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New arrivals from a local breeder


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Today was a busy and happy day!! 

Announcing...two baby koi angels (not yet named) and 3 firecracker guppies I just brought home. I bought them from a member of my LFC.

The angels are in with my harlequin rasboras and tried to school with them at first - the rasboras are nervous. 




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They finally figured out where the food comes from! The past 2 days they had been just picking it off the plants and substrate since they hang out down there alot. My grand-niece named them Clementine (right) and Tang (left).


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One week update: everyone is doing great and settled in. They all know to come and beg every time I approach their tank! Clementine is "tank boss" right now though he/she doesn't know it yet! I'm glad they're really tolerant of the rasboras, who are starting to realize they can get in there at feeding time and not be completely terrified. Tang still tries to school with them, but can't keep up because they swim away. It's adorable. They love the sword plants and spend hours every day picking through them. 

And it looks like the two female guppies are getting, shall we say, "boxy"? They reject the male consistently, too. I need to get more moss or guppy grass for them. I feel like I'm going to have some baby guppies soon...





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  • 2 weeks later...

I now have 10+ guppy fry and many of them are totally fearless! They can outrun dad easily - he doesn't even try anymore, but I've seen mom and auntie getting very close - I think they've gotten a few. I'm feeding alot and the snail population is responding accordingly - oh well, fry gotta eat. They keep swimming in and out of the java moss so there could be a lot more than I can count. The angels are still growing and doing great too! Tang is almost as big as Clementine now. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

The angels are getting huge! Occasionally, Clementine bullies Tang by turning a bit sideways and then head-butting him/her. Tang responds by bullying the nearest rasbora. I've had to change the rasboras' feeding spot because the angels don't let them near until they decide it's okay.

March 20:





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Sad day - one female guppy died today and I have no idea why. Water parameters are fine, she was fine and ate breakfast this morning, and looked more than ready to give birth. She was hanging more at the top yesterday and I thought there'd be a bunch of new fry today. But, no. Both remaining adults are fine, as are the 8 fry. 

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