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Maui fires


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Have been keeping an eye on the tragedies going on to the island of Maui, Hawaii. I am always so sad for the loss of pets, wild animals and habitat that this sort of disaster causes. I worry for the poor people who didn't have time to get their animals or prized possessions or didn't even have time to get out themselves. I've thought about similar possible disasters if it were to hit me and I cannot imagine the enormous sense of personal loss I would feel if this happened because I already feel a sense of loss and I'm not even part of it. 

This is a reminder to do your best to have a disaster plan in place. Think about what you'd grab in 15 mins, 10 mins, 5 mins or 1 minute if this were to happen to you. Are those things accessible? Can you grab them quickly? Don't let your cars sit with only an 1/8th of a tank. I rarely let my cars go much under half a tank. So many people run out of gas trying to escape and gas stations have long lines when these sorts of things happen if they're even open. Consider putting important paperwork and valuables in fireproof/waterproof envelopes so if they are not grabbed in time there is a chance they survive the fire or flood. Any time there is a weather warning, practice this emergency plan- get the items together and time yourself. If you have animals get them crated up. Consider how you would load up your cars and trailers. Keep your crates and leashes accessible. Have more than just enough to carry them so you can have them in other rooms. 

Consider you will not be able to contact friends and family during an emergency.

ALSO when you are not part of the problem area: Try not to call into disaster areas or emergency 911 centers (calling a police department or fire department non-emgergency line IS calling the 911 center) - I understand entirely that people are trying to get information about missing loved ones BUT- if you are safe consider you are tying up emergency lines that others need- 911 centers don't just answer 911 they answer ALL non-emergency lines, dispatch help, and often dispatch other services like electric and gas. For every call they get there is one less line for someone who needs help. 

If you are on Maui or know someone who is I feel for you and hope you and they are ok. 

Consider if you can donating to a reputable rescue agency to help. They are going to need it for some time to come. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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I want to second this, and also mention that if you have pets that need to go into carriers for transport, make sure that you train them for that instance in the event you need to make a quick escape. The last thing you want to be doing during an emergency is fighting to get your pet into their carrier, or having them run away from you when the carrier comes out. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 10:14 AM, Sarina said:

train them for that instance

Yes. This for sure. I actually leave my carriers out (I have several) and make beds out of them, my cats sleep in them. So not only are they familiar with the carriers but they are already outfitted with blankets that have their scent on them. Of course they're cats they don't like the door being zipped up on them but they don't panic like I've seen some cats do when they're being shoved into a container they only go to the vet in. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 12:14 PM, Sarina said:

I want to second this, and also mention that if you have pets that need to go into carriers for transport, make sure that you train them for that instance in the event you need to make a quick escape. The last thing you want to be doing during an emergency is fighting to get your pet into their carrier, or having them run away from you when the carrier comes out. 

not to be mean, but people should always be ready to leave them if absolutely necessary. it would for sure be a last resort, but if things get tight, people come first.

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@lefty o I think this could have been left unsaid. This thread was about being prepared so that you might have the chance to save your pets, which can help alleviate the anxiety we all feel when events like this occur. Just as a general rule of thumb, if you have to say "not to be mean" you probably shouldn't make the comment in the first place. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 2:51 PM, Sarina said:

@lefty o I think this could have been left unsaid. This thread was about being prepared so that you might have the chance to save your pets, which can help alleviate the anxiety we all feel when events like this occur. Just as a general rule of thumb, if you have to say "not to be mean" you probably shouldn't make the comment in the first place. 

maybe, but many people might hesitate if time runs out, and risk themselves. just my opinion, but it should be something people are prepared for mentally.

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On 8/11/2023 at 1:52 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Yes. This for sure. I actually leave my carriers out (I have several) and make beds out of them, my cats sleep in them. So not only are they familiar with the carriers but they are already outfitted with blankets that have their scent on them. Of course they're cats they don't like the door being zipped up on them but they don't panic like I've seen some cats do when they're being shoved into a container they only go to the vet in. 

Arghgh. What a good idea--I cannot believe I have not thought of this. My crate is stored in a room the cat doesn't even have access to, and she panics as soon as she sees it. Even basic behavior mod would tell me to put the crate where she sees it all the time, put treats in it to get her comfy with going in, etc. yet I have not connected the dots. Thank you for raising this topic. 

Also since I have livebearers, I need to not have fewer than two buckets or totes for storing fish in case of emergency or tank disasters--one for males and one for females. The last thing I need is for an emergency to result in the birth of ten thousand more guppies!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/12/2023 at 2:49 PM, Janoš Bećar Pecaroš said:

I agree with @lefty o
67 people died so far in the fires. People come first, pets second, precious possessions last.

But I think that we can all agree on that you should save what (and who) you can; if worst comes to worst. 

Edited by TheSwissAquarist
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