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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Update: That was probably a diatom just like you said @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, I couldn't see it on Rick's antenna again today.
  2. Someone who is more experienced breeding different varieties together may help better, but blue dreams and carbon rilis look on different paths on this one. Maybe only if it was blue velvet? Not sure
  3. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea yours snail looks like black rabbits! It is very dark, looking almost full black. Or is it the picture? Rick seems to have a bit lighter foot color, more dark greyish. Your poor guy had a similar shell with Morty. Glad to see it is doing well now
  4. I feel you. After falling in love with my Orange Sakuras, I got Bloody Mary this time. Shrimp are super fun and exciting to watch!
  5. SOMEBODY, INTRODUCE THESE TWO SOULMATES TO EACH OTHER 😄😄 I binged the video already:D Thanks for sharing Wish there was less background noise :'
  6. @The endler guy hey again, I would highly recommend checking her video. If you like plecos in general, she has a great channel. It is a bit on the nerdy side, but I enjoy it 😄 Here is the video!
  7. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Guppysnail yea, pink thing was poop. It literally pooped neon pink all the way down to glass as you can see below. Morty is a unicorn guys. He was not moving at all in the store. I’m so happy he is exploring nonstop since I got him.
  8. Multiple L numbers, but same cuteness after all. Yours is looking adorable! I have been considering to get one for myself, but my LFS does not seem to carry them for a while. Btw, as far as I know, they use wood for digesting, so you do need to feed them to make sure they are getting enough food/nutriton😄 It is just keeping wood is a must with them
  9. By being aware of they are adopting an animal and taking its responsibility. Im not mentioning this to give"I am perfect, I know everything" type of vibe. Which is far from that. I definitely learnt and still learning a lot while keeping animals and from the stuff I have been going through all the time, but there is literally no excuse for not doing a research for me in 2023. We are all surrounded by technology and reaching information is so easy. I've been keeping tortoises, fish, turtles, chicken, parrot, cats, dogs, pigeons, guinea pigs, hamsters and even horses. I've started doing a research before weeks or even months ago for every animal I decided to take care of. You don't need anyone to tell you to do so really. If I trusted some of the lfs, I've heard suggestions like, cycling a tank with methylyn blue, water conditioners are unneccessary even in city tap water, I don't need a cycled tank, and so on. Everything could end up with a disaster. You guys are assuming all lfs owners and more importantly personnel have a great knowledge about fish keeping in general, which is not the case all the time. I've been sold juvinile 3 blood parrots for 29g tank being told they were good for this tank size when I was a kid. I don't wanna say anything more. Also in many topics, we can easily see people have really conflicting opinions on a lot of stuff even today. So seeing many perspectives and trying to reach opinions you trust is important imo If anyone even ever write chinese algae eater petco to google search bar, even that page gives you an all around info about them.
  10. My rabbits do lots of orange poop when they eat carrots :D!! I hope so! Still happy to find Morty for Rick 😄 I love snails too much, But I haven't kept mysteries for ages. Hope everything goes well and they get their strong shell and good life asap.
  11. My boy is ready to fight the world for his snello
  12. That’s so true. His shell looks too thin. Is that its organs inside that I am seeing? Not a parasite or sth right? also he dropped that pink thingy on left I have no clue what that is even, they were on crushed coral subsrate. Weird
  13. Thank you so much guys @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Guppysnail Here I got Morty. I’ve just drip acclimated him. They were not doing well in the store, so hopefully he likes his new home. He seemed a bit too weak. he got his first snello!
  14. Hey guys, Today, I’ve noticed something on Rick’s antenna. I got him last sunday, and he has been very active, eating very well. Offered some snellos and he munches on decaying plant matter and stuff. Does this look something like a tumor? Or is it a deformity due to a previous injury? He has been kept in only snail tank in the lfs, and the only fish I have is also pygmy cories, which cannot directly cause any harm to him I believe. But idk his journey before the lfs of course. water parameters are gh7, kh19-20, ph 8.0-8.2, temp:24C, ammonia0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20. also the darker blue part started growing in my tank since last sunday, but I always see different shell pattern on my snails but they are always healthy, so I assume this darker blue tone is also fine. it somehow even looks like a baby snail hanging there. tried my best to take some pics: @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Guppysnail
  15. If your water parameters got changed due to RO, they might be molting. Some may look dead when they have a struggle while molting, maybe due to low gh/low calcium and it may take hours sometimes. I would suggest leaving it in the tank and observe if it will be molting or not for some time. I've seen this happened in my tank before, and after a couple hours shrimp was no longer in that position. I dose equilibrium and keep a cuttlebone in the tank but I still saw it three times the last year. One time, the shrimp was dead for real tho. Here is a video you may see below.
  16. Shrimp tend to look pale when they are under stress, or when they are kept in a light color substrate/environment. Transportation is not an easy process, so they gradually keep coloring up in my experience when I got my orange sakuras, they were literally almost transparent-peach color. But they were juviniles, so that also played a role for sure This is them now:
  17. Black skirts have a reputation of being a bit nippy. I haven't kept any, but I would think twice before keeping them with angelfish, betta or livebearers like male guppies. Long fin fish with nippy fish is not a good duo.
