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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 6/14/2024 at 9:12 PM, Colu said:

      the curve and odd swimming behaviour it's possible it's swim into something in the tank that cause neurological issues the symptoms can also be caused by a parasitic  or  bacterial infection with the white spots your fish had I don't think it's a coincidence did you take any pictures of the white spots before they disappeared 

    No, I went to take photos the next day and the spots were not there.

    Water tests today

    ammonia 0

    nitrite 0

    nitrate 30

    temp decreased to 85

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  2. On 6/14/2024 at 8:03 AM, Colu said:

    It's difficult say what caused the symptoms

    So last night temp was raised. This evening I see what I believe to be a neurological issue? Not sure if this was the fish that had the spots yesterday. Could have been. Also I see the fish starting to swim in such a way that it could be developing curved spine (swim in circles disease - is it called tb?). Never had a fish recover from that one, so hopefully this is not going to progress the way I suspect . @Colu @Odd Duck any thoughts? 


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  3. On 6/14/2024 at 7:23 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    I had to go to 87 degrees because of the 1 degree differential on the Rainbird, which I don’t think I can zero out, so it wouldn’t stop below 86. 

    I suppose I got my payback today, as the A/C went out and now the house is about the same temp as the tank. 🥵

    • Haha 1
  4. I came across a video yesterday where it was mentioned at the end of it to feed garlic to fish that have dropsy or bloating. I think that is worth a try, given I haven’t seen results from other methods yet. I will report my results.

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  5. It was a looong night. I was up every 30-60 minutes to check the tank temp, to make sure the rainbird is doing what it’s supposed to, and to make sure everyone is not stressed. I did give them extra air yesterday. I had to go to 87 degrees because of the 1 degree differential on the Rainbird, which I don’t think I can zero out, so it wouldn’t stop below 86. 

    Then I was obsessively searching the forum for the ol’ ich vs. epistylis debates. The photos people shared of epistylis do not look like what my fishies presented. One pristella tetra had 3 dots around, not on, the eye. It is like the parasite specifically avoided the eye, making a half circle, or C-shape. The other side of that same fish had one dot above the eye. And a black neon had a fuzz or maybe it was even a grayish slime (?) on its nose, but inconsistent with columnaris. Also during my “doom scrolling” I found a post where @Colu said rubberlip plecos don’t do well above 80 degrees, so I was freaking out about Flint the BNP. Flicked on the room light in the middle of the night, and that just made him mad that his thorough front glass cleaning routine was interrupted, and he dashed back to hide under his driftwood, the shy fella. Sorry, bud.

    Today I busted out the magnifying glass and.. I can’t find anything except the spot/slime thing on the black neon’s nose, which is half the size now?  So, hooray! And no pics I can really show…

    The only other remedy I used yesterday was feeding the fish some crushed garlic clove. They passed it around; everybody picked up and spat out the same pieces. I don’t think they actually ate it? So I laced some micro pellets with garlic guard and Focus and let that sit for a bit. Fed it to them and they went into a mad FRENZY over it. I fed that to the other tanks as well and they loved it and acted like they couldn’t get enough.

    To err on the side of caution, I will keep the temp up for 3 days, then gradually lower it. Then I will do a really good siphoning. I may actually do that today since there are no meds in there to dilute, and the water now comes out of the tap pretty warm because my pipes run through the attic (I’m in FL). I don’t want a water change to decrease my temp now that I finally reached the goal temp which took about 10 hours.

    Given Flint’s rapid growth, I believe it’s his bioload that is upsetting the tank balance. There are large piles of waste that lay at the back of the tank where the HOB pushed them, and weekly siphoning does not seem to be enough to keep up with it. Because I am working full time, I am considering some options (other than more maintenance) such as a larger tank or adopting some fish out. Hard to think about, as I consider these fish my family. Many I’ve had for 11 or 12 years. Upgrading would take some logistics, as I’d have to move the other tanks around and may not have enough electrical outlets in the fish room. However, if I did upgrade, all my fish could be together and I could decommission two 5gal tanks, after a larger tank cycles.

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  6. The 29g has ich. (Expletive.) 2 fish present symptoms. Slowly upping temp to 86 and prepping garlic infused food, as well as the garlic infusion that I had used about 2 years ago with success.

    Not sure what brought this on. Nothing new was added. Tank gets weekly water changes. Temp is stable. No other tank has ich.

    • Sad 3
  7. On 6/12/2024 at 12:10 PM, EricksonAquatics said:


    What variety of bristlenose is that? Very handsome little man!

    He was bred by a friend that was, er, not trying to breed? I’m not 100% sure but I believe the type is “cute longfin bristlenose pleco”. 🙂 Fins have white edges. You can kind of tell in this action shot.






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  8. I don’t have much to report. My little guy has been doing well; fins regrowing. A spot on his tail. I checked it out, and it seems like one of those loss of pigment issues like his kickstand had. Kickstand regained color.





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  9. The fishies are off Maracyn 2. To tell you the truth, I don’t see any difference. Onyx is washed out; not a bit of black on her right now. But I hope to see some this afternoon, as I did a water change for her this morning. Hank is back in the other QT with his school. He isn’t nice to Onyx, and I can’t see forcing him to stay in the breeder box now that treatment is done. I’m extending the school’s QT anyway because there is a guy in there that doesn’t put on weight. May do a level 3 salt for them next, as level 2 did not resolve and Hank’s gill still needs treatment. But for now, I will let him rest and spend time with his friends.

