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  1. Pandas would be great in that size in good school of like 8 to 10. They are my favorite Cory so that is what I would do in your situation.
  2. Any of the cheap tetras that have been around a while. Skirt tetras, diamond tetras, black neons, Columbians etc etc. Any of the cheap tetras that have been around a while. Skirt tetras, diamond tetras, black neons, Columbians etc etc.
  3. Geophhagus +school of large tetra + angels + corys+ plants
  4. Repashy is something different to work in and is really good quality. I have liked Hikari sinking wafers for Corys
  5. Knocked my Fritz complete off a shelf and the pump head broke off. Anyone find a replacement on Amazon or anything?
  6. I wouldn’t count on deals at aquashella unless you are around close to closing and folks are wanting to sell things rather than pack them. I have seen some good deals at shows but folks still have to cover the costs of the shows and I would guess Aquashella isn’t the cheapest.
  7. Discus can be a challenge for plants but temp doesn’t seem to be a deal breaker in my limited experience. Lots of other things that go with discus like extra soft water and low flow can be a problem. Easy green has been great as always.
  8. Those should all do fine. I have Anubis, crypts, and Amazon sword in my discus tank that I keep at 86.
  9. I have some corkscrew Val in my 29 gal. It doesn't get as tall as the jungle Val and I like the look of the twist. Spreads very fast once it starts going and gets really thick. I have to thin it out from time to time and keep it hemmed in with some rocks.
  10. dr Tim’s will work fine for an ammonia source. Algae is normal for a new setup as you balance things. Some algae eaters like nerite snails or otocinclus can help once filter is cycled but you can reduce lighting some until you get there.
  11. I think Angels would be great - go for it!
  12. I am not sure 6 inches would be enough to cause an issue so I’d keep an eye on it still. May have a bad sensor.
  13. do you have both probes close to each other? They should be as close as you make them. If you do, sounds like you have a faulty temp probe.
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