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FLFishChik’s 75g Journey

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And they are in! They are little guys and can’t tell gender yet, but they look healthy and active. (No, I didn’t quarantine them… all the fish came from the same seller, so I realize I’m taking a risk… but I’m ok with it)



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Did notice after observing all the fish that this little guy is missing his/her left gill plate. I’m hoping this won’t be an issue and that he’ll have a long and healthy life. Did contact seller to make them aware (not for a refund or anything, but maybe just look over fish carefully)



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On 4/10/2024 at 6:18 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Keep an eye on that one for secondary issues, consider some salt / moving that fish to let them recover.

I’m not sure how they would recover? I don’t think they can regrow gill plate. But I’ll keep a close eye on him. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 2:20 PM, FLFishChik said:

Did notice after observing all the fish that this little guy is missing his/her left gill plate.

One of the emerald eye rasboras I got from Aquahuna was also missing a gill plate. I thought that fish would eventually die, especially after I had an outbreak in the tank I keep it in. It's been two months and the fish is fine, very active and has grown a little bit. I just made sure I kept the water super clean as a precaution.

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On 4/11/2024 at 4:02 PM, knee said:

One of the emerald eye rasboras I got from Aquahuna was also missing a gill plate. I thought that fish would eventually die, especially after I had an outbreak in the tank I keep it in. It's been two months and the fish is fine, very active and has grown a little bit. I just made sure I kept the water super clean as a precaution.

I’ve been reading that they can live a long and normal life, but to keep water clean and keep a close eye. So… hopefully, little guy will be ok! Seems to me active and eating so, that’s a good sign!

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On 4/10/2024 at 3:26 PM, FLFishChik said:

I’m not sure how they would recover? I don’t think they can regrow gill plate. But I’ll keep a close eye on him. 

Basically you want to make sure it doesn't turn into secondary infection, redness turns into more normal pinkish color.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well, everything seems to be going well. Got some growing pains happening, but I expected that. Water gets cloudy, then clear, then cloudy… I suspect I am over feeding (trying to make sure everyone gets some food) so I’ve reduced the amount I give at feedings. Probably need to add quite a few more plants to help with water quality. I keep testing every other day just to make sure everything is good.

Did have a Congo Tetra that developed some white fuzzy growth on his/her body at the base of the dorsal fin and at the tail. Netted him/her out (that was a joy - not) and into a hospital tank with low dose of aquarium salt for 5 days. Fuzzies seem to be fine. Did a 30% water change and am now waiting the 7 days before I do another to see if comes back. So far, everyone else in the big tank seem to be doing well- no fuzzies.

I’ve never had this many fish at once, so figuring out how much to feed is brand new territory. The Tetras are eating machines. They swarm the top of the tank anytime I walk by. The Rummynose Rasbora aren’t as eager and tend to hang towards the back, unwilling to participate in the feeding frenzy. They are the reason I think I may be over feeding as I’m so afraid they won’t get to the food. I really need to dial it in though. They are beautiful though and now I want an entire tank full of them. I’m surprised I don’t see more of them in the hobby. Those colors are stunning.

Corys and Kuhli do their thing… always busy. Mango, the Lemon Blue Eye BN Pleco is steadily growing… I am now more certain that Mango is female- not a bristle in sight.

added a 2nd Aquasky to the tank (Amazon lost the original order, sent a replacement, then the “lost” one showed up- score) so, since one light didn’t seem to be really lighting both front and back of the tank, I solved that issue… now all the tanks imperfections are illuminated for the world to see. Brilliant.

 The Vallisneria has FINALLY started to grow upwards. Man, do I struggle with that dang plant. Seems everyone else thinks it’s an easy plant, but then again, I seem to be able to grow Crypts without issue and haven’t had one really melt yet. Go figure. The Buce is… bucing, the Java Fern stopped making babies. Thinking about adding some taller stem plants but not sure which ones just yet.

 I did add an Aponogeton Ulvaceus that did nothing for almost 2 weeks but, now seems to be shooting up a new leaf every other day. Looking forward to seeing how it grows out.








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On 4/28/2024 at 6:41 AM, FLFishChik said:

The Vallisneria has FINALLY started to grow upwards. Man, do I struggle with that dang plant. Seems everyone else thinks it’s an easy plant, but then again, I seem to be able to grow Crypts without issue and haven’t had one really melt yet. Go figure. The Buce is… bucing, the Java Fern stopped making babies. Thinking about adding some taller stem plants but not sure which ones just yet.

 I did add an Aponogeton Ulvaceus that did nothing for almost 2 weeks but, now seems to be shooting up a new leaf every other day. Looking forward to seeing how it grows out.

Light will basically need to be pretty near max for that tank!  The Val can be a pain to get going, but once it takes hold it's wonderful.

The val and the bulb plant can handle a lot more like than you'll realize.  It's a fun one once it pops!  I ran meds, killed all of mine.... it's like they just never existed 😞 .  I am hoping it comes back!20240406_100249.jpg.2f96410c6f7825a0e2068a06bb49dd90.jpg

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Coffee with the fishes. My favorite time of day. Tried to get some good shots of the Rummynose Rasbora, but it’s like they sense the moment my finger presses the button and they dart off. Little goobers

Congo tetra are starting to get the outlines in their tails and dorsal… hoping I have more than 2 males. 

