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Discussion of LARGE tanks: It's happening! 196 gallon custom glass tank....

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@AllFishNoBrakes yea I can see where it'd be an issue for small spaces (the drywall bench) but we have room under the house for it. I also have a super light stepladder (7.5lb one so it's very easy to move around) if I need it, but somehow I think the bench is going to be nicer to be able to use. 

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On 5/29/2024 at 9:28 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

a room divider, a wall even!

I am WHEEZING at this and I don’t even know why😂😂😂when in doubt just throw a giant tank in your living room and bam, you got yourself a wall! Home renovation made easier!

That is SO incredible though! A beastly tank but an epic beastly tank! Seems like the start of a new era for you!👏

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On 5/29/2024 at 11:28 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Do we NEED to add one (value) somewhere and where..... seems like we probably should to control flow into the sump.

Yes, you should add a gate valve. Where is your overflow box and tubing/pipes? 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/29/2024 at 9:24 AM, EricksonAquatics said:

am WHEEZING at this and I don’t even know why😂😂😂when in doubt just throw a giant tank in your living room and bam, you got yourself a wall! Home renovation made easier!

Hahaha! Yea but not that much less expensive to add this wall! Prettier though. Thanks! 

On 5/29/2024 at 10:28 AM, aminowrimo said:


Thanks! And welcome to the forum! 

On 5/29/2024 at 2:46 PM, madmark285 said:

overflow box

There is no overflow box, just the tubes at the top of the tank down to the sump. I see Custom Aquarium offers one as an add on. Intrepid Partner skipped it if he was even offered it at the time- and I say that because he probably had no idea what it was, and frankly neither did I until this last weekend when we went a little more in depth. I'm not even sure, with our configuration being super tight that their overflow box is even an option. 

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:55 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I'm not even sure, with our configuration being super tight that their overflow box is even an option. 

My apologies if I am getting overbearing with advice but, you need an overflow box. Without an overflow box, you have to keep the water level in your sump and in your tank low. If you want a second opinion, go to a reef forum and post the picture of your tank/sump. Those guys are the experts on sumps.

The first option would be a 2 box system similar to this: 


Note: For a Herbie drain system, you only need 2 bottom drains. If you need a custom box to fit your space and with no pre-drilled holes, this guy on ebay will make you one:


This option would still need a second box for the back of the tank, he should be able to make you one.

The second option would only require an overflow box inside your tank, I did this on my 75 gallon tank show below:


So the white piece of pipe you see inside the overflow box is the emergency drain for the herbie system. Note: the pipe with a clamp on it are the water return lines. Below is the other side of the overflow box:


There is no pipe inside the overflow box , the thru hull fitting on this side is the main siphon drain which has the gate value on it.

You and Intrepid Partner have built a 5-star showcase system, I would do the drain system right. You don't want some gurgling monster right behind the sofa. 

My 75 gallon tank is empty and has similar holes that you have. For the second option, I can do a mock up of the plumbing and send you a picture to help out. 





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Posted (edited)
On 5/30/2024 at 8:02 AM, madmark285 said:

My apologies if I am getting overbearing with advice

Not at all, no matter what we do in the end with this tank, this kind of discussion helps others when they're looking for answers. 

So Intrepid Partner and I will have to discuss this all further at some point (we're both ridiculously busy people so having in person conversations usually happen on the weekends) but I texted with him briefly about the subject that this sort of thing was strongly suggested by the forum. He then called CA to consult with them, he then texted me back:


Now as we all know the point of most of this back and forth is BECAUSE of sound. We did look at the holes and the narrow configuration with the equipment we have to run the tank. It's REALLY tight in there. I don't think an overflow box IN the tank would be our option. As you @madmark285 pointed out there are people willing to custom make a box on eBay, I think Intrepid Partner might have missed this point so it is still an apparent option. But, I'm getting the impression that IP would still like to try it as is. He is going to build an end cap unit that may help muffle the noise off the back of the tank and down the side as well so maybe that's part of his thought process as well. Plus he's just really busy. To be continued! 

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:55 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I'm not even sure, with our configuration being super tight that their overflow box is even an option. 

Just to be clear when I say you need an overflow box, below is CA version of an overflow box:


Do you have two of these? I think setting it up and see what happens is an excellent idea. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 9:48 AM, madmark285 said:

Do you have two of these?

Ahh, yes we have 2 of those. 

For some reason I assumed you knew that but were still recommending the box on the outside of the tank. To be fair even CA says their box (Stealth box they call it) is for the noise issue.

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I read your comment "There is no overflow box, just the tubes at the top of the tank down to the sump. " which got me very confused. 

