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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. You can use Magic Eraser in a filled tank? who knew.
  2. Well.... ya got me stumped. Does your snail eat it. I accidentally have 30+ snails. if it's organic. all types of algae, fish food, dead fish. they eat it
  3. Brown algae usually goes away over time. unless you have an abundance of silicates in your water. well water or city water?
  4. possibly. but brown algae is not that stiff usually.how long has the tank been running. brown algae is very common in first few months of a new tank
  5. Just curiuos. is that a used tank, looks relatively empty
  6. how hard is your water. could be calcium scale.
  7. Old water is the standard answer, but honestly either will work. Chlorine takes some time to kill off your beneficial bacteria. But would just brush it off and reuse. Some people want to dismantle and polish, that's unnecessary
  8. actually never thought about that, but then you'd need to reconfigure the filter
  9. I have 2 flex 15's. The report on jumping is correct. I had thought I lost 5 of 6 lemon tetras over time. Turns out they were a bit skittish and jumped over the divider. All are fine. My kuhli loaches like to hide behind the divider instead of their cave. Haven't had any other issues though. have been thinking changing to sand. The back bottom inlet limits how much you can raise it from the floor. so, no high corner banking. The other thing to think about, the totals gallons it says are not the total gallons the fish can use. So, a 9g becomes a 7.5g a 15 into a 13
  10. yeah, I have those strips. good on basic parameters. I don't trust them on kh or gh. sera drop test seem to be the best
  11. use api master test kit, from either box store or lfs. if you were syphoning out worm chunks. it may actually still be that high
  12. Was just reading coops recommendation on blood parrots. They recommend keeping in groups. 3 in a 55. Up to 6 in a 75. They can be a bit aggressive, but their small mouths are ineffective at causing much damage. If you’ve got a tank boss, add tall barriers to break line of sight or add dither fish. Under”care guides for blood parrots “
  13. theoretically, couldn't you do the standard cichlid thing and spread the aggression by overstocking the tank? Just with parrots?
  14. Okay, keep a watch on all of ammonia, nitrates and nitrites. Ammonia and nitrites are poisonous. Rams have little tolerance of nitrates.
  15. Yeah, nitrites to zero is as important as ammonia to zero. Both equally toxic. Nitrates are nowhere near as toxic. More like being in a smoke filled room. Some fish can handle it, some can’t. Rams and discus notoriously cannot. If your other tank is cycled, you could swap cartridges. but, yeah, when you’re nitrites are back to zero, you’re ready. Be cautious, and testing daily for a couple of weeks. If ammonia and nitrites stay zero for a few weeks, you could reduce testing to once or twice per week. And add more fish
  16. Java ferns are good, but slow growers. Slow growers also remove nitrates slowly. Floating hornwort is a rapid grower and destroys nitrates quickly. Grows in most light conditions. Does look a bit unkempt. But easy to care for. Get too much just pull apart and toss. Or really anything that’s a faster grower would work. Even duckweed would work
  17. Did you ever succeed with them? I’ve failed twice now, not sure what I’m doing wrong. They were shipped in, so maybe too much stress. My wife wants discus, I am so not doing discus until I can successfully keep rams. Have used dwarf sag, swords and hornwort in tank for them. Rams are just so finicky.
  18. Clean the worm pieces out first thing by siphoning. Then massive water change. Maybe up to 80%. Use seachem prime for dechlorinator, it can help with excess nitrogen. If you’ve got another place to put frog, even a bucket with an airstone, I’d find him another home. Then temps up to 82-86 for ram comfort. If you’re still having ammonia you’re going to need to clean again and more massive water changes until it’s gone. Check again in the same day. Rams like pristine water conditions.
  19. I believe this is the second time you’ve had it down to 0 ammonia? If nitrites are also down to 0. Go ahead and put in a small number of fish. I would not change the filter insert. Most of your bacteria will be living there currently. If you do have a fully cycled other tank with same filter, yes, you could swap them. More bacteria on older filter. After adding fish you’ll want to do daily water tests and if you see ammonia climb you’ll need to do about a 50% water change and add some seachem Prime. Adding fish at this stage is appropriate it gives you a constant source of ammonia. Just not too many or you’ll overload your bacteria colony
  20. You can leave them in the pot they come in(if they come in pot). Temporarily. Cory makes a rock-like pot holder for more permanent. Not sure how anubias or Java fern come though. Ordered lots from coop. But not those
  21. Same method as anubias. Put some on where you want it to be then press in fern. Gel works really well because it mostly stays where you want it. And not all over you. Try watching “the small scape” on YouTube. Especially her latest one for technique
  22. My daughter has 5 in a fluval flex 15. They spend most of their time hiding. Either in their cave or behind the filter divider. Even at night they’re not very active. So 10g should be fine. They have a small bio load. So tank parameters will be okay.
  23. magnetic glass cleaners work well. The sideways knocks them off. then just reach in and grab. He'll be fine. Need any more? I accidently had 1 clutch. I've already given 30 away, got 30 more in my angelfish tank. 😁
  24. Looks like it's in the middle of a bacterial bloom. not harmful to your fish. you can siphon it off or pull it and clean it with some aquarium water. then figure out if it's alive or dead (soft tissue necrotic spots). if it's alive, go ahead and replant. First time i saw this, it was on a large piece of driftwood. and did freak me out as well.
  25. I currently have a platy tank, 20g. with some amazon swords, dwarf sag, and floating hornwart. This is probably the most stable tank I have. I got the platys before i knew how to sex them. and they have been multiplying since then. They range from 2-year-old adults to 3-day old fry. The numbers are stable at around 30 for about 2 years now. Yes, they will eat fry up to a certain size. But that usually doesn't happen until the third generation comes along. The Hornwart helps tremendously for removing nitrates and when it gets to look too much like a jungle looking, just tear off bits and toss. Feeding time is interesting, it's like a platy ball or platy party all looking for food.
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