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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. I feel ya! My life is super hectic right now as well. Best of luck having some little guys around from this batch!
  2. I know others have said they’ll see eggs and then fry in their tanks, but I’ve only ever been successful with Cory’s by pulling and hatching the eggs in a separate container. If the eggs aren’t eaten, I think it’s very likely that the Tetras and the Betta will pick them off. However, you never know until you try!
  3. Agreed with the others that a 30 is small for a group of Angels. I could see a single Angel as a centerpiece, but more than that I would personally do a bigger tank
  4. When I was playing with Platy’s I quarantined entire groups of 8-10 in a 10 gallon tank without issue. Feed lightly, test often and you should be fine. The one piece of advice I have is that, in the main/display tank, populations can boom quickly! I went from my group of 8 adult Platy’s to being overrun with fry/juveniles quickly in a 29. But I also feed lots of frozen self-hatched Baby Brine Shrimp. Most of the Platy’s have been moved on and the adults are passing due to age, and I’ve kept the crazy color combos I’ve gotten from breeding that I enjoy keeping. To keep from getting overrun again, I grow out my Angels with the Platy group in a 55 and the Angels keep things in check. Hope this helps and best of luck getting through quarantine and setting up your tank!
  5. Left the lights on overnight so the Bristlenose didn’t eat the eggs and now we cross our fingers that I don’t get a giant algae outbreak. Bristlenose and snails would probably love that, though. Maybe even the Platy’s, too. I guess we’ll find out! Spawn has been pulled and is in the 2.5 gallon hatchery with 2 drops of Methylene Blue and an air stone cranking below the eggs to continue to fan them. The countdown is on
  6. Tons of tanks throughout 2 seasons of Euphoria. As I watched them with my girlfriend I pointed out every tank I saw. Surprised this wasn’t on the list!
  7. I have 1 male endler with 2 female guppies in my 10 gallon aquaponics tank. I probably have 40-50 fry/juveniles in that tank right now. The tank gets fed Xtreme nano pellets in the morning and frozen self-hatched BBS at night. I put the male and 2 females together and just kept doing my thing. Population has exploded. This tank has just some Java moss that grows around the intake to the pump for the aquaponics tray. I’m shocked at the number of fish in this small 10 gallon, but it all works out. My Gold Tetras even passively bred in here! I guess what I’m getting at is nature finds a way, even in a small space.
  8. Being at altitude comes with both pros and cons!! One day I’ll win the lottery and will live in the mountains, have the time and space, and will give you a run for your money with the puffers 😂
  9. @mountaintoppufferkeeper is this your first published article? Frame it and put it next to your BOTY award in the fish room!
  10. @mountaintoppufferkeeper I’m tempted to sign up for the mag just to get the issue you’re featured in! Breeder of the Year and a published article a few days later has to feel great!
  11. LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! So dope! And shout out to Aqua Imports for making it happen! Also, they forgot CAS Breeder of the Year next to your name, lol
  12. I’m not signed up to receive the magazine, but does it feature you on that page?!
  13. I use the Ziss Brine Shrimp Hatchery and ACO brine shrimp eggs. Here’s what I do. -Fill hatchery with water from the tap and DO NOT dechlorinate -I add a dash of baking soda as my water is very soft -2 Tablespoons of Fritz Aquarium Salt -USB nano air pump hooked up to hatchery -No heater; instead I use a clip on light with a standard fluorescent bulb pointed at the hatchery I set up my hatchery the night before with water, baking soda, salt, air pump, and light. I let it regulate over night to allow the salt to dissolve and the temp to regulate. The following morning I put in 1 tablespoon of ACO brine shrimp eggs, and I let them go for ~36 hours before harvesting. Works like a dream for me!
