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Posted (edited)

image.jpg.a1e36aa8d06e8940a8267552676e0cab.jpgHey everyone! Here is my tank. This is my first tank. I am about 8 months in, so almost a year and am absolutely in love with the hobby. Been trying to talk my husband into letting me have a bigger tank as I love angels and cichlids but don't want to keep them in here as I feel my tank is too tiny. 😭 I want them to be happy. Are there any suggestions? I want a fish that is pretty and elegant and will make the tank pop as well as maybe some other schooling or shoaling type of fish. It's a 36 gallon bowfront. 
 Occupants are: 7 black phantom tetras, 4 panda Corydoras and 4 Kuhli loaches as well as some bladder snails (that would be cool to have a fish eat them for me, but it's not a big deal lol) 

PH 7.2 

ammonia 0 

nitrite 0

nitrate 5 ppm 

kh: 4dkh 

gh: 10dgh

monthly water changes, once a week fast, 1-2 times a week frozen feed 

Edited by Sondra Bradshaw
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Posted (edited)

I would not do angels after my experience with them 

My choice would be one of the followings: plakat betta

honey gourami (1m:3f)

thicklip gourami

One Bolivian ram 

One male apisto suitable for your tank parameters.


A group of honey gouramis would look the nicest in such planted lovely tank. They also look great with some cherry barbs. Red and yellow looks awesome with green plants IMO.

Idk if ig links work on forum but a group of gouramis and with some red fish like this looks awesome to me:


In case you dont have ig:


And your tank looks beautiful and def not small if the species are chosen correctly

Edited by Lennie
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On 7/2/2024 at 2:43 AM, Lennie said:

I would not do angels after my experience with them 

My choice would be one of the followings: plakat betta

honey gourami (1m:3f)

thicklip gourami

One Bolivian ram 

One male apisto suitable for your tank parameters.


A group of honey gouramis would look the nicest in such planted lovely tank. They also look great with some cherry barbs. Red and yellow looks awesome with green plants IMO.

Idk if ig links work on forum but a group of gouramis and with some red fish like this looks awesome to me:


In case you dont have ig:


And your tank looks beautiful and def not small if the species are chosen correctly

I second the honey gouramis!

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I have that tank. I was surprised how shallow the ends of it are. the distance from the bow front to the back. It does have the height for an angel for sure. but not a lot of turn around room. One angel could work nicely there. Smaller bodied fish work best in this tank. We have it filled with all varieties of glo fish. Yes, I Know, but that was what my wife and daughter wanted.😁 I like the idea of the honeys, and cherry barbs. with corys on the bottom. Or you could do a small group of tetras. green or black neons. pristellas. or small rasboras. kubotai, harlequins, cpd's. The smaller the fish, the more variety you could have in there. But if you do add an angel, make sure nothing too small goes in there with it 

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@Tony s

thank you so much for the response! I really appreciate the input! I really am liking the cpds and honestly am in love with the look of the double red cockatoo (which is an apisto, correct?) I know they're hard to get but man, I still think apistos are cool as heck! I love the rams, but my fiance thinks that they look odd. He doesn't like the look of them 😂🤷‍♀️ let's say I do stick with the idea of getting some cpds (6) haven't read about them too much yet so I am assuming they're a schooling fish but not too sure yet.... and say I get one apisto, preferably male since they're so vibrant and beautiful, would that be pretty much ricked, or would there be room for more? 

@Tony s

not sure why phone autocorrected stocked to ricked.... but I meant stocked 😂

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hey! Thank you for the long response, I really appreciate the input!! I do love the look of the gouramis in there like that. They really pop against the green which is what I'm looking for. Something that'll draw your eye to it. My tank is right there when you come down our steps and enter the living room, so I just want it to draw your attention to it and be like "wow!" 

Thank you so much about my tank 🥰 I've worked really hard on it! First ever tank and went through a lot of mistakes to get to where I am in the hobby!!

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I have a blackwater tank full of Barb's black ruby barbs, cherry barbs, and a huge school of tiger barbs it's so stunning when you come in and see the tank.  The Barb's shoal which is very loose schooling.  The Tiger Barbs can be nippy in small groups the more the better behavior is.  I recommend the black ruby and cherry barbs unless you want ten or more of them.

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On 7/3/2024 at 4:29 PM, Sondra Bradshaw said:

let's say I do stick with the idea of getting some cpds (6) haven't read about them too much yet so I am assuming they're a schooling fish but not too sure yet

they are schooling fish, but can be very shy as well. and tiny. I'd probably add 12-18 just to see them. and you could still add another school as well. 

A double red or triple red cockatoo would be very cool. I'd be somewhat concerned about the hardness of your water though. Apistos can be somewhat sensitive to that. cackatoos and panduros are the hardiest for that. I have your kind of water and haven't tried them yet for that reason. Same thing with german rams, which I tried and failed at. You can add in some leaf litter and other botanicals to soften the water though.

Was just thinking about some other choices. How about rummynose rasboras or ember tetras. embers are a bit lazy, but colorful. 🤣 

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On 7/1/2024 at 9:26 PM, Sondra Bradshaw said:

image.jpg.a1e36aa8d06e8940a8267552676e0cab.jpgHey everyone! Here is my tank. This is my first tank. I am about 8 months in, so almost a year and am absolutely in love with the hobby. Been trying to talk my husband into letting me have a bigger tank as I love angels and cichlids but don't want to keep them in here as I feel my tank is too tiny. 😭 I want them to be happy. Are there any suggestions? I want a fish that is pretty and elegant and will make the tank pop as well as maybe some other schooling or shoaling type of fish. It's a 36 gallon bowfront. 
 Occupants are: 7 black phantom tetras, 4 panda Corydoras and 4 Kuhli loaches as well as some bladder snails (that would be cool to have a fish eat them for me, but it's not a big deal lol) 

PH 7.2 

ammonia 0 

nitrite 0

nitrate 5 ppm 

kh: 4dkh 

gh: 10dgh

monthly water changes, once a week fast, 1-2 times a week frozen feed 

I really like Paradise Gourami or Opaline Gourami - the Opaline pick at algae or at least mine does. 

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Posted (edited)

Go dwarf cichlids! Here are some options.

West African:



South American:

German blue ram

Bolivian ram

Apistogramma spp. (eg agasizzii or cacatuoides)

Laetacara curviceps

Nannacara anomala


Edited by AtomicSunfish
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