If using 1 1/2" pipe/tubing, that may help reduce the noise. My gurgling monster was 1" PVC pipe with ~400 gph water flow. But no worries, you can add a custom Stealth box if too noisy.

Good luck!!  It is an amazing setup.

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Posted (edited)

@madmark285 ah well sorry we're getting caught up in the name game (also remember I'm extremely green when it comes to sump stuff, a box to me is a different thing than what we have from the company), since Custom Aquariums calls theirs H20 Overflow I still thought a BOX would also be appropriate/prudent! And yes, the tubing is 1.5" (CA's tubing they send with tanks, seems like nice stuff)

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On 5/31/2024 at 6:11 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

well sorry we're getting caught up in the name game

No worries from me. Sumps are complicated, I wish there was better tutorial on them. 

It is really not a big deal for you, if the noise level is too much then just switch to plan B.  Intrepid Partner built an amazing stand for the tank, adding a stealth box if needed with be trivial by comparison. 

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Just FYI, here is a chart for for the approximate flow rates for full siphon drains. Note: the flow rate will increase as the height (or drop) increases. This is the opposite of water pumps.




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On 5/29/2024 at 10:28 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Well folks, the moons eventually aligned and Intrepid Partner got 4 strongmen over to lift the 400lb monstrosity onto its throne. He also installed the stained glass. What's funny is he kept commenting on how tall it was and "what idiot designed this thing" multiple times. It is incredible how tall it is but I'm going to be able to manage it just fine. The drywalling table will help for sure, lol. Anyway here it is in all its glory: 



It is indeed a room divider, a wall even! Here it is when we tested it with a shop light to see what it might look like lit up (not final lights here): 



Then @anewbie you might especially appreciate (as I will) all the ROOM I have to service the sump: 



Pretty amazing eh? We are going to band the marine plywood too with something so that won't be seen (below the tank and below the stand). 

Intrepid Partner and I went through (finally) all the equipment and parts. We have no valves to speak of ball or otherwise.....is it because our design is a stripped down freshwater version? Do we NEED to add one somewhere and where..... seems like we probably should to control flow into the sump. We're not even close to starting the assembly yet. Intrepid Partner wants to do a little more shoring up of the underside of the house for his peace of mind. 

One word.  GORGEOUS!!! 

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a bit since I've posted. Intrepid Partner, with some small support from myself, has been very busy doing other home projects so the aquarium is at a pause. It's important to take advantage of nice weather for outdoor projects and we can focus on the tank when being indoors is preferable. We have made some progress however. I've purchased some Aquascape Flo-Cell drainage cells that we will use to build up the peninsula inside the tank. An idea we took from a youtube video here at about 3 minutes in: 


Intrepid Partner has also done some work under the house where the tank sits. Despite the cement wall along part of the tank Intrepid Partner wanted to make extra, extra sure the floor will take the weight and did a bunch of construction research and shored up the underside of the house as well: 



Thankfully this man has a lot of inherent talent. He had to also modify the metal brackets so they would be angled right as the underside of the house got smaller and smaller. 

In the near future we'll start the process of rocks and wood gathering. 


ANYONE HAVE ANY ROCK SUGGESTIONS? What kinds of rocks look good in a large tank? Anyone have experience with Texas Holy rock or other sorts? Show pics if you got 'em!

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On 8/20/2024 at 6:25 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

ANYONE HAVE ANY ROCK SUGGESTIONS? What kinds of rocks look good in a large tank? Anyone have experience with Texas Holy rock or other sorts? Show pics if you got 'em!

I would check locally what rocks you can actually get in the size you need. The main issue is getting "boulder" or larger and supporting them. The larger the rock I tend to prefer things with holes. As far as what "looks good" it really depends on what you're looking for.


Felipe has a lot of great inspiration for big tanks and has many videos where he is inside and working with the rock, showing how he supports it, etc.

Depending on the wood, what you have in mind for layout, then I think you could do well with anything from lava stone and seiryu up to whatever else you wanted.  I apologize for the vague recommendation on which, but that's sort of how I would go about it....

-what is possible to get easily

-what might take a little more work but is nice

-what makes sense given size and weight

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  • 2 weeks later...

So last week Intrepid Partner and I were at a LFS. The store had a big selection of wood (more than they usually had) so we rifled through their "Ghostwood" and found 3 pieces we really liked. Since I have a 40 gallon waiting for my move at home I started soaking the wood to get tanins out. I emptied and refilled the tank yesterday. 2 of the pieces are dark wood the other a nice 2 tone. They are good sizes. Whether we use all 3 pieces is up in the air at this point but the 2 tone is definitely playing a part in my plan so far being the biggest potential wood "centerpiece" if you will. One of the darkwood pieces is entangled in it right now (to help sink it), I didn't feel like disentangling it for the pics. The other darkwood piece has definitely sunk. 