    The good news is that Onyx seemed excited about her breakfast, which is the medicated frozen brine shrimp with the Metro. Maybe the Metro will target the other kind of bacteria; the kind that is ailing her. She has been active too and has tolerated the treatment well.

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  10. On 6/10/2024 at 7:11 AM, GoofyGarra said:

    thinking seriously about my terrarium projects

    You always have so many projects going on, haha

    How do you keep up with all of it? Of course there is no school right now so that makes it easier.

  11. Both fishies seem the same. Last day of Maracyn 2 is tomorrow. No cycle crash has occurred yet whereas it would have already happened with regular Maracyn. Hopefully it will hold steady, but I have a nasty PFS I can toss into the QT tank if needed.

    @nabokovfan87 had an extra tube of MetroPlex and was kind enough to send it along. Thank you so much!  I made the recipe this evening and will begin feeding tomorrow. I am doing this for Onyx’s bloating, but I wonder if this could help Hank’s red gill issue too?




    • Thanks 1
  12. On 6/9/2024 at 1:00 AM, Tony s said:

    They’re more beneficial than harmful to ecosystems

    I think it depends on tank age, tank size, maintenance schedule, etc. A very well established tank tends to handle things like these better than new tanks.

    On 6/9/2024 at 1:00 AM, Tony s said:

    Accidental clutch hatch, but very cool to watch

    Congrats!   They are so adorable, especially when you have a bunch of babies “parasnailing”, raining down off the glass at the same time. 😍

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  13. On 6/8/2024 at 4:27 PM, Tony s said:

    I use mystery snails. They’re so much goofier than nerites

    I love mystery snails but would not recommend them for a 5 gallon tank due to their high bioload. That’s liable to cause more ammonia issues.

    On 6/8/2024 at 4:27 PM, Tony s said:

    to aid in cycling I use fritzyme7

    I really like this product and always keep it stocked. It helps if bacteria slow or die (due to using medications etc) or when starting new tanks.

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  14. On 6/8/2024 at 4:00 PM, j2Raptor said:

    Is the morale of the story is to wait until nitrate is detected? Is it okay to have "some" ammonia and nitrite? Or should there be zero ammonia and nitrite before adding critters? 

    Nitrate should be present, and ammonia and nitrite need to be zero because they are quite toxic.

    I’m sorry for your losses..

    Do not scrub things down. Water changes are ok. The goal is to breed the beneficial bacteria which eat the ammonia and nitrite. These bacteria live on surfaces of ornaments in your tank, on your gravel, and in your filter.

    On 6/8/2024 at 4:27 PM, Tony s said:

    Keeping the nitrite down is key. I believe it’s more poisonous than ammonia. 

    Ammonia is the most toxic, followed by nitrite. Nitrate is fine if kept under 40 as a general rule of thumb.

    On 6/8/2024 at 4:00 PM, j2Raptor said:

    One last question, once the water is good, should I stick with a nerite snail or should I try amano shrimp? Any recommendations for this beginner are greatly appreciated.

    I’m not sure if Amanos would clean glass? I think they mainly clean objects. We can ask @nabokovfan87.

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  15. It has not even been 24 hours since starting ich-x and honestly, I can’t see any issue anymore. I had to review the last photos to confirm which side of him it was on. I will leave the meds in the tank until this evening and do a 30% water change.


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  16. On 6/8/2024 at 12:23 AM, Tony s said:

    Girl talks fish also, but she’s taking a break for now.

    And also she works as a content creator for Aquarium Coop. She writes blog posts and makes videos. Hope she returns from break soon. She has a few kids and her life gets hectic, I think.

    On 6/8/2024 at 12:23 AM, Tony s said:

    YouTube is great for learning new things. Coop has a great channel. So does Primetime Aquatics and Kgtropicals

    I also will mention Kaveman Aquatics. He has a lot of great tips and in general keeps his videos short. Like this one.

    And his cichlids are gorgeous. 

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  17. @j2Raptor the reason folks are suggesting Prime is because Prime “locks up” ammonia and nitrite (makes it nontoxic). This is not a lasting effect though. It lasts 24-48 hours, then you must water change/redose if you are still getting readings. I always err on the side of caution and assume it lasts 24 hours only. (Also you will still get reading while it is in its nontoxic state).

    Remember that dechlorinator will reduce oxygen in the tank, so you’ll want to add the airstone when you can.

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  18. On 6/7/2024 at 9:28 PM, Tony s said:

    Anybody got an idea on the difference between the strips and drops

    I trust drops. Strips are hit & miss.

    @j2Raptor if you have ammonia and nitrite, your tank is still cycling and those are highly toxic to organisms. Water changes with Prime are your best bet to try to save them as @Tony s suggested.

    On 6/7/2024 at 9:28 PM, Tony s said:

    It’s quite common, especially when petco/petsmart tells you that you can add fish the same day you buy a tank

    Yep, that’s a real problem with chain store. Mom & pop shops usually educate better to set people up for success.

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