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My cory is injured! How can I help him!?


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Help please? I was feeding my community tank earlier this evening, and noticed something thrashing around on the back left of my tank --- it was my cory!

He was actually stuck in between the side/wall and the sponge filter! Like, in the divot/cut-out part (first pic - I circled where I found him 'stuck' in regards to the filter)

Now he just looks TERRIBLE!!

Typically I'd put in one of my buckets or bins and start treating with aquarium salt (majority of my stock are livebearers so this usually does the trick) --- but I am VERY hesitant on using salt with the cats (for presumably obvious reasons?)

So...CAN I treat with salt? Even if it's a half or quarter dose or something?? Is that safe? Or is there a better way!!?






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2 hours ago, TifNee837 said:

but I am VERY hesitant on using salt with the cats (for presumably obvious reasons?)

Er... forgive me but it's not obvious to me. 😂 (Demonstrates my ignorance on cories.)

I would definitely treat with an antibiotic like maracyn, as stated above. He's not looking real good, and an open wound is an invitation for infection. Help his body get a head start by treating with the antibiotics. I was going to recommend salt too but you have implied that it is not a good option.

I would definitely put in a quarantine tank; you don't want tankmates to prey on his weakness, plus its cheaper to treat a small tank if you use meds.

I wonder how he got stuck? Maybe one of his barbels got caught?

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12 hours ago, Kat_Rigel said:

Er... forgive me but it's not obvious to me. 😂 (Demonstrates my ignorance on cories.)

I'm guessing it's because corydoras are scaleless. Consensus on the internet seems to be that they don't tolerate salt well as a result.

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He is pretty banged up

when my panda Cory got fin rot and ich I asked about the salt thing. I was told they could tolerate it. He was quarantined, then I used  ich ,x , salt and an antibiotic.  He was acting like his old self in two days.  In 5 days he looked perfect.   I’m proud of both of us that he pulled through and is now back with his mates.


Im prayin your Cory makes a full recovery.


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