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Return of the Hobbyist: A Fishkeeper's Journey


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So after this discussion, I think my first step will be to reinforce the shelves. They are wire, which of course will not work. So after watching some other videos previously linked to me by @nabokovfan87 along with doing some research, I decided on this unit as its welded and graded to max out at 10000 lbs. I then just purchased 3/4" marine grade red oak plywood, supposedly one of the strongest plyboards. I accidentally ordered 3 sheets of 4' x 8', so looks like I will have enough to cut for my other shelves in my fish room for when I redo them eventually or move them for some reason, I can replace them with these as support. I also have two other I will use them on currently, so all in all not bad. With the additions into the new racking system on top of the supports/wire shelves, it should provide more than adequate for the 2500 per shelf plus wood. 

In saying that, I am also listening to @nabokovfan87 and upping my tank to 75 gal likely, trying to find something I can fit a FX2 on plus the flow bar so I can replicate river movement and have good flow for rainbows. Also, news on the too many Angels issue in the big tank in the living room...the 3 black Angels are super underdeveloped and the Blues are definitely dominant in the tank, all of them are quite bigger. The Blues even squabble a good bit as there are 7 of them. Well one of the Black ones died and I found it post work yesterday. This, of course, upset the folks, so now to prepare for more incoming tanks, I have an appointment booked for a Generac generator to be added to our home. Being in hurricane territory, we aren't directly on the water. But, with storms always comes power outages, sometimes for a week or more. Post storms, heat is pretty bad hence water heating up aka dead fishies. I was about to get a few smaller gas generators, but now the folks want to look into getting the house safeguarded. All because they want another big Angelfish tank to move some of the ones we have into, so they won't die. Gotta love em! lol

ANYWAYS, hope you all have a great weekend! I am praying mine will be quick with work as Monday will be a long day of cutting wood and project building. Thanks as always for your help and guidance. I am def gonna have to rethink how to keep my caridinas going well. Sump has been officially scratched. 

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On 6/9/2023 at 9:15 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Sounds like a robust setup! I can't wait to see it all put together. 

I recently learned about the marine grade plywood.  Good tip to know!

Yea after researching, its the strongest plyboard(wood), layering wise, on the market. Currently only 3/4" is sold at most places bar building suppliers, but that combined with the fact its red oak should make it incredibly solid. I just hope my skill saw cuts it tomorrow LOL!

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Also, a shrimp update...

Found a LFS about 45 mins from me, so guess not really local BUT, my parent's new exterminator is about my age and a HUGE fish nut...he brought it up to me as well, said they don't have a great shrimp supplier the owner was saying...SO... 🤞

Currently, I have 7 neocaridina tanks...

  1. Orange Sakura x Pumpkin(Berried females and over 20+ babies)
  2. Blue Rili x Blue Jelly(Berried females and over 20+ babies)
  3. Yellow Goldback(Berried females)
  4. Green Rili(Berried females)
  5. Blue Carbon Rili(Berried females)
  6. Black Rose(Unknown, new to tank est 10 days ago)
  7. Snowball(None, new to tank est 10 days ago)

Very interested to see what the crossbreeds look like in terms of the colorations/variations of blue and orange. Once the big rack is set up, I will begin my long tank water preparation for the caridinas. As I am not doing a sump any longer, I will be putting them on the bottom rack, adding a addition handbuilt cabinet to the side for my FX2 canister that will run to middle shelf for 75 gal river scape with rainbows, corys and plecos. Top shelf will be for 2 quarantine tanks and more neocardina breeders. I might decide to throw a curveball and try to breed Corys up there, but atm top shelf is still undecided. 

Anyways more on the project tomorrow. Have to wait until payday as Harbor Freight and some table saws are calling my name plus more lumber. 🤣 Happy Sunday to everyone! 😃

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@nabokovfan87 Shelves came out great, still have a ton of leftover plywood to cut some smaller shelves for my other racks in the room as well. 

Sad news tho, after being bullied a ton, even after moving the last two, the black Angelfish all but one have died. The last one still is seeming to not eat and is just kinda chilling a lot in the new tank in a new area. It does not have any visible wounds like the other two did, so not sure what is going on with them. The rest of the fish in the big tank are all well and parameters are spot on, so def think it was a bullying thing by the bigger blues. 

Anyways, here's a pic of the rack with the new shelves added. Still gotta get the bigger tank, but its coming! 🙂 


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On 6/14/2023 at 8:24 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I'm very sorry about the angels, that's very tragic. 😞

I hope the one recovers fully for you
.  Angels can be so aggressive it's crazy.  It's like flicking a switch sometimes.

Yea sad thing is I planned for 6 and then being nice as the first ones half didnt make it, the breeder sent me extras as a sorry and thanks for understanding(temps where he lived were in the 40s still, down here was already hitting 80s in day time...heat packs no good). Needless to say, 6 is def pushing it and might still be too many even if its a big tank, but 10 I wasn't expecting. The remaining 7 blues in there still nip at each other but all are same size except two who were the survivors from the shipping issue which are the dominant two and largest. I am planning a 2nd large tank in our foyer and will use the 55 gal I bought as I am going to increase the one on the rack to 75 for the rainbows. Well, off day is coming to an end and 4 work days loom large. Hopefully everyone's week is going well! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know, a month...A MONTH without posting. I am bad at keeping journals evidently. Especially when I am busy. Well...what is going on in the fish room...LOTS. Let's go through it and what's ahead and what's going on...

First, shrimp tanks...

