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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. It’s going to be quite some time before I venture into Pea Puffers again. I need more research and preparation. It’s only fair to the little creatures to give them the best start possible
  2. Well, sadly, I have lost another Bean. I have just 1 remaining and he isn’t eating. Picks up a bloodworm, but then drops it and loses interest. Last night I dropped several crushed snails into the tank and though he picked at it, he didn’t fill his little belly like I was so hoping he would. I have lost hope for this little guy. I will continue to offer food throughout the day, but he is so skinny that I think it’s really wishful thinking and a lost cause. I expect he will most likely pass by the weekend.
  3. They are struggling. One will pluck at the end of a bloodworm, but not actually eat it. Shows interest in snails and will pick at them, but I’m not sure their actually eating them. Bellies are still pinched. I keep hoping they’ll turn around
  4. Just finished dosing the 4th and final round of Expel P. Tomorrow night, I’ll do a water change and dose the final round of Prazipro. Cross fingers that at least 1, if not BOTH, Beanz make it!
  5. Yeah, I know! I have a 10g tank not in use that will be the new quarantine/ deworming tank. I learned my lesson, yup, yup
  6. No kidding! They are breeding so dang fast! The Ramshorn seem to be more prolific than the Bladders! I probably won’t give up! I’ll wait a few weeks or so after this upcoming final treatment, then try more
  7. I use them in my 5g Betta tanks, but I use it the way Kasia from Creative Pet Keeping does it. I add about 5 or 6 Catappa leaves to a large mason jar, then fill the jar with boiling water and let steep about 24 hrs. Pour the tea into a clean plastic pitcher and keep in fridge for up to 2 weeks. Toss the leaves into the compost container. I add about 1/4 cup of the Catappa tea whenever I do a water change.
  8. I own both and I haven’t had any issues. My 29g and 2 x 5g are Topfin. 75g and 10g are Aqueon
  9. It’s kinda iffy .. last night I took one of my biggest bladder snails… twice the size of the puffers and smooshed it up and dropped it in. They picked at it for about 30 minutes . Woke up this morning and it was completely gone. So hoping they ate it.
  10. Just snails. They are for the Pea puffers😁
  11. It’s like their having a party. I think it’s funny how not 10 minutes after dropping some Repashy in the tank, everybody heard the buffet was open. Never seen snails move so fast 😂. Also… detritus worm mojo is strong in this tank.
  12. Ah… didn’t think about that!
  13. Currently have this same issue with my Italian Val. Took off the first month I planted it and sent out runners… then stopped altogether. My theory is that I lowered light intensity to battle hair algae and the Vallisneria just isn’t getting enough light to really grow much.
  14. Currently all my tanks have gravel and I like how easy it is to vacuum and how the detritus kind of works it’s way down into it and out of sight 😂. I’ll probably stick with whatever is easiest
  15. So, I need to make a decision for my new 75g tank… gravel or sand. I’ve no experience with sand and so far gravel has been easy to maintain… but sand looks so nice in a tank! Is there something in between?
  16. I went into Petco with every intention of getting the 55g.. but looking at the 75g and seeing the difference in space, I just couldn’t justify NOT upgrading! as for substrate… I’m torn. Gravel has been good to me and it’s easy to maintain… but sand is intriguing and I’m not sure which I should chose for this tank hardscape… a mix of larger and smaller stone and drift wood Plants… I want a good wall or cropping of Vallisneria. Anubias, Java fern in and around the hardscape…most definitely Crypts.
  17. So now that my tank has been upgraded… im thinking about Seal Point Angelfish OR Boesemani Rainbowfish… 1) how many of either could I place in a 75g heavily planted, over filtered tank along with a clean up crew 2)could I possibly do both? What clean up crew would be good with either of these fish?
  18. **MURDER BEAN UPDATE** Sadly, not a happy one. I’ve lost another Bean. Treated the tank yesterday morning with 3rd round of Expel P. All seemed fine. Beanz we’re eating well, looking a little better beforehand, but when I removed the blackout cover I found a Bean had passed. I am now down to 2 and they are back to passing up food. I’m now unsure if the remaining 2 will survive. I think my adventures in Bean Keeping have officially come to an end, at least for the foreseeable future. If these 2, by some miraculous divine intervention do manage to survive, I’ll be thrilled and be content with just 2. If they don’t, then it will be a very, very long time before I attempt it again.
  19. Glad you are still here with us! Fish are replaceable, there will be more when you’re ready, but there is and will only EVER be one YOU! Take care of yourself FIRST! prayers for a speedy recovery!
  20. That is amazing! Now I’m definitely considering a discus tank! If you don’t mind, can you share where you get your discus from?
  21. How many do you have in the tank? Do you have any other fish in the tank or cleaning crew?
  22. That is gorgeous! Discus are my dream fish, but IDK if I’m advanced enough yet for them! Yours are beautiful! Love the scape! And yes, the fish is definitely a a cutie! Thanks for sharing!
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