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Stcoking for shallow 10 gallon.

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Tank measurements: 24 inches long, 14 inches wide, 7 inches tall

Sand / Gravel substrate

9 species of plants (at least two of each)

I was thinking of keeping either 9 WCMM's, 6 pygmy cory's,  or 3 rainbow shiners.

I'm also open to ricefish it anyone says its a good idea.

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A lid could help a ton with jumpers in a shallow tank. I like to get a green house panel from Home Depot. They come in 24x48 inch panels. It cuts easily, and light passes right through so there isn’t any issue with it blocking “good” light out. I keep a couple panels in the basement for when I need them. Make sure to share some pics when it’s all set up. 

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I used the polycarbonate greenhouse panels mentioned above. I was able to cut them to size and add cutouts for wires and filters and whatnot using just a box cutter (though it did use up a whole blade). Plus they're designed for greenhouses, so they insulate against heat loss quite well.

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On 6/10/2024 at 5:11 AM, mynameisnobody said:

Neolamprologus Multifasciatus and no lids necessary. You can incorporate larger shells to have plants grow up and out. Just an idea. 

One will soon have issues with overpopulation and aggression in such a small tank with multies.


I have similar but higher for my group of pseudomugil luminatus, they are great but also jumpers. Clown killifish, same story, look awesome, utilize mostly the top but some lower parts of the tank too

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I have seen all the species you listed jump. 

Celestial pearl danio (Danio margaritatus) or Danio erythromicron (Emerald dwarf danio.  Both are lower level dwellers. I’ve never had any of mine jump. They are small and would enjoy your shallow no lid 10 g. 
Two of my favorite fish to watch. Can also be kept without a heater if you room does not fall below 70



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On 6/9/2024 at 8:53 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

I used the polycarbonate greenhouse panels mentioned above. I was able to cut them to size and add cutouts for wires and filters and whatnot using just a box cutter (though it did use up a whole blade).

I use a jigsaw with a metal-cutting blade. Works great, highly customizable for the tank needs (filters, cords, airlines etc). 

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On 6/10/2024 at 11:21 AM, Kunersbettas said:

I would consider a small group of kuhli loaches, unless you want to try something new. In that case, perhaps a rainbow goby?

A great big group would be great 

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If you do end up having a lid, then you could go with killifish. 

That tank would be great for pretty much any common variety. You could have a school of clown killis with some shrimp on bottom. You could go with a pair or small group of Aphyosemion Australe, Aphyosemion striatum, or Fundulopanchax Gardneri.

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A school of dwarf, chili, Phoenix, or strawberry rasboras could be a good idea. I havent had mine jump ever and they have been very fun to watch.

A sparkling gourami could also be cool.

Edited by JS Fish
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