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In 2021 I want to get discus babies eventually. I watched the parents guarding about 50 wigglers and both went one way to defend against an intruder. From the other way another discus sneaked up and ate all the wrigglers in about 10 seconds before the parents came back to chase it off.

Currently there are 3 pairs constantly spawning, but I might reduce the number of discus pairs in the tank before too long.

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As far as fish-keeping goes, I'll be happy if I can get a good system up and running for intentionally and judiciously breeding my livebearers. Right now there are just a half billion babies everywhere that I thought would get eaten but I guess my adults aren't as cannibalistic as they could be! No idea how I'm going to catch most of them in my planted tank to cull and give to friends or the LFS.

What I'm thinking I should do is put all the males in a separate tank and only breed them one at a time with one to three females at a time, either in their own easy to tear-down 10g tanks or in a breeding box. Let them give birth there and net the moms out when they're done. Then raise the fry in their holding tank, pick my keepers, and easily ship off the rest.

Where I'm going to put 2 more tanks in this 1100sf house, I do not know lol. Well, not like we're entertaining guests in the dining room, anyway.

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Are we talking about fish goals or any goals? Because I’m really hoping to get surgery on my neck this year. I thought I was going to get it last year but I had to switch surgeons. Neck surgery, I’m pining for you!!!

Fish-wise I’m hoping to build a stand and get a few more tanks set up in my den. I’m thinking platys are my next fish project, and I also want to do a light-colored scape for blue shrimp.

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