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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I guess we are in the calm before the storm. Yep, that’s a real thing! Before every hurricane it’s a waiting game. Very unnerving. But hey! I made it to Monster Jam. No videos of trucks allowed, but I was allowed to take vid of the motocross that they had during the intermission - a delightful surprise! I love watching motocross!



    The mouth of ThunderRoarus Rex would open and close as he drove around.


    Megalodon had 1 of the 2 female drivers that were present tonight. Monster Jam has 13 female drivers that compete worldwide. Also you can’t tell in this photo, but Megalodon’s eyes lit up blue.


    This maneuver is called a “stoppie”


    Sometimes they drive backwards whilst in the stoppie and it is called moonwalking.

    Megalodon in the donut contest.


    Monster Mutt. The ears would fly up when the truck caught some air. 🤣




    Toro Loco had smoke that would shoot out the nostrils while it was doing stunts



    The drivers completed a series of skills challenges and we voted on our smartphones. The overall winner was Jamie Sullivan, a female driver who drove Monster Mutt. She was the only driver to do a backflip. Now her truck needs some repairs.. but, totally worth it!


    ^ Jamie Sullivan, winner 

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  2. On 8/3/2024 at 12:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    @Chick-In-Of-TheSea had a recent experience like this and the result of the analysis on what went wrong was lack of oxygenation when it comes to the drip method over time and how much the fish were pulling from the water during that time period.

    I think ammonia was to blame. It happened fast. Although oxygenation could be the cause as well. Top of container was open though. Really hard to say, and I’ve successfully drip acclimated fish before using the same method. 

    After that incident I plop & dropped fish several times from tank to tank and they were fine. HOWEVER, that’s just in my own fishroom. I don’t plop & drop newly adopted fish. I float them in the bag for 15 minutes, adding some tank water in the last 5 min, then I release them into a quarantine tank. The moment air hits the water they are in, it starts to become more dangerous, with ammonia/ammonium conversions happening. Also I do not buy fish online; I buy them locally, hence, the water is similar to mine.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 8/3/2024 at 12:38 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Don't forget the earplugs. 🙂 

    Got ‘em!

    On 8/3/2024 at 12:38 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    the D-Cell air pumps!

    You ever used these? I’ve got 2 but they are dreadfully loud. The only way I can tolerate it is to run it inside a cooler.


    On 8/2/2024 at 9:41 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    Currently preparing for the tropical cyclone

    Expected to become a hurricane now.

    The air pumps I ordered look exactly like the ACO ones except for color. The reason they run so long is because they only pull .5 volt.

    • Haha 1
  4. IMG_8285.webp.97b32744d524e27f8eadec53d72b9376.webp

    Currently preparing for the tropical cyclone which should hit in the next day or two. It may become a cat 1 hurricane but as it now stands, winds are expected at about 75mph, as well as flooding, tornados, and heavy rain. 

    Most of my nano pumps died, and I noticed Cory mentioned in a recent livestream that ACO no longer carries them, likely because they were not living up to ACO quality standard. However, they saved me last storm and ran my tanks off power banks for several days. I did order a few similar from the popular e-commerce platform that tends to carry all the things. They will be here by morning. Also, happy to report that I now have some tanks on the ACO air pumps with built-in battery backups, so if I do lose power, I don’t have to immediately do anything.

    Heres a little vid of the 20g. The lack of clarity you see there is caused by the new driftwood. I am running the Purigen but it didn’t seem to do much yet. I did add Hank today. I came to the conclusion that he cannot be treated; his gill plate may not grow back. Not sure what happened to him, whether it is a birth defect or an injury, but he came this way and has always done well. He was glad to rejoin his school.

    I hope to still make it to my birthday event tomorrow: Monster Jam; something I’ve always wanted to see. We will see what the weather does. I think we will get the brunt of it on Sunday.



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  5. Your limpet populations will greatly decrease when feeding (and potentially light durations, if algae) is decreased.

    Also please do me a favor: bust out a magnifying glass and watch a limpet on the front glass for a bit. It is cool. Just sayin.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 7/30/2024 at 6:32 AM, Pepere said:

    I use Purigen in my canister filters.  I use these mesh bags to hold it in the filter.


    For each canister filter I have 2 bags. One in the filter, one in the fridge in a water filled food storage container ready for monthly filter servicing.  I service my filters the first saturday of the month and swap purigen bags.  The removed bags get placed on a bowl big enough to hold all of the used bags and gets recharged by soaking in a heavy bleach solution for 24 hours before being rinsed well and soaked in tap water for several hours and then soaked overnight in fresh water with a quarter cup of dechlor poured in.     Then into water filled food storage container with a few tablespoons of dechlor added and into the fridge until filter servicing day.

