks like it is cycled! But I would wait a week or little bit less to add any livestock. It looks awesome! Congrats on your newly cycled tank! 👏👏👏👏
  23. Yes. Full tank. It is easier, especially if the leaves are thin and lay over like what @Mmiller2001 mentioned.
  24. Looking great. Better than mine, I spent a hour just cleaning algae. It is better now, but still a work in progress. Your tanks are awesome!
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