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LEGIT Fish Food


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I was watching random aquascaping videos and I stumbled on a video from AQUAPROS and he was talking about LEGIT fish food. Ingredients look good and the reviews on the website are good too.

Was wondering if anyone has tried this brand and what they think about it? A lot of reviews mentioned that the colors on their fish popped out even more with this food.

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On 1/24/2024 at 7:48 PM, knee said:

Was wondering if anyone has tried this brand and what they think about it? A lot of reviews mentioned that the colors on their fish popped out even more with this food.

I tried the bottom feeder for a small amount of time. My fish didn't really swarm it, but they were being fed lots of other foods, so its possible they just were not hungry. Looking into trying again though, i dont think my bad experience was because of the food itself that time. I will note that LEGIT is also a pricier food then other similar products, many of which my fish like.

Edited by GoofyGarra
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On 1/24/2024 at 4:53 PM, Lennie said:

No more fish food for you Knee. You got like 10 new packs last week 🤪😝😄

LMAO oops my bad. Let me hide in a corner 🙈

To be fair I was gonna ignore it but when I read the reviews it piqued my interest 🫢

On 1/24/2024 at 5:17 PM, GoofyGarra said:

I will note that LEGIT is also a pricier food then other similar products, many of which my fish like.

They are a bit pricier. Even pricier than northfin or NLS and these two brands also provide quality ingredients to their fish food.

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On 1/25/2024 at 5:34 AM, GoofyGarra said:

@knee something i do like about LEGIT is that he has free sample packs that you can get. Its a few dollars for shipping, but if you are unsure about the food it could save you  money if you buy a big packet and discover you don't like it.

I appreciate this thread. I was looking for a new fish food to try and I just ordered my free samples to check this product out.  It might just be to LEGIT to Quit!

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On 1/25/2024 at 9:48 AM, NOLANANO said:

I appreciate this thread. I was looking for a new fish food to try and I just ordered my free samples to check this product out.  It might just be to LEGIT to Quit!

keep us update how it goes! Im curious

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On 1/25/2024 at 3:34 AM, GoofyGarra said:

@knee something i do like about LEGIT is that he has free sample packs that you can get. Its a few dollars for shipping, but if you are unsure about the food it could save you  money if you buy a big packet and discover you don't like it.

Did you try checking out with more than 1 free sample? I haven’t checked out but I tried putting 10 and it let me. I was expecting it to not let me put more than 1. 

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On 1/25/2024 at 7:52 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I got the free samples when he first launched LEGIT. Was stoked to try them, and then completely forgot about them and never used them. Whoops. 

He's been running sales to get rid of old packaging to giveaway a ton of food for free. Just a heads up.

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On 1/25/2024 at 10:28 PM, knee said:

Did you try checking out with more than 1 free sample? I haven’t checked out but I tried putting 10 and it let me. I was expecting it to not let me put more than 1. 

i suspect like many sites there are features that it will allow in your cart, but once you attempt to check out in will stop you.

Otherwise, i need to go get myself a bucketful in free samples  😄

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On 1/24/2024 at 6:53 PM, Lennie said:

No more fish food for you Knee. You got like 10 new packs last week 🤪😝😄

Me to me whenever I'm looking at fish food... "what are you even doing?"  And then I buy it and cringe when I'm throwing it away in a year.

@knee Just to be clear, LEGIT fish food is the food that Aquapros makes (or has made, most likely).  You can see his bins full of bags in it if you watch some of his videos in his fish shed.  Cory has talked about it (LEGIT) a few times.  I really like the idea of a softer pellet, but how much better can some of these cooked and extruded foods be than others of the same ilk?

Edited by jwcarlson
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I've been talking with Mike from Aquapros/Legit fish food about this food for a couple of years at least. In my opinion I think the food is very high quality. Mike has ensured that it's high quality for sure. My original response to him was that I thought it was expensive and would be hard sell for a lot of people. However over the last two years I've seen pricing increasing. Hikari Massivore got a price increase last month... to 29.99!

We are planning to bring on Legit fish food, even though we are developing our own foods. I trust the testing I've been seeing him do with the foods, and I like that a portion goes to Project Piaba. I am a fan of the Nano and community pellets. I convinced him to make 1oz bags of them and they should be releasing in the next couple months. The bottom dweller pellets, I haven't seen my fish go nuts over, they'll eat it, but not swarm it.

