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Bulging white clouds

Dancing Matt

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So I bought white clouds from a petsmart a while back (20) and I ended up with 10 surviving to today (months/1year later?). I brought in my water to be tested and it was within parameters so they refunded me the dead ones (they were young and it turns out they had gotten to the store the day before) I was feeding them some bug bites along with frozen brine. They grew and a few got really round and they started dying (the ballooning ones). I ended up stopping feeding them frozen brine and I didn't have any more deaths. I now feed them a couple good flake and live baby brine. They have been through two treatments of para lense in October. Nobody has died since that first month but I have one that is super balloon-like, not just female looking.

I am hoping to breed them in tubs this spring but could this fish have parasites that would pass on to offspring? Should I be worried or because nothing has happened just leave good enough alone?

Blurry pictures because they won't stand still



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I'd like to hear from @WhitecloudDynasty on this since he breeds these regularly. My "gut" instinct would be to put the unhealthy-looking WCs in a separate quarantine tank, and treat with something like the "med trio" that Co-Op uses. It's either egg-laden females getting egg bound, or something internal. Does the fish poop look white and stringy? 

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@Dancing Matt to me they look fine, looks like you may not have enough males or your males are not proactively driving the female to spawn. I wouldn't worry about being egg bound unless they stop eating. 

I dont feed frozen brime shrimp for the same reason, it a bit hard for these guy to pass. Fast them for like 2 days..if they are still big, its all eggs. 

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