  18. Hey again, It has been ages since I stopped keeping goldfish. The last one I had was over 15 years ago, or even more. My tank temperature always go really high during summer, so cold water fish are not really suitible for me anyway. I personally would increase it a lil bit more, as 68F is a bit too low for nerites in my opinion, but also would not like to inform you wrong. I keep my mystery and nerites at 24C-25C. I cannot comment on cold water fish situation really. Here I'm tagging some goldfish keepers that may help you if goldfish can go above 20C to match nerite snail temps. @EVoyager31 @Mynameisnobody @Val They really look so pretty!! Do they have names? 😄
  19. Hey @Moss, Your goldfish look amazing. From my own experience, nerites almost never touch any type of food or even veggies offered. They are naturally grazers, so as long as your tank has been running for some time, they will do fine unless they compete each other for food. So it is a good idea to not over crowd a tank with them. Mystery snails are more like a scavenger and detritivore. They are constantly looking for leftover food, decaying plant matter, some algae, etc. I would highly recommend making a snello and dropping it in from time to time for your mysteries, to make sure they get enough veggie, protein and calcium in their diet. You can check "lav's snails" YT channel for indepth mystery snail care. She really is passionate about them, so she gives lots of recipes and infos about mysteries. Please note that gelatin and agar agar have different ways to active binding element and cannot be substituted for 1:1. Here is a snello recipe that uses agar agar as a binder: https://floridamysterysnails.com/2018/05/30/how-to-make-snello-snail-jello/ If you need any further help, please let me know. I can try my best to give more info regarding snail care and snello making. Also, as an extra note, Idk at what temperature you keep your tank at but I am not sure how suitable it is to keep nerites and mysteries with golfish considering their temperature requirements, as I've never kept them together. Maybe people who did may comment on this one. But mysteries and nerites will enjoy mid 70s more while goldfish generally prefer it much lower.
  20. It does not mean one should do less research about anything they are expecting to take the responsibility of tho. It is not only about fish but basically for valid for adopting any animal. They are basically like kids and in need of care. If you get any, you take the responsibility of aiming to providing them a good life. And this is all about us, not about someone else informing us at a store. After learning about fishkeeping101, the best you can do is visiting your lfs or the online store and see what do you like to keep. Then do a lot of in depth research, read peoples experiences, and ask in forums if necessary. You can't expect an lfs to list every potential scenario or detail in a limited time at the store. Their purpose is trying to make money efficiently there at the end of the day. Like imagine you have decided to buy a mystery snail. A single mystery snail. The stuff you have to explain for each species is insane. Tank conditions, parameters, whether it eats plants, its diet, snello making, calcium in water column, water hardness and ph situation related to shell erosion, their egglaying behavior, having a lid, some fish potentially harassing them so learning about all tank mates and many more just for a snail. Imagine this whole day long going for everyone entering to the store and for every fish they are interested in. Impossible They may suck on other fishes bodys for the coat if I'm not wrong. So still debatable really. I don't know that well about every match for them to talk a lot as I've also never kept one. I think CAE are one of the creepiest fish in the hobby but I know there are people just love them. And it is all about these personal opinions really
  21. Common plecos are being sold as a algae eaters for all tank sizes. People should make detailed researches regarding the fish they want to keep rather than blaming the fish to be honest. There can be people who like them and want to keep them, maybe in a semi agressive tank, or species tank even. Who knows. If you go to a store end up buying a SAE instead of CAE for your 10g, you will still have issues with their size, or maybe territorial behavior due to not being kept in groups, but it still is a great algae eater afterall. Who is the problem here, the buyer or the fish? People also should understand that, We, the tank keepers, are the best algae clean up crew ourselves. Whether manually, or by trying to find what works for each of us specificially with a trial and error, lighting time, maintenance, fertilizing, everything. Fish or inverts are just an assistance, which helps very much indeed, but all come with a bioload, whether it is a chinese algae eater or something else. Chinese algae eaters really have a specific look compared to SAE. If someone goes to store ends up buying CAE as an algae eater, well, not many researches has been done tbh, unless there is a plan of rehoming when grown, but again why not SAE again in this scenario. I can understand being confused with Flying Fox, garra taeniata and SAE trio to some extend, especially if they are sold under wrong names, but not CAE tbh. It really has a different look compared to other 3 imo, and it is still super easy to tell when they are juviniles. My lfs keeps them all together in the same tank as juviniles and they are really different visually. Also a lot of people mention their bristle nose plecos stopping to eat algae to a big extend when they grow as well, but you can easily see them in top10 algae eaters everywhere.
  22. I've seen this notification on mobile but I forgot to respond later on when I was on pc, sorry. And many thanks for letting me know!
  23. Kinda related, kinda not. But; I don't understand that much from fertilizers. Two days ago, I've also ordered tropica specialised nutrition online, as my flourish was sitting at the end of the bottle and I wanted to try something new. When I got the bottle and read the back side, it directly says ammonium. I know they market the specialised version for low bioload but very densely planted tanks, but I could not be sure how okay it is to dose ammonium into the tank with a water change. Does anyone have an idea about this? Especially in high ph, would this end up being toxic as ammonia or remains as ammonium? Wouldn't it be like dosing something toxic to tank intentionally? Anyway, I refunded the specialised version and decided to buy premium version instead. That one does not have ammonium if I'm not wrong. But I'd love to hear about ammonium in all in one fertilizer and if it is okay for fish/snail/shrimp in the tank. This may also help you to get an answer I bet.
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