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What do Your Pea Puffers Eat?

Jennifer V

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Mine can't have blood worms because I am so allergic.

What I find is that they wont take anything that is not alive. Mine eat snails, live baby brine shrimp, and I assume juvenile neocaridina shrimp. So far they do not seem to eat half grown shrimp or adults. I have tried throwing a scud or two in there but I have yet to see if those colonize or get eaten. Mini ramshorn snails and pond/bladder snails are their favorite, and they will eat snail eggs too.

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32 minutes ago, Brandy said:

Mine can't have blood worms because I am so allergic.

What I find is that they wont take anything that is not alive. Mine eat snails, live baby brine shrimp, and I assume juvenile neocaridina shrimp. So far they do not seem to eat half grown shrimp or adults. I have tried throwing a scud or two in there but I have yet to see if those colonize or get eaten. Mini ramshorn snails and pond/bladder snails are their favorite, and they will eat snail eggs too.

Now that you say that, I did notice all the snail eggs were gone as well, but didn't think anything of it until now. Great to know! 

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Mine only eats snails and frozen bloodworms and seems happy so far! I've tried adding BBS and he was like what?? is this?? I'm hiding.

Won't touch vibrabites, though he's investigated a few times. "Worms?! Oh...no...just some worm-shaped wood or something."

I think he's plowed through most of the trumpet snails I've bred in the tank, but they might be hiding in the substrate. So my overfed livebearer tank is doubling as a ramshorn snail farm. Once they get going, they really get going!

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I've been successful in getting my little guys to eat some vibra bites by soaking them with some frozen blood worms while they thaw out. I also ordered some vita chem from the co op just to be safe. Also no need to set up a full tank to breed out some pond/bladder snails. All i do is keep them in a 2 gallon bucket from lowes with a lid on it and some java moss i had covered in algae. All i do is add some flake food and do a small water change once a week and i am able to feed my puffers 6 snails a couple times a week. I like doing it this way as its out of the way and not the most attractive set up for a tank. 

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5 hours ago, Emika_B said:

The one I inherited/adopted from a friend would only eat live brine shrimp.  I tried frozen wiggled in front of him with an eye dropper and he would just turn his nose.  He was cute but he was a picky little thing.  So why do I want another one?

Where do you get the live brine shrimp and how do you feed your little nugget? They are soooo cute. I didn't realize how picky they are, which I don't mind at all. It's just becoming a routine to hand feed them. The cats, dog and puffers all eat breakfast and dinner together. 

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