    Purigen helps to remove dissolved organics as well as tannins and hence removes the yellow greenish and brownish tinges that can occur in aquarium water.  It will also remove meds, so needs to be removed before treating a tank. It can help remove contaminants accidentally introduced to a tank.

    It is a product I consider worthwhile keeping in use, but I dont consider it essential.


    How many gallons is your tank? Do I use a whole bag for my 20 gal or do I divide the granules and use a portion of them?

  7. On 7/30/2024 at 12:07 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Do you have the filter on a kasa plug? I would recommend turning it off for 20-30 minutes when feeding

    I don’t, but I could have unplugged it. I was watching them eat and thinking, should I shut off the filter? And then just didn’t because I was tired and didn’t want to reach for the plug. LOL!  And I was filming. 😝

    On 7/30/2024 at 12:07 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Beautiful setup. I can't wait to see the plants go crazy in the back.

    Thanks! The plant melt stinks, but the ACO microsword that just came brightens things up. Not sure if that shows in the video (update: on thumbnail it’s bottom right). Also I had the par a tick too low for the val, so that adjustment has now been made.

    I have Purigen but nervous to use it; new to it. Came in a 100gal packet and I don’t know if I need to split the packet up for the 20gal or what. With tannins out, I think the guppies’ colors will pop a lot more. I was trying to find threads on it. I believe @Guppysnail @MattyM, @Pepere, and @tolstoy21 have used it with good results.

  8. Live grindal worm feedings, and sneak peek of the platinum (?) guppy.

    He’s having trouble swimming because something (a filter?) happened to his tail before I received him, and even light air is pushing him around very easily.  So he’s in the 5.5gal AND in a breeder box. The breeder box keeps things calm for him but allows him the air that he needs (he’s been staying close to the surface). I added catappa leaves also and he was very excited about that and raced over to them. I cut one up and put it into his breeder box so he can use the pieces for shade and shelter but still sip at surface air as he needs. There is lots of air running in that tank for him, and he’s getting daily water changes with salt to help keep the wound clean and promote healing.

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  9. On 7/13/2024 at 1:59 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaa big vote yes here for those fireballs. Cory recently mentioned fish he wished he kept and that’s one of mine. 

    @EricksonAquatics I went ahead and added the guppies from my friend. (Excuse the plants which are in their melty phase). I will be acquiring 4-5 more from her, all males. One is a brilliant white. I think he’s a platinum guppy or something.

    Also Flint was being EXTRA CUTE this morning!





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  10. Also a couple days ago my friend gave these male guppies to me. She had raised them. (The little guy in the corner of the bag is an orange endler that was living alone in a shrimp tank because he was the last endler. He looked bored and kept staring out of the shrimp tank at us.) I gave her a call and let her know I’d take the other 4 guppies that she has as well. These will live in the tank we’ve been discussing, and they sure as heck will not be drip acclimated!

    it’s not exactly the plan I had for the tank, but it will still be good, I think. 

    They are in a brief qt now, probably 1 week. I trust the source.

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  11. On 7/25/2024 at 12:59 AM, EricksonAquatics said:

    Your thought of the ammonia/ammonium buildup sounds quite reasonable - I think I’ve heard that before (and that’s why a lot of people shy away from drip acclimation)

    Yes, I think out of all the variables considered, this was the one that did it. I didn’t realize the difference between bagged fish and non-bagged fish, how the water’s exposure to air causes that reaction. I thought if fish can stay bagged for days on end, a drip container is fine for less than an hour. Anyway, I learned things and that was the point of this thread. 

    Everybody has been so kind. Thank you all.

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  12. I found some old threads on the forum here regarding acclimation of fish. People state drip acclimation has concerns of ammonia buildup in the container. People supporting drip acclimation tend to use Prime or similar to counteract it. There were some things such as when air is introduced say, to a bag, there is an ammonia/ammonium conversion that makes acclimation more dangerous, and pH contributed to how dangerous that is. I don’t understand it all completely but I did not use Prime and the ammonia could have built up during the longer drip time that I chose. I didn’t think ammonia could become that dangerous in under an hour. I guess I had misconceptions about drip acclimation, thinking it was safer and more gentle on the fish. 

    *caution- rant incoming. Feel free to skip*

    Also folks, I’m convinced my day is cursed. In the morning I found that my last mystery snail had passed of natural causes. Then the fish losses. Then it is my work at home day. The morning I got very little done because I was upset and was conducting funerals..

