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Grin Ghost

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  1. That's sad to hear, hopefully the rest will do fine. Good luck!
  2. You could also try to use colder water from the fridge instead of water at room temperature. After 24h hours transfer the eggs that didn't hatch into a new container with colder water. U can repeat this for 3 days as you mentioned in the post. This, together with water aggitation, simulates 3 days of rain which triggers the hatching of the eggs that won't hatch in the first day. The containers should be in a warm environment to try this. This way the water warms up quick enough for the fry that do hatch more quickly.
  3. A single sparkling gourami, bolivian ram or kribensis should work well. I think an apistogramma can also work if ph is not too high. If you don't have a breeding pair they shouldn't be agressive to the cory's or platy's.
  4. Very nice video! What kind of microscope are you using? Thank you very much for sharing!
  5. The water colors aquarium gallery podcast has a lot of episodes as well. This is also a store in the US. The episodes are in general very informative and the team knows a lot. One of them is an aquatic biologist i believe. I do think the presentation is less good than for example the aquarist podcast. To me it is a bit awkward. They also cover fresh and salt water. As i don't know anything about salt water, some parts are more difficult to follow. @Schuyler The killifish episode (ep. 12) might interest you 😉.
  6. I believe Cory says the same thing in the video where he breeds kribensis. Position the caves in different parts of the aquarium with the opening away from the rest of the tank, but in a way that you can still keep an eye on them.
  7. Every monday morning i wake up and see that my phone has automaticly downloaded the Aquarium coop live stream from google podcasts. I listen to the stream while at work. The other days are filled with old livestreams as i started listening from the very beginning on the aquarium coop app. This morning i saw that not one, but two podcasts where downloaded during the night. A brand new episode of the aquarist podcast is out. What a nice surprise to start the new week! I listened to the new episode this morning and it is great! I really recommend it to everyone who doesn't know the podcast yet. Thanks @Randy for all the work you put in to this and for making my day! 🙂
  8. I have seen some people use plastic containers from a home depot store as a QT tank. Aquapros also made a video about keeping fish temporary in a bucket. Maybe one of these options will work?
  9. With the eggs this should not be a problem. The eggs van survive for a few years when they are in diapauze. A colleague of mine recently flew with some eggs from Belgium to Norway, so should not be a problem to survive the flight.
  10. Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could recommend a good fish related podcast to listen to. I listen to podcasts every day during work, so i finish them pretty quickly. I have listened to the aquarist podcast and the live shows of aquarium Coop. These are great! But it seems like there won't be any new episodes of the aquarist podcast. And the new live shows aren't enough to fill an entire work week ;). I would love an additional podcast to listen to. It should be mainly freshwater. I don't have wifi where i work so sadly i can't listen to YouTube video's or shows like real fish talk without having a huge phone bill every month. I usually download from Google podcasts. Any good recommendations? Thanks in advance!
  11. I have the same feeling with the rainbowshark. Cory said in his species guide that you can put one in a 29g and there where a lot of good experiences in the comments. Every other person on the internet seems to disagree however. I guess it's difficult to give advice when there is a fine line between succes and failure. Especially if it depands on a lot of different factors. @pjust9steenfott aquatics did a tour of dan's fish a few days ago. He mentions an angelfish which stays a bit smaller apperantly. I don't know the species but maybe you could look into that?
  12. If you don't like the smaller tetra's as a filler maybe the Cherry barbs are an option? I hear they are much more community friendly then other barbs and they have great color. I don't know if 6 praecox rainbow's are an option? Some say they do well in a 29, others say they need a 40 gallon or larger. I am new as well so best to dubble check, just trying tot help with some idea's :). Best of luck with your tank!
  13. @nabokovfan87 thanks for the tip! It's always nice tot have more video's to watch 🙂
  14. I learned everything i know about fishkeeping in the last 8 months 🙂 In December i started a new job in a killifish facility. Having no experience with fishkeeping i started watching the Prime time aquatics video's about the nitrogen cycle and water quality. From there i discovered this amazing hobby and started bingewatching the YouTube channels of Prime time aquatics, Aquarium co-op, Tazawa tanks, Girl talks fish, etc... I started listening to the aquarist podcast and following this forum. It really has been a fascinating year 🙂
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