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The ONE video you appreciate most?


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Hey hey everyone,

I don't know that I have an answer to this question quite yet.  I think Cory's stream today was very poignant and relevant to the topic.  "we might not be asking the right questions."

Let's say you're sharing a video with a friend who is considering getting a tank.  Whether you're sharing an amazing story, a very natural habitat on where the fish come from, or just a very beautiful tank.....  you get one video.  What would you share. why?

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I had a different thought reading the title as I did reading the post. I am part of many Facebook groups and spend a lot of time helping people with their fish issues. I'm even part of a group in which only people approved can comment so the posters know the answers are coming from experienced people. In these groups, there is 3 videos I link the most. The first 2 are the ones that initially came to mind when I read the title. The 3rd is something I do link to people but I also link other articles and videos of the same topic. I will share all 3. 

First, I've heard @Cory mention how interesting how much this video blew up. He said it's a video that was just thrown together on a whim and it seems that way too but it has info that cannot be found in many places. I literally have not seen this anywhere before or since seeing the video and it changed how I did water changes and gravel vaccing completely. 

Next, has to do with optimizing hang on back filters. A lot of times in Facebook groups people TALK about throwing away cartridges and replacing them with other media but they don't explain it well and the person is left confused. This video hits is perfectly!  It especially helps to have the visuals and how he compares them. 

The third one is what I thought about when I finally read the post. I think most people would agree that the most important thing for someone considering getting a fish tank to learn is the cycle. Tbh, I don't think Cory's video is the only, or even the best one for this topic but it is one I link to people. I always tell people to take learning about the cycle in doses. Watch 1 video or read 1 article a day. Look at many different ways it's explained. For some people, this concept takes some time to sink in and seeing it explained different ways helps. My other go-to for this topic is an article. The first half explains the cycle. The 2nd half goes through step by step how to cycle an aquarium. There are 2 different versions. One for fishless and one for fish-in. 







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On 2/26/2023 at 9:34 PM, Cinnebuns said:

irst, I've heard @Cory mention how interesting how much this video blew up. He said it's a video that was just thrown together on a whim and it seems that way too but it has info that cannot be found in many places. I literally have not seen this anywhere before or since seeing the video and it changed how I did water changes and gravel vaccing completely. 

There's a lot of "thrown together" concepts that I am certain I point to every single chance I get and then I find myself sitting there rewatching the same advice over and over because it's such great advice.  One video I would love to see modernized, even the concept itself is the "how to net a fish" where he is asked a question and then makes a video.  I don't think I've seen that opening to a video more than once, but I'm sure I've seen videos as a result of questions a few hundred times.

This is one of the videos I always find myself returning to.  Not my answer, but it's really, really up there.


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Irene is my all time favorite. I love Cory, don't get me wrong, but if I had to pick one video it would be hers.  I've watched this thing 100 times.


Also: I just wish everyone would do their own CC. It does take work, but for those of us who are Deaf/HoH it would make life so much better.




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I'll add this:

This video is one I find myself watch every single time I order plants.  Yes I should know what I'm doing by now, but I also really just enjoy this.  I enjoy seeing this and watching this.  I think it's important to show how to make something beautiful.  For me I'd want to show something that is just masterfully done, but seems easy to replicate.


I also really enjoy the video where Cory is sitting out at his Koi pond when it's done and just explaining why he enjoys that pond and those fish.  How it makes him feel.  I also think one like the "1 hour challenge" is important because you get a feel for what it's like to have and care for tanks.  (this is why I think so much of us enjoy the vlog style videos as well).

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  • 4 months later...

Revisiting a classic and I wanted to share something for anyone who hasn't heard Eric speak before.  He does have a talk on the channel, and heck.... maybe he will be on the club side of things for members talks soon!

"Be the Fish" - It isn't just a simple statement, but a mindset, philosophy, and a book title of sorts for approaching the hobby.  I emplore you to check this out, listed to at least the first 20 minutes and see the little nuggets of wisdom.  Everyone is saying "it's been done before" or "fishtube is dead/boring" and all I can say is that we all have so much to push ourselves to learn.... every chance you get.  There's so many videos that the algorithm doesn't share anymore and something that Corvus is working on is making shorts to share some of that content again.  It's a wonderful approach.   Please feel free to chime in below and help out some newer hobbyists with content you seriously wish you'd seen when starting out.


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