THEN this week we went out on the hunt for rocks. Intrepid Partner was really gungho about this part, at this time. We went to 2 different rock places. At the 2nd one he was determined to leave with something. Thankfully for the both of us we found 2 pallets of "Mexican Pot Rock" aka "Mexican Bowl Rock". The pallets were both half empty so we were able to move them around and pick the ones we thought were most interesting. We picked what I'm calling a few "Crowning Rocks" these are the rocks that will top the Peninsula mound and be the main hardscape rock. It may be solo with supporting "actors" or possibly I will use one other so there will be 2. Time will tell. Here is the grouping - MINUS- the 3 rocks with X on them - 2 of those are yard rocks that are always there, 1 is a piece of Mexican rock that we might break into smaller pieces or use elsewhere in the yard. 


Our favorite and front runner for the Crown rock of the tank is a cool combination of a neat shape, has potential cave and/or overhang area and has other rocks "stuck" in it. One of these groupings of rocks looks like a fist coming out of the top of the rock, it has other formations from similar rocks on other sides. Very cool. So I think this is the rock that will make it at the top of the Peninsula mound: 



IF that one doesn't work we have 2 other fabulous rocks that could work as well. These have really good holes and shapes that will work well with the back wall and jut out nicely. Especially the one at the forefront of this picture, reminds me of a dinosaur head shape: 


Then of course we got a bunch of smaller supporting rocks. The idea is that we'd like to form the peninsula mound in a way that all of these rocks look like they are part of one large rock or formation sticking out of it. Then there will be other pieces scattered about that might looks like they were broken off of said feature. One of my favorite smaller rocks that might be a stand alone somewhere in the tank as a "broken off" piece is so far what I'm calling small castle rock. It's very cool standing up on end and has lots of fun places fish can hang out in: 


So we've been moving ahead with design. I think I'm going to go with Caribsea Peace River gravel. It has some of the tones the Mexican rocks have and is a nice size. We'll add some Caribsea Sunset Gold sand (yes I'm fully aware of other cheaper options for sand and substrate, however being as how this is a very large display tank I'm willing to spend the money on the colors and textures I want). I might also fill the drainage cells we're using to build up the mound with Caribsea EcoComplete in red and use that as a planter for any rooted plants I decide to put in the tank. The rest of the tank will have rhizome plants. 

Of course any of this can change at any point but I'm getting excited about the design phase!

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On 9/1/2024 at 10:40 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

So last week Intrepid Partner and I were at a LFS. The store had a big selection of wood (more than they usually had) so we rifled through their "Ghostwood" and found 3 pieces we really liked. Since I have a 40 gallon waiting for my move at home I started soaking the wood to get tanins out. I emptied and refilled the tank yesterday. 2 of the pieces are dark wood the other a nice 2 tone. They are good sizes. Whether we use all 3 pieces is up in the air at this point but the 2 tone is definitely playing a part in my plan so far being the biggest potential wood "centerpiece" if you will. One of the darkwood pieces is entangled in it right now (to help sink it), I didn't feel like disentangling it for the pics. The other darkwood piece has definitely sunk. 






THEN this week we went out on the hunt for rocks. Intrepid Partner was really gungho about this part, at this time. We went to 2 different rock places. At the 2nd one he was determined to leave with something. Thankfully for the both of us we found 2 pallets of "Mexican Pot Rock" aka "Mexican Bowl Rock". The pallets were both half empty so we were able to move them around and pick the ones we thought were most interesting. We picked what I'm calling a few "Crowning Rocks" these are the rocks that will top the Peninsula mound and be the main hardscape rock. It may be solo with supporting "actors" or possibly I will use one other so there will be 2. Time will tell. Here is the grouping - MINUS- the 3 rocks with X on them - 2 of those are yard rocks that are always there, 1 is a piece of Mexican rock that we might break into smaller pieces or use elsewhere in the yard. 


