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Nerite Snail escape proofing

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Has anyone had a Nerite escape from the aquarium 😆

I found my nerite snail just in time before it was completely out of the aquarium. Also did some modifications around the AC 50 where I found it. The aquarium is mature has biofilm and some algae.


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I've heard they can. Mine never did but they were kept in a flex 9 and it's totally sealed minus a little vent hole. I have amano shrimp in my tank currently (33 gallon long) and I stuff balled up saran wrap into the crevices around the intakes to seal off any escape options. Maybe worth a try depending the size of the openings?

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I’ve got 6 but none have escaped… in fairness, my lids don’t leave much room for them to be able to get out. There’s only enough space for the airline tubing and the HOB. I’ve also got one in a tub pond on the patio. He’s not escaped yet either and there is nothing stopping him 

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Nerites like to explore, and can spend days above the waterline.  Mine have been on the underside, and in the output of the HOB.  While they haven't tried to escape, one did spend several days in the UGF.  

When I first got them, I was told to put a thin film of Vaseline on the underside of the rim to keep them in.  Opinions differ as to how safe petroleum jelly is for snails. I used that method without problems, but eventually decided it wasn't needed.

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I had mine escape only when I think it was out of natural growth to sustain its diet. It was a shallow 35 liter tank. Probably got hungry.

I saw them escaping at two different LFS twice. I put them back in their tank. Also there is one that diet outside and dried in a corner. So yes, they do leave the tank. But in my experience, only when hungry.

Edited by Lennie
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I have a black racer Nerite snail that goes on a walk-about at least 3 times a week. He's found a way to push the plastic piece of the lid that is used to cut spaces for peripherals and off he goes. I check around the base of the aquarium 3-5 times a day. I always find him in the same spot - in the back, stuck to the bottom of the glass. I gently slide him up, drop him back in the tank and withing minutes, he's sliding around again.

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On 3/9/2024 at 2:53 PM, Monkeypoint said:

I have a black racer Nerite snail that goes on a walk-about at least 3 times a week. He's found a way to push the plastic piece of the lid that is used to cut spaces for peripherals and off he goes. I check around the base of the aquarium 3-5 times a day. I always find him in the same spot - in the back, stuck to the bottom of the glass. I gently slide him up, drop him back in the tank and withing minutes, he's sliding around again.

It's amazing how fast they move you blink and gone.😆

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Posted (edited)
On 3/9/2024 at 3:02 PM, beastie said:

Nerite snails like to rest above the water surface so best give them a space to do so. But yeah they like to explore 🙂

It's a habit for me to not fill my aquariums all the way up. Keep Polypterus so a gap of waterline is needed. The Nerite is in aquarium with pipefish and ghost shrimp. 

Edited by Tlindsey
Missed word
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