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Can't succesfully run an airstone.


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I am a canister filter user. Intake on one corner and outlet on the other, aimed towards center of the front glass.

As Cory mentioned several times the benefits of using an airstone I decided to run one. 

But no matter what I do where ever I place the air stone, I am having problems with my heater. Sometimes it never goes on or other times it keeps on working. When I shut the air stone, heater operates as it is supposed to and my temps stays where they should. I think it affects the flow. Where can I put it so everything should work as they supposed to.

Below isht photo of my tank20201201_114851.jpg.3d09bb78241988389a83e41a26e957a7.jpg

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This sounds like more of a problem with your header instead of your air stone. You should be able to have flow all around your aquarium and the temps be similar and the heater not have problems. Do you have a top on the aquarium? What size tank to heater ratio?

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It is normally set to 25degrees (celcius). And due too room temperature it only works once a day at night (rest of the day tank is stable at 25 without heater)

Sometimes I woke up as low as 23,5 degrees and as high as 26 degrees (I had to shut it manually) I realized the airstone was the culprit just recently. As I needed the airpump on another tank. I did contacted the manufacturer to sent the heater to be replaced. But now I am torn, they'll test it and it'll work just fine.

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40 minutes ago, James Black said:

Maybe the powerbar cant take both outlets, like maybe you have too many outlets plugged in??

I dont think that is the case. Air pump uses 2 watss, heater is 200 watts, filter is another 15 watts. During daytime a 1200 watt gaming pc is also running on the same outlet. Never tripped a circuit.

Edited by cornelius85
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