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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Bolivian rams are social and he is probably presenting his good eye simply because he wants to see you. Please let him know I still think he’s very handsome.

    Maybe you can do the IAL tea and raw IAL since they have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Plus they can be used with other meds if you should decide to try any.

    Has anyone diagnosed this as popeye yet? Per the chart Maracyn “TWO” is the treatment. But I’m no expert so I’d get a second opinion, of course.


    On 11/24/2023 at 6:17 PM, Colu said:

    if it start to get worse then I would follow up with a course of maracyn2


    On 11/24/2023 at 9:45 PM, Odd Duck said:

    exactly on point again.  And Maracyn 2 can be in the water or in the food


    On 12/7/2023 at 8:58 PM, Odd Duck said:

    think this is appropriate but I would lean towards the Maracyn 2 in food


    On 12/7/2023 at 6:48 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    would recommend the maracyn 2 route


    On 2/1/2024 at 9:39 PM, Colu said:

    would do a course of maracyn2


    Seems we all have the same conclusion @xXInkedPhoenixX?

    On 2/1/2024 at 9:39 PM, Colu said:

    add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties 

    Ha @Colu I think we were typing the same thing at the same time 😄

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  2. On 1/29/2024 at 7:11 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    New fish additions courtesy of @SugarBassJoe and they are doing great.  I am so relieved that Grace is still being calm and loving the tank with some more life in it.

    Ahh!! I love it! 🏆 I don’t know what all the fish IDs are. Probably mentioned along the way up above. I’m guessing mainly rainbowfish. Very nice and natural looking scape. Peaceful. And looks like Grace is enjoying the activity and interacting nicely. Also the juvenile cory is super cute, ORD.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Got a nifty pothos holder for Geppetto’s tank. It’s nice & compact and I chose the one with the open bottom so the roots can go through. The scotch tape/twisty tie I was previously using would shift around every time I took the lid off to do maintenance.




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  4. On 1/25/2024 at 11:24 PM, Sherry said:

    I have started testing the snails. If I gently pull on the Operculum, and the body comes out of the shell, I assume that snail is dead, right?

    Yes, also you will see a lot of empty space inside the shell around the snail (the body shrinks) 😭

    If you have any that are questionable, remove them to a small bowl of tank water or something and check back every 15 min for movement. Gives them a chance if it’s just lethargy but if they have passed they will not pollute your tank.

    On 1/22/2024 at 6:50 PM, Sherry said:

    No ammonia detected.IMG_6470.jpeg.d79fa13e2abf7479fdedcdabaf836c7e.jpeg

    Have you retested kH, laying the strip on a clean towel vs a hard surface? I don’t know why you get blue repeatedly on that test unless it relates to that bleeding effect in the video @nabokovfan87 shared.

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  5. After testing the heater for a few days, I’ve determined it’s a degree or two off. No big deal, and it will suit my basic needs. The jar is at 72 and most MTS are burrowed. I added the heater and set it to 72 and will take a reading with a meat thermometer tomorrow. I will gradually increase. At least to 74. The goal is to have some consistency for the MTS. They came from an 80 degree tank, so it’s understandable why they are not moving around so much.





    Another thing I did was reduce the light by a half hour with the Kasa wifi outlet.

    There were 4 dead moths in my jar! And a few dead ones around the jar. They are attracted to the light, I’m sure.

    Re: the algae. I didn’t really have the issue when I had all that dwarf water lettuce in there. I guess I need some more floaters. My friend is practically overwhelmed with floaters in her tanks, so I have a good source! ☺️

    However I wouldn’t go with dwl again. It was sending down thick roots and anchoring firmly into the substrate which I didn’t like. I was always having to trim those to allow room and light for my moneywort.


  6. On 1/25/2024 at 3:19 PM, Sherry said:

    Well, I did a 30% water change on the QT tank. By the way the snails look, I would swear they are dead, but the ones I pick out don’t smell.

    I have mom and dad snail and two offspring in my 20, which is sitting right beside the QT. They are doing fine. Mom, dad and one baby were in the QT and when things started looking weird I pulled them out.

    Last night I was poking at one of the snails in the QT… it looked like it moved. I put it in the 20. It is laying half hanging out but it still responds to stimulus. It’s like it is in a stupor. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I found an internet article saying that at about 70 degrees F or cooler, Mystery Snails can go into a state called torpor. I’m guessing that’s what happened. Live and learn.

    I thought you recently added a heater?

  7. On 1/25/2024 at 1:04 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    It’s insane! Not only is it crazy to be immersed into this world I’ve been playing for like 20 years at this point, but to draw your gun you have to reach down and grab it off your hip. To reload you have to reach down into your pouch on the other hip and slap the magazine into the gun. You draw your knife off your chest, and the then you have to actually stab and slice with it. It’s insane!

    That sounds awesome!

    What if they made VR stench where you could smell the zombies nearby? Lol!

    But then also smell flowers in a field or pine needles in the woods etc.

    Do you game on Pc at all? Ever play 7 Days to Die?

  8. On 1/25/2024 at 6:40 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I’m not trying to be contrary but my experience is much different.  
    I’ve been keeping neocaridina for roughly 5 years.  
    They are prolific in all my tanks to the point I use them as live food for my fish.

    they travel in my sponge filters to every tank I set up for growout, hatching, new fish and Qt.  

    I plop & dropped culls from tanks to the Walstad jar. At one point 25 shrimps were in the jar and everyone was active.

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  9. On 1/17/2024 at 8:32 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    Rad little shrimp I saw in the Pea Puffer tank today. I know this was a cull from my girlfriend’s shrimp tank, but where the orange on the shrimp came from I have no idea. Super cool, though

    Wild/cull shrimps are my favorite shrimps.

    On 1/18/2024 at 5:39 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

    I really don’t wanna get into the chase numbers and “make” water game

    Same!  & if you screw it up the animals could die.  No thank you. (Same situation occurs with the ph up ph down stuff).

    • Like 1
  10. Sorry you’re not feeling well. 

    Super dope about the game in VR though. I love horror games. Conquered Outlast and the Whistleblower expansion. Everyone else I’ve talked to that tried to play it quit because it was “too intense”. You have NO weapons in Outlast. You have to sneak and hide and yep!  It is intense. But satisfying when it’s accomplished. I didn’t bother with Outlast 2 because reviews were saying it’s a bunch of scripted scenes and running. Bleh. The last Resident Evil i played was 5. Played co op with my husband. That Wesker was a real piece of work! Lol  We looked for more co op ones but many were single player.

    I should still play them anyway. They are fun. I think they would be so epic in VR. I don’t think I could do Outlast in VR. That was terrifying enough on desktop. Also I recommend Dead Space (the first one) if you’ve never played it.

    Great job with the water changes. I do the same when I am just beginning to get sick, in case I get weak and can’t do it again for awhile.

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  11. IMG_6925.jpeg.07e6866f588ee88c5818a37f077f34b8.jpeg

    The algae situation seems to be improving with the help of the Malaysian trumpet snails. However I noticed they seem lethargic, and I am certain that it is because the temperature has been low lately. I bought a tiny 10w heater and am testing it out in a bucket to see if the output is accurate, then I will add it to my jar. It is about the size of, say, a chapstick. A little wider. Controller is external and digital, which is nice. Walstad tucked a reptile pad into hers but I couldn’t find the one she used.

    Water tests 0 across the board for “the big 3”. Always have been for this jar, every time I’ve tested. Even in the beginning when I set it up and tested daily for 2 weeks.

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