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Beginner fishkeeper needing some help, popeye??


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Hello all! I am somewhat new to fish keeping, and i think one of my pregnant female guppies has popeye. Its only in one of her eyes, and i also read that it can be due to a infection or an injury. I want some opinions on if its an infection or an injury, and also on treatment advice. I have never run into this issue, and want to know whats the best route i should take to help her heal up. 

List of fish in the tank currently:

2 male guppies

2 female guppies

a pair of mollies

a few ghost shrimp

The tank has been running for about 5 weeks now, and we added in the fish after it had cycled for about a week and a half. I just did an ammonia test before posting, and it was at 0. I did just change the filter yesterday, but i dont think that would have caused this, but correct me if i am wrong. All the guppies have been in there for about 3 weeks now, so i feel like if she was sick when we got her the signs would have popped up sooner. Me and the GF are planning to go to the fish store tommrow to get some more female guppies. The males have been bugging the females a bit which i think might be due to there only being 2 females. Is there a chance the males might have nipped at her? I have never seen the mollies bother the guppies, they usually hang out in a rock cave at the bottom. We do have some dragon rocks in with them, so maybe one of the sharp edges caught her? Other than this, all of the other fish are fine. She also seems to be just fine other than her eye being a little messed up, no weird behavior or anything in any of the fish.  I apologize for the quality of the pics, as we all know guppies are constantly moving around. IMG_2330.jpeg.0d39337df32db0ebce98bde1f4d7e3df.jpegIMG_2329.jpeg.d96ed6e24b6b228f11218b4b1e85b1df.jpegIMG_2328.png.10c165293c0cfd5ed4d21eba0718cc9d.png

Edited by saminator0107
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On 1/18/2024 at 6:09 AM, Colu said:

With Redding to the edge that looks like an injury with possible secondary bacterial infections can you try and get a better picture and what's your nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature @saminator0107

I can get all that info to you in a few hours, currently at work unfortunately. The temp usually holds strong at 78, but since it is the colder months it can be as low as 75. I will try to get a better pic of it as well. I know the GH for the tank is usually in the 300's, the tap water for me is usually fairly hard but that should be fine for guppies and mollies, correct? Also, the PH is usually around 7.5-7.6. I reguraly test my PH and Ammonia, usually once a week. Also, i plan to get more guppies after i get home from work. im assuming i should wait till we figure this out before i go get more just in case if its an infection that can spread. 

Edited by saminator0107
Adding info i forgot about
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On 1/18/2024 at 12:13 PM, saminator0107 said:

I can get all that info to you in a few hours, currently at work unfortunately. The temp usually holds strong at 78, but since it is the colder months it can be as low as 75. I will try to get a better pic of it as well. I know the GH for the tank is usually in the 300's, the tap water for me is usually fairly hard but that should be fine for guppies and mollies, correct? Also, the PH is usually around 7.5-7.6. I reguraly test my PH and Ammonia, usually once a week. Also, i plan to get more guppies after i get home from work. im assuming i should wait till we figure this out before i go get more just in case if its an infection that can spread. 

As long as you have no nitrite low nitrate good KH your water parameters are fine. i wouldn't add any new fish till the sick one fully recovered. what I would do is a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which every is more readily available. they are both broad spectrum antibiotic treatments. and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes. i would add an extra air stone during treatment as the  medication will  lower levels of desloved oxygen in the tank. 

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On 1/18/2024 at 7:37 AM, Colu said:

As long as you have no nitrite low nitrate good KH your water parameters are fine. i wouldn't add any new fish till the sick one fully recovered. what I would do is a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which every is more readily available. they are both broad spectrum antibiotic treatments. and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes. i would add an extra air stone during treatment as the  medication will  lower levels of desloved oxygen in the tank. 

Here are some pics of the fish, temp, and water parameters:IMG_2332.jpeg.de031f8d499ffca66a45559b641433b9.jpegIMG_2331.jpeg.cbccf520d6aad98c584cd5ae671ed9eb.jpegIMG_2333.jpeg.fc691f4ee4ccc71f58585950af56b04b.jpegIMG_2334.jpeg.fd3de296511b98b75d181099c899d735.jpegIMG_2335.jpeg.3b67bfb51c50688278fe77d47619c5d7.jpegIMG_2337.jpeg.5c17335fe404a5b5e5d0b830ed4197f9.jpegIMG_2339.jpeg.2581e8202b88ba5c22412dc2f3254dfd.jpegIMG_2338.jpeg.22621f92b049cb843e45d3bef21a5521.jpegIMG_2340.jpeg.d2552b34d1ea2082b7d723c63682f3c6.jpeg


Also, i have an empty extra 1.5 gal beta tank i can use to quarentine her if need be. Should i move her to quarantine her for the treatment or should i treat the whole tank? Also, i do not have an air stone in the tank. Just a hang off the back filter and a heater. I will get an air pump if you think i should go ahead with the treatment. 

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