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is this a leech?


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Honestly does look like a leech. When I had a planaria outbreak in my 5.5 gal, I reverse respired all my plants in there. The combination of High CO2 followed by the PH bomb at the end tends to wipe out all non-microbial life but plants.

How big is it? If it's not much more than about a single cm, then you're looking at something more on the lines of planaria. Bigger than a cm is likely a true leech. Usually the planaria the home aquarium gets aren't quite that large. If it is around planaria sized, look at the head. Bad planaria have an arrow shaped head with visible spots for eyes. These are not going to play nice with your shrimp. So you will have to do something to deal with it.

Again, look up "Reverse Respiration" on these boards. It deals with planaria very effectively, it also gives your plants a major boost. All it costs you is several two liters of club soda, too. I was recommended to try the product "No Planaria", which you can easily source online if your LFS doesn't carry it. I didn't need to go this route, but I'm keeping it  in mind for later outbreaks.

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On 7/21/2023 at 6:23 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

I estimate it is about 1.5 inches stretched.

I will read more about RR, in particular whether it can be used directly in the display tank.

Yeah, if you can measure into inches, we're talking a real leech. Those do require some kind of host to feed off of, so if you're just keeping plants still, it'll probably be fine. Likely starve on its own. Probably came in on a plant, or found driftwood or rocks. Not a major infestation to be super concerned about. Still might be worth looking up Reverse Respiration, but the element of panic is no longer there. You can definitely relax a bit.

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I think this is a worm.


I think this is a worm. As an apprehensive college student, my worries about completing my essay writing project due to my lack of writing skills led me to discover a valuable solution at https://customwriting.com/buy-essay  site. This service provided me with the option to purchase a college essay, which turned out to be an absolute game-changer. Delighted by the remarkable outcomes achieved by the creators of this website, I was able to secure the first-place position in my class.


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On 7/22/2023 at 7:02 AM, LarryWanner said:

I think this is a worm.

I added a 2nd video link to my OP. Because it is swimming around like a snake and was attached on one end to the seal when stationary, I am inclined to think it is a leech.

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On 7/21/2023 at 8:23 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

I will read more about RR, in particular whether it can be used directly in the display tank.

RR cannot be used in the tank. It will kill all fish, snails, shrimp etc as well as kill all beneficial bacteria. 

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Since we are on the 4th week of cycling, and want to preserve the filters and creatures (bladder snails, small crustaceans, insect larvae) already present, what do you think of my escalation plan:

1. manual netting and/or planaria trap ~2 weeks

if that doesn't work...

2. fenbendazole ~3 more weeks, then every month

if still not working after 3 months...

3. reverse respire the entire tank, including the filter, effectively starting over (I can attempt to seed with another filter)

On 7/22/2023 at 10:27 AM, Guppysnail said:

RR cannot be used in the tank. It will kill all fish, snails, shrimp etc as well as kill all beneficial bacteria. 

I was thinking of it as last resort. Has anyone treated an entire tank, to your knowledge?

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Remind me, how big is the tank?  Even a 10 gallon is a lot of seltzer water!  I haven’t seen anybody post about doing a whole tank.  You should be able to capture the leech.  Keep a turkey baster handy and suck it up quick the second you see it.

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On 7/22/2023 at 10:37 AM, Odd Duck said:

Remind me, how big is the tank?  Even a 10 gallon is a lot of seltzer water!  I haven’t seen anybody post about doing a whole tank.  You should be able to capture the leech.  Keep a turkey baster handy and suck it up quick the second you see it.

This is a 20g long. Yes, that is a lot of seltzer... I see RR as a nuclear option. 🙂

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