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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Froggin is livin such an awesome life in her forest!!!    …does your house always sound like crickets?

    Also Boo’s coat is so shiny and beautiful. Does he know the flavor of all of your houseplants?

    On 3/5/2024 at 7:09 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I did bully Teejay into feeding the empty 10 gallon he moved his emeralds out of instead of tearing it down in hopes there were eggs left behind….desperate time-desperate measures and all

    It can always be a quarantine and he’s feeding bacteria. Maybe once a week I toss a pellet or something into a 5.5gal. I never broke it down after quarantining Flint the pleco.

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  2. On 2/5/2024 at 2:59 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

        *waiting for Froggin photo* 





    Also can’t wait for updates on

    On 2/24/2024 at 1:20 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Danio erythromicron


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  3. On 3/3/2024 at 11:40 PM, Rosi said:

    Thanks so much, @Chick-In-Of-TheSea! I'll definitely check these out. My Betta loves his floating plants and I really don't want to get rid of them. They're all in such good shape.

    I'll keep you posted and let you know how it goes. 


    Let us know how you do! Also make sure there is always a clear space at the top for your betta friend to take a breath!

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  4. One thought I have is to use reverse respiration on the plants. This is where you would float the plants in seltzer water (NOT sparkling water) for a few hours and the carbon dioxide may drive the bugs away. You can read more about reverse respiration here

    Another thought would be to hang the yellow sticky whitefly traps around the tank. The traps contain a bug attractant and could help with the situation.





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  5. Sorry to hear about the pups. Do you think the parvo illness was brought in by the new pup? 

    Are the shrimps molting ok now?  I’ve been trying to follow MST advice. If they are swimming around, feed. If they are standing around, skip feeding. But I do add Repashy or bacter AE if I see brand new shrimplets. Also doesn’t he give his shrimps crushed goldfish food? I haven’t tried that. I always worry about them consuming too much meat based protein which could create the white ring.

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  6. On 2/24/2024 at 10:39 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I was very fun to see Romeo's Journey.  Beautiful shell coloration and he definitely had a full and happy life!

    I hate this as well.... it's so frustrating.  I would recommend thinning out the algae over time.  You can also cut feeding way back and let the shrimp graze on it more attentively.  Ultimately, even with bigger shrimp like amanos, once the algae reaches a certain size they can end up ignoring it for easier spots to graze.  The thin, new, "fresh" algae is their favorite, but the thicker, chewy, dense, harder, more robust stuff tends to get left there.

    Use a Soft toothbrush on the silicone and just be very gentle with it.  You can drain the tank and brush on peroxide as well on any trouble spots and it should work wonders.

    Just let it be exposed to air with the peroxide on the area for 10-15 minutes.

    No need. I have a helper. 


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  7. On 11/9/2022 at 3:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Shiva- Hindu protector and destroyer god (protects from and destroys algae )

    Guys my shrimp tank needed help!


    Even the silicone is growing algae.


    Light reduction helped a little, but not enough. Many days over the past month or so the light was kept off.

    This gal sure ain’t toothy enough to get the job done.

    Also she made a baby (hatched from egg) which I can’t find half the time. Limpets and MTS haven’t made a dent in this either.

    So here we have Shiva! Thanks to @Guppysnail for the name. I collected name suggestions when I adopted Kratos. Kratos name was chosen by a neutral 3rd party, and I kept this name in mind for the next nerite.




    Shiva is a young olive nerite. He will be having the feast of kings once he learns his way around.



  8. I had to revamp this tank. The huge rocks were just monopolizing the swimming space, and it didn’t seem like the fish were comfortable. It is only 5.5gal.

    Before & after





    Geppetto got a new tunnel as well which he loves.



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  9. The day has come. My oldest snail Romeo has finally passed. Romeo was sent to me, along with his siblings, by @Guppysnail. She hatched him in October 2022. I found some pics from his childhood.



    This could be him or a sibling, not sure.


    This was the day my snail mail arrived. I carefully placed everybody at their welcome gift. Aren’t they gorgeous!!!


    Romeo was first to explore. He had a white foot and everyone else had a peachy foot. Also Romeo had freckles. 



    Here he had a bit of a growth spurt.



    He was notorious for falling asleep on his girlfriends and they had to haul him around the tank for 2-3 hours.



    What can I say? He liked to snuggle afterwards. 💜

    And here’s just a little video of how arrogant he was. LOL! That’s a nerite he’s monster trucking over.

    But he was a joy to have. He reached 16 months old. Wow! He long outlived his siblings. Perhaps due to the “exercise” he was getting? But he was also the fastest mystery snail and would be bookin it across the tank on a regular basis, just doin his laps.

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  10. On 2/23/2024 at 10:05 AM, Guppysnail said:

    @Chick-In-Of-TheSea has dealt with this parasite.  

    I resolved it with No Planaria.

    Note: No Planaria is not snail safe! I moved my snails out before treatment. Also it will be awhile before you can return them.

    P.S. Tried salt dips. Found them ineffective and extremely stressful for me and for the shrimps. Also I had tried Prazi Pro: didn’t work.

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  11. On 2/20/2024 at 11:55 AM, Lennie said:

    think one bolivian ram also should be fine. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea may help further

    One Bolivian ram makes for a nice peaceful community fish. Some folks that got 2 Bolivian rams reported they fight; one will chase the other relentlessly until it gets stressed and starts to starve.  Not sure what the magic number of Bolivian rams is. Ask @Guppysnail or @knee

    @xXInkedPhoenixX is the only one I’ve seen so far to keep 2 together for any decent length of time, but I believe she ultimately separated them because she “wasn’t sure” if one was picking on the other while she wasn’t looking(?)

    Bolivian rams are less colorful than other fish, but they win for personality. They will interact with you similar to how a betta would.

  12. Great news! With just 2 days of ich x and salt, the dot on his head is gone. While I don’t think it was ich (because the dots didn’t multiply), the Fritz disease chart recommends an ich med for like 3 different diseases that have dots as symptoms, so I felt I had a good chance of success going this course.





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