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New 140 gallon tank

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Hi folks, 

I have new 140 gallon tank. I have lots of "used" filter media from my other tanks. I'm going to put that into the new tank. I have just my one fish going into it, an 8 inch long comet goldfish named Clyde. Any opinions, suggestions regarding cycling the tank? I am planning to get more fish but not until everything is completely stable. I would like to get Clyde into the new tank ASAP because his current tank is too small for him [55 gallon]. 


Peter L


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On 7/3/2024 at 8:18 AM, Peter L said:

Hi folks, 

I have new 140 gallon tank. I have lots of "used" filter media from my other tanks. I'm going to put that into the new tank. I have just my one fish going into it, an 8 inch long comet goldfish named Clyde. Any opinions, suggestions regarding cycling the tank? I am planning to get more fish but not until everything is completely stable. I would like to get Clyde into the new tank ASAP because his current tank is too small for him [55 gallon]. 


Peter L


You are all ready on top of it. Yes adding the seeded filter media with the one fish and slowly adding others will be fine. @Peter L

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Posted (edited)
On 7/3/2024 at 8:34 AM, Tlindsey said:

You are all ready on top of it. Yes adding the seeded filter media with the one fish and slowly adding others will be fine. @Peter L

Tbh the new aquarium will be nearly or cycled with the seeded filter media. I would just move the  filter from the 55 gallon to the 140gal. Don't forget your dechlorinator. Test your parameters.

Edited by Tlindsey
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by putting a bunch of stuff from other established aquariums into it, its basically ready to go. its 1 modestly sized fish into a large tank, so very small bio load, and large tanks suffer less from big swings smaller tanks can. get it set up, water temp where you want it, test the water, put fish in. just keep an eye on it, but very low chance of having problems.

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May I ask what the dimensions on a 140 are?

I am familiar with the 4-foot 110, and 6 foot 125, 150, 180, and 210.

Also, I think there's a 5-foot that's around that. Thanks in advance!

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It's 5 foot long by 2 by 2 feet. I got it from Custom Aquariums as a clearance item. I plan to keep it modestly stocked and I'm using just two HOB Tidal 75s. I spent enough on the tank and didn't want to sink another 3K on one of their filter systems. My motto is KISS -- keep it simple stupid. 

Thanks All. 


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Thanks Peter L....that sounds like a great size. Very cool. Good luck with the tank. As for the Tidals....welp....definitely good luck with those. Not my favorite, even though I am currently using a Tidal 110.

You can certainly go w/110s, especially given the tank dimensions....but I am guessing you have the 75s already. It may be wise to throw a sponge filter in the tank as well....not only for extra aeration and movement, but those Tidals really give the bypass a workout. Just my .02, though.

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Thanks Quikv6. I like Tidals as they are self priming. I do plan to put in sponge filters as well. Do you think a large airstone is a good idea too. I will consider going to the 110s especially when I add more pals for my goldfish. Not sure what you mean by "give the bypass a workout". Again thanks

Peter L



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Tidals have a tendency to direct water to the bypass, instead of actually sending the water through the media. To me, they take fair more looking-after than an Aquaclear. But yes, they are self-priming, which is a benefit.

If you are going to add a sponge filer, I don't see a need for an additional airstone, though it could be helpful until you get that sponge going.

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I'll have to look for that bypassing. I hadn't been aware of it being an issue. I really feel safer with the self-priming filters as I live "up here in the sticks" of New Hampshire, and get power outages annoyingly frequently. Also, I was looking a prices on Amazon:

Tidal 75 --  $68.

Tidal 110 --  $69.

Interesting, isn't it. 

Peter L



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On 7/5/2024 at 5:38 AM, Peter L said:

I'll have to look for that bypassing. I hadn't been aware of it being an issue. I really feel safer with the self-priming filters as I live "up here in the sticks" of New Hampshire, and get power outages annoyingly frequently. Also, I was looking a prices on Amazon:

Look into marine land penguin pro (and their prefilters) as well as aqueon filters. Depending on tank size other filter options make a lot more sense.

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I have my goldfish Clyde moved into his new 140 gallon home, he's doing great. I have both Tidal 75s installed. These filters are doing fine now without the bypass issue. I will keep a close eye on them. Thanks everyone. 


Peter L

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You can buy an UPS power supply for a couple hundred bucks, if power outages are a real problem in your area.  Basically a battery that automatically charges/discharges depending on the supply voltage.  They're a bit steep, but the peace of mind knowing all your fish won't die overnight may be worth it to you, especially if you have frequent outages as you say.  

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Thanks daggaz. The UPS supply may be a good idea especially if I buy a non-priming HOB filter. If I'm not having success with the Tidal filter I will definitely look into that. Usually the power outages are short, within an hour or 2 the power comes back on and the filter kicks back in.

So many helpful messages from all of you -- thanks. I just started with this forum and I'm already very impressed. I have another question that I'll put in another thread as it is unrelated to this one. 

Peter L

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