  14. Another Wednesday means another day of maintenance. Have a couple fun things to share! -I did a water change on every single tank. All 13 of them. Usually I do 12, but I went ahead and did a water change on the 20 long shrimp/crayfish/snail tank as it had been a couple weeks. Felt good to get everything in the house fresh. Now onto the fun stuff! We have a pair of Panda Angels again! LET’S GOOOOOOO!!! I noticed the male had his “tube” out (I can’t remember the actual name for it) for a couple of days and have been excited. I’ve been waiting for the female to be ready and this morning noticed her tube was quite extended. I think the water change was just a coincidence, but STOKED that I paired these guys up again, and caught them in the act 😉. This tank is in the spare bedroom so after snapping this pic I shut the door to leave them be and focus on spawning. This morning I told my girlfriend, “We have a Panda Angel pair again! I just don’t know where to hatch the eggs since the other 2.5 has the Julii Cory’s…”. She suggested picking up another 2.5 gallon, gave me permission to take up more counter space, and even picked this up for me while she was running some other errands while I did my maintenance. I’m so thankful to have someone that supports EVERYTHING I do and suggests another tank when it’s necessary. She’s the best! Cory fry hanging tough (from what I see). BBS will be harvested in a couple of hours, and the new 2.5 will go next to this one. The heating pad will work just fine to heat both tanks. Thanks for the counter space to hatch and grow fry, love! Cleaned up the 55 Angel community. Trimmed a bunch off the Amazon Sword on the left, including the 5 baby “Swordlets”. Baby swords got planted to the right, and I moved the Dragon Stone and spawning slate to the left of the tank in the hopes that the Marbled Male and all black female will use the slate instead of the Sword leaves. Probably won’t hatch any spawns from this pair as long as I have the Panda pair, but I’m hopeful they’ll use the slate so I can just wash the eggs off to bring harmony back to the tank. Tomorrow I’ll pull the Panda spawn (fingers crossed the Bristlenose don’t eat the spawn over night 🤞) and will document hatching and raising them. This time, I’m going to leave the air stone under the eggs to continue to “fan” them with Methylene Blue. Both times the past Marbled spawns failed I said “this is my sign to focus on the Panda pair”. They’re a pair again and I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure my third public spawn/hatch is successful! This hobby is so fun, brings me so much mental help/calmness/clarity, and I love constantly playing and learning. Cheers, Nerms!
  15. You can obviously do whatever you want, but Angels prefer height as they are tall from top of dorsal fin to bottom of ventral fins. Consider a 55 gallon for the few extra inches in height
  16. Those pics are from my LFS that I trade the fish I breed to!
  17. I use a Python to fill my bigger tanks (29 gallons and up). Me personally, I put the dechlorinator in as the water starts coming out of the Python. This way I can move on to draining the next tank as the one behind it fills. There’s probably an argument for “put dechlor in once all the new water is in to ensure all chlorine is present and therefore eliminated”, but I’ve never had a problem putting it in as the water flow starts and honestly it’s just the habit I have and don’t want to change it and forget to dechlorinate. Forgetting to dechlorinate is obviously the worst possible outcome.
  18. I keep my Furcata’s at 76 with a group of Julii Cory’s and 2 Bolivian Rams. He’s probably just fine at 74. If you think he needs some friends, try to find a female or two. That trio and 6 CPD’s should be fine in a 10 gallon.
  19. Like @nabokovfan87 said, you’re fine to remove the diatoms. It’s simply a good sign that your tank is moving in the right direction!
  20. This brown on the glass is most likely diatoms, which is a good sign that your tank is coming to life. All tanks go through a diatom algae stage in the beginning. It’s a good sign!
  21. I would most definitely space them out. Putting them on top of each other is just asking for trouble.
  22. I run C02 on 4 of my thirteen tanks. If I remember, I’ll just pull the power, do the water change, and then plug it back in. I’ve also completely forgotten to turn them off. Either way I’ve seen no detrimental issues, but I’m also not cranking to 30ppm.
  23. I used a Dwarf Gourami to help keep the Platy fry population under control and it worked well, and the Gourami was fun.
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