Our favorite and front runner for the Crown rock of the tank is a cool combination of a neat shape, has potential cave and/or overhang area and has other rocks "stuck" in it. One of these groupings of rocks looks like a fist coming out of the top of the rock, it has other formations from similar rocks on other sides. Very cool. So I think this is the rock that will make it at the top of the Peninsula mound: 



IF that one doesn't work we have 2 other fabulous rocks that could work as well. These have really good holes and shapes that will work well with the back wall and jut out nicely. Especially the one at the forefront of this picture, reminds me of a dinosaur head shape: 


Then of course we got a bunch of smaller supporting rocks. The idea is that we'd like to form the peninsula mound in a way that all of these rocks look like they are part of one large rock or formation sticking out of it. Then there will be other pieces scattered about that might looks like they were broken off of said feature. One of my favorite smaller rocks that might be a stand alone somewhere in the tank as a "broken off" piece is so far what I'm calling small castle rock. It's very cool standing up on end and has lots of fun places fish can hang out in: 


So we've been moving ahead with design. I think I'm going to go with Caribsea Peace River gravel. It has some of the tones the Mexican rocks have and is a nice size. We'll add some Caribsea Sunset Gold sand (yes I'm fully aware of other cheaper options for sand and substrate, however being as how this is a very large display tank I'm willing to spend the money on the colors and textures I want). I might also fill the drainage cells we're using to build up the mound with Caribsea EcoComplete in red and use that as a planter for any rooted plants I decide to put in the tank. The rest of the tank will have rhizome plants. 

Of course any of this can change at any point but I'm getting excited about the design phase!

I found my CaribSea Jungle River Sand at Chewy! It came right to my door.

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On 9/2/2024 at 5:10 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

CaribSea Jungle River Sand at Chewy!

Funny you should mention that. I have all 3 substrates saved on my Chewy app. I'd buy it locally but they don't carry it typically and/or are always out at the stores around me. 

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Exciting plans!  Love to see this getting closer to reality.  Really liking the color scheme and such interesting hardscape pieces.

You could always get some pool filter sand for part of the sand volume and use it underneath or swirl it in or mix it in.  That would cut some of your expense without changing the color too much depending on how much you use or if you layer it or mix it.  It would likely give you a bit lighter tone overall because it would eventually mix in. My local pool filter sand has those same tones but also more of the lighter tan colors. You would have to look at your local supply to check the color there.  It might be interesting to do some broad swirls of lighter color across such a large tank.

Overall looks like excellent progress!

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  • 4 weeks later...

This weekend Intrepid Partner and I had a little time and he wanted to help try and figure out how we're setting up the hardscape in the tank. So he got a little taste of the trial and error that is involved. 

We started by putting rocks and wood IN the tank. As you all have noticed if you've been reading, well, the tank is tall so- randomly moving things around inside this tank is a little cumbersome. If you know what you're doing it's not an issue. So eventually after trying this method we went outside. 

Poor Intrepid Partner, he was beginning to get frustrated randomly moving rocks around, but as we all know this is really part of the process and can take a very long time. He at one point said "maybe we just need to keep looking and/or get more or different rocks". I said no, these are it, but we haven't hit the design yet. We kept running into the issue that the pile of rocks just read "pile of rocks" not one nice formation. 

I was standing back while Intrepid Partner was moving rocks around at one point and I said "STOP! That's it, that's it". Once we also placed some of the gravel from the yard in the nooks and crannies I knew that this was definitely a formation that once in the tank with substrate will look like one formation. Part of our issue too was making sure it looked good on all 3 visible sides and this was the one that did:






Even more serendipitous to me, it looks like a sleeping dragon. :-) 

Intrepid Partner then wanted to see where we could place the wood. I'd already discussed with him my plan for the biggest piece in my head, so he placed it about where we had discussed. He then started playing with a 2nd piece and again I said "STOP! That's it!", called him over so he could see the 2nd piece looked like a continuation of the first. It looked good on all sides still.

Here the largest piece is of course on top, the 2nd piece comes out from behind to the front:


The view you'd see from the tip of the peninsula:


The "back side" or other side view:


So then out of curiosity we got the whole thing wet to see colors: image000000(244).jpg.be4774ae4a3be1c5d02fb6fc6b4d7443.jpg



Satisfied, we carefully moved each rock to a different place in the yard so that we kept the formation, for when we are ready to move, but it was out of our way. The wood went back in the house. 

Overall the design is about 4 feet about right for our 7ft peninsula. I want some open space at the end where I'll have sand and some smaller scape.

There was discussion that we did like the darker rock around the red rocks so we may go with a darker substrate or gravel. We still want some sand at the tip of the tank near the end. Overall we want a natural look. So while we're not yet ready to put things in the tank we've made progress!

During this process too, Intrepid Partner was reminded this is the "fun" part of designing the tank and not be discouraged as he seemed to be at times. I think in the end he did realize that. He does work in design with cars but, this is a different monster for him. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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