Lemon Tetra aren’t very Lemony looking… more yellow in the pics than in person, hoping they gain more color. 











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On 4/9/2024 at 7:46 PM, FLFishChik said:

The Aponogeton Ulvaceus was very sad when it arrived. All the leaves melted but there’s a new leaf growing in, so there’s hope! 

You have to understand that this is a lovely plant that will frequently hibernate; i've found that i didn't have to remove the bulb during hibernation but it can hibernate for over a year and at random times will respawn as long as the bulb doesn't rot. You can remove it and it might do better long term if you do so but there are strict guidance if you remove it. Also if you look on the internet for rules remember that different species of Apongeton have different requirements based on the native region of the plant. I know that cripus does not have a hibernation period but i'm not sure if there are other similar species.


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Everyone seems to be doing well. Even the little Congo I moved ti quarantine seems ti be doing well. Did a 1 TBS per 3 g salt treatment for some “fuzzies” and just did the last 30% water change to clear out the salt and all seems to be well. Will wait another 7 days to make sure nothing grows back before reuniting (I think it’s a “her) with the rest of the group.

My Mystery snail is MIA. No idea where he is. Kinda hard to miss an Ivory MS on black substrate. Hopefully he’s just chilling in the rocks somewhere. I did check around the outside of the tank, but there’s no trace. I do have 2 cats so, if he did escape, it’s guaranteed he got batted around the hardwood floor and no telling what piece of furniture he was yeeted under. Let’s hope he is just hanging out in the tank. 

Never mind. I just spoke the devil into existence 😂


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Ok… quarantined Congo Tetra has made it through with no new signs of “white fuzzy” and has now rejoined the community. Everyone seems to be doing well except… my Mystery Snail is constantly MIA. He used to be out and about all the time, now I rarely see him and I’m not sure why. I have pretty hard water here but I’m wonder if I should add a cuttlebone for him?

 Added some new plants. Aponogeton Crispus. I had been waiting forever for ACO to get them back in stock but they never did. Nor did my other “go-to” vendor. I didn’t want to wait any longer and ordered them from another vendor. Makes me wonder if there is a shortage on them or an issue with growers? I needed some fast growers and that was the one I had my heart set on. So sorry ACO! I didn’t want to be disloyal!!!

  Anyways, fully expect them to melt, but hoping it won’t be too bad. 





And this guy here is starting to get his adult fins and looking all spectacular 



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On 5/9/2024 at 5:22 PM, FLFishChik said:

Anyways, fully expect them to melt, but hoping it won’t be too bad. 


I'm "sort of" dealing with this in my tank too.  I used a med very harsh on plants and there's no more kelp at all.  I am hoping they come back, but it'll be interesting to see what does and how fast.  The ones in the back there, bronze-ish looking leaves, those are the crispus right?  Would you consider just pulling the leaves and letting the bulb do it's thing or? 

One thing I've been told is to basically never pull the bulb unless you see it rotting because they can go dormant whenever temps make them feel like it.

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On 5/11/2024 at 5:44 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I'm "sort of" dealing with this in my tank too.  I used a med very harsh on plants and there's no more kelp at all.  I am hoping they come back, but it'll be interesting to see what does and how fast.  The ones in the back there, bronze-ish looking leaves, those are the crispus right?  Would you consider just pulling the leaves and letting the bulb do it's thing or? 

One thing I've been told is to basically never pull the bulb unless you see it rotting because they can go dormant whenever temps make them feel like it.

Yeah, it’s Crispus. I have one on the left and one on the right next to the Ulvaceus. I have Crispus in the 29g and it’s a monster. Hadn’t gone dormant year..  I’ve had it over a year. We’ll see how the others do. I have been clipping the melted leaves as they begin to deteriorate.. but I leave the rest in case they might make it


Also, I’ve moved the Crispus in the 29g several times for better placement. It didn’t seem to be bothered too much. The ones in the 75g I made sure to choose the right spot from the get go.., so hopefully I’ll never need to move them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s finally FULLY stocked. Added 6 dwarf Otocinclus and 8 Amano Shrimp today. Plants be a growin’ and Fish be a swimmin’.

 It’s that time a day where I grab my coffee and sit and watch my aquariums. They are such amazing little worlds. So busy, so entertaining. 











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Nice! I am here for your journey! @FLFishChik! Can’t wait to see more updates!

Oh yes, that is a every day event for me, I sit down, drink my coffee, then just sit and watch for hours and then I say “ok I gotta get Omar thing done today, and can’t just sit here forever” 🤣

On 5/22/2024 at 7:13 PM, FLFishChik said:

 It’s that time a day where I grab my coffee and sit and watch my aquariums. 


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Well, upon a closer inspection…it would appear that a few of my Pepperd Cory are actually Longfin. Surprised because that’s not what I ordered and NOT all of them are Longfin. Must have been a mixup with the breeder 😂








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