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Cleveland M

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Everything posted by Cleveland M

  1. IKR There was just no way to pass that up and I have just cleared out space by building the rack in living room. Only way I could get more now would be to totally rearrange the bedroom and put tanks there. Considering I now have 4 new tanks to cycle, scape and, stock I may be cured for now. At least until next month (looking at calendar)
  2. OK I am probably a dead man. I bought all the stuff to build the rack however... A group I'm in just got a post for garage cleanout. 2 40gal breeders 1 55gal 1 10 gal and tons of equipment for $100. OTW to pick it up and I'm sure I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.
  3. Yep, two nets is the way to go. Not always easy but easier.
  4. I have treated with ICH-X in two tanks at the recommended dosage and didn't lose any snails.
  5. That is what plant are for. To hide all the equipment.
  6. I just got permission to build a tank rack in the living room to get all tanks together in one spot. I need to get this done this weekend before she realizes that this is only going to free up space for more tanks. 😜
  7. I have dragon stone in most of my tanks. I just used the garden hose on the jet setting to clean them up and get them ready.
  8. I have pond, trumpet and, assassin snails all in the same tank with no problems.
  9. Now you got me researching what could overwinter in ponds in my area.
  10. Been down that road too. Cure for trumpets? Assassins. Wait do assassins have enough to eat? Buy more trumpets!!! Repeat until you have a nice flocks of both Assassins and Trumpets.... WIN
  11. If me, I wouldn't worry about the hardness but I would drop in some crushed coral or similar to get some buffer and nudge the PH up some. The gourami are fine where it is at but the snails and shrimp would thank you.
  12. My only concern would be the KH. If you decide to drop Indian Almond Leaf or something similar then keep a close eye on it. It could eat up your KH pretty quick and lead to a PH crash. (Don't ask me how I know.)
  13. Both Axolotls are in the 40 breeder with cloud mountain minnows. I use 2 of these https://www.amazon.com/LONDAFISH-Aquarium-Chillers-Cooling-Marine/dp/B07FCJGZ4H?pd_rd_w=COSVu&content-id=amzn1.sym.bc622850-a717-4d94-96c3-7cc183488298&pf_rd_p=bc622850-a717-4d94-96c3-7cc183488298&pf_rd_r=2E4T6DDDJY4M3JN3KMWM&pd_rd_wg=GhnGE&pd_rd_r=e9c4c313-e13c-4aef-81af-c4e76ceba294&pd_rd_i=B07FCJGZ4H&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_rp_51_t on a temp controller set at 66.5. At first I had it on 65 but had trouble keeping the tank cycled. At 66.5 it stays 0/0/<20 between water changes.
  14. My story. Started out with a 20gal for my granddaughter's Axolotl about six months ago. As of today I have 3 20T's, 2 20L's a 10 and, a 40 breeder. 2 Axolotls, 14 species of fish, 2 different kinds of shrimp and, 5 species of snails. Also have so many micro worms, grindal worms and, vinegar eels that I should really open up an Ebay store and sell starters. Also have 2 30ish gal totes with plants I have propagated that I can no longer can fit in my tanks.(More for the store lol) Will it end before I have to sleep out on the porch or am I DOOMED?
  15. Now you have to change your sig line 😛
  16. I have a 24" Finnex Stingray 2 on both by 20g talls. The fixtures are as long as the tanks but the LED's stop about 3 inches from either side.
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