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Everything posted by ccc24

  1. Somewhat related (since bettas can go into small aquariums/are more easily transportable)… If there are any exotic vets in your area - you may give their offices a call. Many of them offer boarding services for exotics of all kinds. While I’ve never boarded a fish, this is what we would do with our bird and you would see a myriad of animals there to board as well. It was a mini zoo of sorts, in their back area. Even if they can’t board the fish, they may have staff who are willing to take the fish home and privately sit the fish for you, for the time needed.
  2. That keeping fish is an experiment. A long experiment and that internet lore is rarely, actually accurate.
  3. Agreed. I have both and the CPDs are braver, more visible and just a tad bigger. Out of the two, the CPDs are my preferred fish.
  4. I’ve ordered them online and had good luck with them. I’ve haven’t had any issues. They do stay super small, which could be why no one buys them. They “disappear” in a large tank and to see the colors you have to get so, so close - and they are pretty shy (they know just about anything could eat them). I like them, but I probably won’t get more unless I purposely keep a desktop nano tank, as they are so hard to appreciate in anything bigger than like 5 gallons, especially if it is planted.
  5. This what we currently run, and while it claims to remove chloramines…it doesn’t. I’ve also tried brita & it doesn’t either. The only filter we’ve found to remove them is a single type of in line refrigerator filter that we haven’t been able to locate in any other form. I’m thinking the 20 gallon to sit or beefing up the bio filter to consume it are about my only choices…
  6. My main tank is a 55 gallon. I don’t run any carbon. we’ve been through about 3 different types of in-line under sink filters that all claim to remove it but it still tests present. Currently, we have an the in-line filter with a 3 stage under sink filter to specifically capture chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals and fluoride. No dice though and it still tests present. I wonder if I could run a 20 gallon in the stand to purify the water ahead of time. 20 gallons seems like a reasonable amount… I wonder if just putting water in it would be enough to feed the bacteria and plants long term…?
  7. What is everyone’s favorite way to deal with chloramines? They so sweetly cause my tap water to test out at 0.25-0.5 ammonia. We put a 3 part, in-line filter on the sink, no dice - still there. I’m honestly hoping to have a sufficient bacterial load to just consume it with the water changes but if anyone else has other ideas…I’m open. I’ve tried googling and everyone seems to agree that it is annoying but about the only suggestion I’ve seen is a filter (we’ve tried 3 different types that all claim to remove it, none do).
  8. The krill flake is a favorite in my tanks. They love it. I think the only think that beats it out is live baby brine shrimp. Repashy foods aren’t devoured with the same vigor but I generally am painting them onto surfaces for my plecos and the mollies come along and eventually pick it all off.
  9. Agreed. I buy locally. All the moss I’ve bought online has died, and honestly about 1 every out of every 4 dies locally as well.
  10. Welcome! this is an excellent question (and also a problem I’m trying to solve).
  11. This is going to look so good. I can’t wait to see what the final result is.
  12. I wonder if there is a way to do this, in order to siphon off dinner for the fish every night (aside from fry - my fish are more than big enough to handle adult shrimp). I’ve tried but the plain jar just doesn’t seem to last.
  13. 1) Nitrates aren’t deadly. Planted tank keepers will maintain somewhere south of 40 ppm (I personally shoot for 20-40). Nitrates are generally why one would change water. Plants consume nitrates - so tossing all of them may be what is causing them to suddenly appear. Test your tap water. I personally have chloramines in my water which cause it to test positive for ammonia, straight after dechlorinating.
  14. It’s a lovely pond. How long is pond season where you are?
  15. They are looking so much better. One baby step at a time 😊
  16. Hi! Lovely to “meet” you!
  17. Beautiful tanks! Love the look Corys. They are adorable little guys and your plants look lovely.
  18. Thanks. Do you happen to know what the dimensions are off the side of the tank? I found a listing online but I’ve had those be wrong before.
  19. I personally leave mine in little balls around the aquarium. The shrimp love it.
  20. I’ve never had aquarium water do anything but help (it’s the best for getting grass seed to come in). That said, maybe it’s too much of a good thing and they are too wet 🤷🏼‍♀️
  21. It looks amazing. So much creativity! I love it
  22. I don’t protect the babies after a certain point. It’s a planted tank but there are definitely fish in the aquarium that will predate on the babies and I’m ok with that. Around the time the oldest should reach the end of their natural lifespans, I’ll intervene and protect a few in a grow out tank to replenish the population if needed. Otherwise, nature is just going to take its course.
  23. Any thoughts on it? Is it functional? Work well? I’ve seen plenty of videos on YouTube but how have actual experiences been?
  24. If you have a tight lid (or can easily get one). Clown killifish look amazing, love a heavily planted tank and stay small. I have a small group in one of my nano tanks and they are a blast to watch.
  25. Hi! Can’t wait to see what you are planning 😊
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