The food itself, if you can stick to the logic, is nutrient dense and should take much less food to get the fish fed, than other foods. I do think we'll see more people using it once Aquarium Co-Op Is selling it, it'll be easier for people to add on to their orders and try it. However I won't be going out of my way to promote it a ton. Not because it's not good, but because we'll be launching some of our own foods most likely this year and advertising a competitor to our own product isn't smart marketing dollars. However we sell other fish foods anyways and I believe Legit is a good food, from a good person and I want to support that.

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On 1/26/2024 at 10:04 AM, GoofyGarra said:

Otherwise, i need to go get myself a bucketful in free samples  😄

You and me both 🤪

On 1/26/2024 at 10:18 AM, jwcarlson said:

I really like the idea of a softer pellet, but how much better can some of these cooked and extruded foods be than others of the same ilk?

I thought about this as well. I mean LEGIT has really good ingredients, but so does Northfin, NLS, Extreme, Cobalt and Omega One. The only edge that LEGIT has for me is that they use Mysis shrimp and they debone the fish meal. Not really sure how deboning helps but I'm assuming it's better.

On 1/26/2024 at 10:52 AM, Cory said:

it'll be easier for people to add on to their orders and try it.

Hopefully soon. Will stick to the free sample for now 


On 1/26/2024 at 10:52 AM, Cory said:

we'll be launching some of our own foods most likely this year

Another brand for me to try 🤩

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On 1/25/2024 at 8:59 AM, GoofyGarra said:

keep us update how it goes! Im curious

I got the free samples and…. It was a complete flop. My fish didn’t care for it at all. My tetra literally spit it out when they took a bite and it eventually settled at the bottom. My cories sort of grazed on it but didn’t swarm it. That was the regular food. The sinking pellets are still sitting on the bottom of the tank untouched after 45 minutes. I’ll probably have to remove it by hand.  Glad I gave it a shot but sad that it didn’t work out. I really wanted to like the food cuz I like the idea of the company.


edit: it took a little over an hour but the fish are at least eating the sinking pellets. They aren’t attacking it but they are eating it. Maybe the food needs to be softened first? I’m gonna pre soak them tomorrow and see if that makes the fish eat them quicker. 

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On 1/30/2024 at 5:53 PM, NOLANANO said:

it took a little over an hour but the fish are at least eating the sinking pellets. They aren’t attacking it but they are eating it. Maybe the food needs to be softened first? I’m gonna pre soak them tomorrow and see if that makes the fish eat them quicker. 

My fish act the same way when I introduce new food. After a few days they were swarming it. Maybe try it for a few more days and then let us know if there’s any improvement. 

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On 1/30/2024 at 9:36 PM, knee said:

My fish act the same way when I introduce new food. After a few days they were swarming it. Maybe try it for a few more days and then let us know if there’s any improvement. 

Yeah I am going to exclusively feed the sample packs until they are gone and see what happens. Maybe it'll be like my dog who gets wet food on special occasions and after eating the wet food, she ignores the dry food for a couple of days hoping to get more wet food. Maybe the fish will eventually accept the legit.

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I've been trying to find a fish food without the preservative Ethoxyquin.  Found out about this stuff in dog food and I DON'T want it.

Legit Fish food -

The good ingredient: Astaxanthin is a natural, red pigmented ketocarotenoid (or plant color) found in some types of microalgae and yeast. It’s mainly found in Haematococcus pluvialis, a type of algae, and Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, a type of yeast. 

The bad ingredient: Ethoxyquin is a fat preservative sometimes used in dog food that has garnered a controversial reputation.

I hope Cory does start selling this brand.  And, in his food recipes for the future, I hope he won't add Ethoxyquin to the mix.

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On 3/7/2024 at 3:08 PM, Flipper said:

I've been trying to find a fish food without the preservative Ethoxyquin.  Found out about this stuff in dog food and I DON'T want it.

Legit Fish food -

The good ingredient: Astaxanthin is a natural, red pigmented ketocarotenoid (or plant color) found in some types of microalgae and yeast. It’s mainly found in Haematococcus pluvialis, a type of algae, and Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, a type of yeast. 

The bad ingredient: Ethoxyquin is a fat preservative sometimes used in dog food that has garnered a controversial reputation.

I hope Cory does start selling this brand.  And, in his food recipes for the future, I hope he won't add Ethoxyquin to the mix.

The controversy around Ethoxyquin has been blown all out of proportion.  Most of the supposed bad effects have been debunked. Not to say you are wrong to avoid it.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting less chemicals in your pet’s food. But it’s not something I spend any time worrying about, either.

I worry more about appropriate protein, fat, and fiber ratios, trace minerals, vitamins, etc.  Ethoxyquin has long since fallen off my radar as a concern.

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