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Cleveland M

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Everything posted by Cleveland M

  1. I took all of mine apart. They are made as separate parts then assembled so I can't see how they could be so stuck you can't get them apart. If they are stuck so bad that you break it trying to get it apart I'm sure ACO will take care of you as they have great customer service.
  2. Yup just ordered 8 more tanks myself. Only know what is going in about 1/2 of them at the moment.
  3. It just does. I thought maybe I was wrong so I just went and flipped off the power strip for a minute and then turned it back on . 75 blinked rapidly several times then stayed solid which is what I have it set for. Heat light stayed on for about 30 seconds then went off so it holding at the 75 set point. Edit: I have a second one, let me go check that one. 2nd Edit: That one had been unplugged for over a week so I had to get it in some water before I plugged in. 77 blinked rapidly a few times then stayed solid with no heat light on. Hit the set button and see that it is still set to 75. So must be something wrong with yours. As I said it would be horrible to reset to 78 as I'm sure we both could see reasons someone may have it set to 70 or even 68 and a short power failure causing the tank to go to 78 could be bad news.
  4. Mine stays the same after unplugging. It would be horrible if it reset to 78 after a power failure.
  5. It ended here last day of July. Now it's on again . Don't think I will ever again buy a tank not on sale as it seems it virtually all the time.
  6. I would do a degree a day and just watch for signs of stress. Can always pause the increases for a couple days if you see any.
  7. Is buying more tanks than you should when they go on sale a hack? If so I got that hack mastered.😈
  8. 3 stores within an hour of me. All are 2 weeks with a water test. Only one will guarantee on any saltwater purchases however.
  9. It is not. It is just it's new place to hang out but when I 1st saw it I had to cross the room quickly to check it out.
  10. Crap, you make me go check and it's sale time here too. I about to get in a lot of trouble lol
  11. Amazingly those are my exact thought for the next sale here 😀
  12. I don't see a problem unless you have a large die off when you introduce them causing an ammonia spike.
  13. Same here but I probably going to end up with some expired reactants.
  14. @Nerd2259 Did you try that and did it work?
  15. How big is your tank that you use a 30gal/min pump for water changes?
  16. How far from the top and sides is it? How big is it? What size tank?
  17. That is gorgeous. Pictures like that are going to add MPS to my MTS😉
  18. I have no experience with this but since no one has replied I'll jump in with an opinion. I wouldn't disconnect anything under pressure. Hopefully someone with experience will jump in today.
  19. I would reach out to support. Mine make no noise at all.
  20. I need to post a picture the next time I do the shrimp wafer thing. I can get a ball of trumpets about 2/3 the size of a golf ball and then sometimes there will be 3 or 4 assassins coming in to feed on them. To me it's a pretty cool sight.
  21. Assassin snails IMO very pretty and will eat the trumpets. They won't get rid of that many though unless you get enough that your next thread will be titled Assassin snail problem lol. Remember that snails only populate to the food supply. If you don't overfeed the fish then the snail population will decline over time. You can speed this up some by doing things like adding blanched vegetables to the tank and then pulling them and the attached snails out in a couple hours. I can make a trumpet snail ball by dropping in a Tetra Shrimp Wafer so you could spread a few of those in the tank and grab gobs of them out at a time. I don't see it on the ACO site so here is amazon link to what I'm talking about. https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-ShrimpWafers-Complete-Catfish-Loaches/dp/B01MCVU5AR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1O7GCNRRGNWKT&keywords=tetra+shrimp+wafers&qid=1661048660&sprefix=tetra+shrimp+wafer%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-1
  22. You could stack a 10gal like that but I agree with FLFishChik that would be too much for a 5gal. Plus your tetras could grow to 1.5inch which makes a 5gal small for just a group of them
  23. That is something to consider. For me it would probably be a 125 above two 40 breeders. Planning out the scapes and then replanning a time or two would be fun too. But, then I would have a bunch of empty 20's so eventually...........
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