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Help, I Need an Airstone!

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Hi, I just noticed my silicone suffering from a lack of oxygen! Due to this I've decided to get an airstone. Now, I know the USB Nano Airpump works, however the more power the better right? That's why I'm hoping to get the "SpaceX Merlin 1D" rocket engine, yes I know that it isn't technically an air pump, but it still produces thrust. I would be planning on using the sea level variant, with a smaller nozzle, which according to SpaceX produces 7,607kn or thrust, or 1,710,000 lbf of force. 1527139263_ScreenShot2021-04-01at9_42_59AM.png.e793666068261b8f2b96f23507f1c2b3.pngMy question is will be enough air being pushed through the air stone? Secondly will the exhaust from the fuel of liquid oxygen and what is very refined jet fuel be detrimental to the health of the tanks inhabitants?  Thanks!










Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
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16 minutes ago, Dwayne Brown said:

Haha @quirkylemon103 I literaly thought you were serious lol. I actually had someone new to the hobby ask me if a commercial tire inflator would be okay for their sponge filter. I thought they were joking until I saw their aquarium with a tire inflator running a sponge filter 🤣

thats crazy! 

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