    At lunch we dropped off the dry cleaning. He dropped me at the curb and I walked in to get the clothes turned in. I came out and started walking to the car and got rudely startled and honked at four times. The honker was my husband. I was walking past his car to a car that looked just like his (ok, we had a laugh about that one. So did the old lady that was passing by and quickly figured out my blunder. (And husband corrected me that the other car was a different model. Like I care about the car things. They are just pieces of metal with wheels and stuff, idk).

    I suggested ice cream since the day was awful so far and I was on and off crying over my lost fish and snail. The ice cream place was closed.. permanently. We went to another one and were successful (I had one scoop of Insta-Graham and one scoop of Mac Daddy Coconut). FL heat so we ate it in husband’s car. Doesn’t mean it didn’t drip less. It was like a race to eat it, and it dripped on my shirt not once, not twice, but 3 times (too bad we went to the dry cleaner first).  Snarky husband made me a bib out of a microfiber cloth he usually dusts the car with… Once I had the bib nothing dripped. Smh

    Got home and internet is down, I could not log back into work. Husband goes to cable co to exchange equipment, stands in a line 13 deep. The neighbors also had “bricked modems”.  I go to the coffee shop and order a hot coffee and resume working. Realize I forgot my mouse and it’s hard to do the things. Also realize there is no working A/C in the coffee shop, and it’s 95 degrees outside. Hours pass. I’m hungry because all I had was ice cream, and the coffee shop only sells muffins, etc - nothing substantial.

    Husband calls, internet works. I couldn’t immediately leave because I was on a work call. Finally I head home. A/C in car is nice. Got home. Crawled around under my desk to plug in all the things. Get text from old boss. The replacement I trained for 2 months worked 4 months and put in her notice because her college grades are suffering. Then. Internet fails to work. Again. He has to call customer service and they have to activate this & that because the person at the counter didn’t. Sigh. It comes back up when I have 20 minutes left in my shift. 

    I decided not to do any tank maintenance or anything similar today because there is this storm cloud following me around. I refuse to make decisions as well until tomorrow, which will be better I’m sure.


    • Sad 2
  13. Thank you @Whitecloud09. I had numerous cries today


    Here are some tests I just ran.

    Left strip new tank

    Right strip previous tank @Tazalanche





    tests on new tank. No maintenance was performed today




    Brief video of new tank and current residents

    Also some Prime may have been in the new tank’s water, and dechlorinators do reduce oxygen levels. That is yet another variable in this and could be a reason why an airstone may have been needed in the drip acclimation container, something @Guppysnail asked about earlier.

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  14. On 7/24/2024 at 5:29 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    If the tank itself is brand new then I would drain it halfway and take a paper towel and clean off the glass / inside area of the tank for any oils or residue. You can run carbon too for a few weeks and try to filter out anything you can't ultimately test for

    I could try this, but odd the fish already living in the tank for 17 days haven’t had any issues. 

    My husband put all his money on the salinity change issue. He comes from the saltwater hobby and says even small salinity changes can cause losses. I don’t know if the same applies to freshwater, but it could.

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  15. On 7/24/2024 at 4:11 PM, jwcarlson said:

    Was catching them out particularly problematic?  I've lost a rummynose that died from being stressed from it being difficult to catch.  Would be hard to believe that all of them died from that, though.

    Not bad. It’s a 5gallon tank so it’s not like they could go far.

  16. On 7/24/2024 at 12:49 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Any chance there was soap or something on the towel itself? Was it recently washed and maybe it wasn't fully rinsed or something?

    I don’t think so. Also the towel didn’t touch the water. Picture a square box with one flap as a lid. Open that lid 45 degrees. Now picture the lid is the towel and the box is the container the fish were in. Like a lean-to tent. It was just there to provide shade/calmness and deter cats from seeing fish in a container on the floor.

    Tank setup and fish have been living it in for 17 days. It was setup with used filter media and I used Prime. New plants, new jungle river sand, and new river rock. 20% water was changed every day for the first week. Day 2 or 3 ammonia showed. The fish were never without Prime. Added pothos to hob, Polyfilter, and a really seeded sponge filter. Ammonia never showed again, nitrite never showed at all. Tests performed every 24 hr. Nitrate has always been present. First test was 30. It went down with water changes. This is because all the tank water was from established tanks and those tanks did have Easy Green, fish, and plants in them. Also initially, mulm from water changes was added, as well as the new tank dosage of Fritz Zyme 7.  Also I did siphon out the tank mulm before adding the fish. Last pH test all tanks were at 7.5 @Tazalanche

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