Out of 7 tanks, 6 are doing amazing and 3 are loaded with babies, the other 3 are berried or have a few babies and I just wait. If you haven't seen any of my recent shorts, I prob have 100+ Orange Sakura x Pumpkin Spice babies. My LFS has decided they aren't going to start buying from local breeders, weird I know. Its a Mom n Pop joint too, but I guess its more profitable to get things imported or from a wholesaler. Instead, I will learn how to ship finally and send out testers to friends, so if you are reading this and DM me, I will send you either the ones mentioned above or Blue Carbon Rilis which are next with a bunch...50ish and then my Blue Rili x Blue Velvet which are nearing 25-50. Just drop me a DM and if you pay shipping & handling, I will send within the US. 

Next, the tanks...

I finally did a canister change on The Beast in the living room. I started to have a hair algae issue and decided it was time to service it. Changed the Purigen packs and rinsed everything in old tank water, even found a refugee Chili Rasbora that had been chilling in there for who knows how long. The Angelfish are getting big and the 8 Blues are still squabbling between each other. There is a clear pairing already tho and they spawned a week ago, tho the eggs disappeared within a day or so. In the fish room, my Kitty tank is doing well...no spawning from the Corys recently in this tank, but all are growing and the snails are reproducing like a pest...starting to eat the Amazon Swords. I added Assassin Snails in my problem tanks, but waiting on them to reproduce and catch up to kill the suckers. Might get a small tank set up with 6ish Pea Puffers just to feed snails to. LOL! The plant tank has a new refugee, the last of the 3 black Angelfish...he or she is doing well now and feeding a bunch on Hikaru dried bloodworms and gaining size, weight after its two buddies succumbed. It and the lone Dalmation Molly in the tank have become buds. The Odessa Barbs in there are growing and getting more colorful, but I am moving them to a new tank in my Mom's office for her, more on that later. My OG Babies tank has a few new babies...from all the Gold Laser Cory spawns, I thought no eggs made it...well one did. I have about a 6 week or so old juvenile fry that has made it and now swims the bottom with Big Mama and her two bfrands. I just recently cleaned this tank and the Beast out of all the vegetation. CO2 ain't no joke and my Jungle Vale grew long AF. LMAO! Its trimmed back to a manageable length and looking good in both tanks. I also have a Blue Dragon Guppy fry that I believe was born from one of my Gen 1 fry...I didn't know they would reproduce that small and that soon. The big Albino female has been preggers for months and will not drop. Not sure why, but she seems healthy and well. 

Finally, things to come...

I moved the 55 gal I bought from the fish room to a new stand in the foyer of our home that gets great morning light. I have decided to make it a Rainbow Tank with a high flow canister and I will simulate the river edge of a moving river with a long branch and greenery on the "bank" to the river floor. I still am not sure what I will do besides moving the shrimp breeders to the big shelf I put together. I want a big tank in the middle or two tanks simulating both cichlid areas from South America & Africa side by side. I am leaning to the big tank tho, just not sure so we wait on it. My next project, next weekend to be exact, will be putting together a rimless 10 gal in my Mom's tiny office. She has bonded with her Betta, Snickerdoodle, and he loves flashing, showing off when she is at her desk. So since she has gotten so much enjoyment out of it and really love my Odessa Barbs in my Plant Tank...I am giving her the Barbs and putting that tank together. I will put them and some smaller fish in with it or maybe a couple Dwarf Cichlids with 1 or 2 bristlenose plecos. Tank should do ok with 7-9 fish in it with weekly water changes. 

Anyways, life is going well...got the promotion at my new job and am now salesman of a route that needs A LOT OF TLC. Previous saleman was fired for a reason lol. Anyways, HUGE raise from the post office and less stress. I also bought a new(to me...used lol) SUV, 2017 Ford Explorer. So all in all, life is good. Gotta go pick up my close internet friend from gaming who is from Warsaw, Poland. Excited to hang with my buddy! Hope all reading this is well. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

No new news besides I planted and set up my mother's first rimless tank in her office at her request. My stepfather and her have both really enjoyed all the tanks which is super cool! Little setback with this tank in that its instant cycled thanks to sponges from other tanks, but the first two fish I received from an online breeder arrived, its hot AF down here, but the Post Office holds my packages often as they know I keep fish. I think even with cooling packs the warehouse got kinda hot and the 2 long fin lemon blue eyed bristlenose got a bit stressed. They've developed ich, first time this has happened, so I am currently treating them with a recommended treatment from the pet store. Didnt notice it yesterday but this afternoon I could def see it. Hopefully they will get through it and I can add more fish. I currently have an order on hold with @DansFish just to make sure they are healthy and also this heat wave passes. 

Besides that, "Squirt", as I like to call it, is getting big. Its the only Gold Laser Cory fry that has made it and now is a full fledged juvenile showing all the markings/colors of the GLCs! Definitely it and the lone surviving black angelfish I nicknamed Black Phillip(not sure if its male or female so maybe Phillipa lol) are my favorite fish currently. BP comes to the tank to greet me every time I get home or wake in the morning. Super personable little fish that struggled and was bullied in the big tank to near death, but now is getting BIG and BEAUTIFUL!!! 


Anyways...gonna relax before a full day of tank work tomorrow! Appreciate everyone that has been following my journey and of course all of you that has responded to my threads, given so much help! This community rocks!!! ❤️ 

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On 7/29/2023 at 11:22 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Ich is definitely a hassle! Hopefully it's easy to handle for the fish and all things go well.

What was the med/method the LFS recommended?

Yeah. I hate dealing with ich. It can wipe out a tank quickly. I (gradually) bump the temp to 86 when ich is present. It doesn’t do well with the heat. The fish will be fine at 86 but will eat more food because the higher temp quickens their metabolism.

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On 7/29/2023 at 10:22 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Ich is definitely a hassle! Hopefully it's easy to handle for the fish and all things go well.

What was the med/method the LFS recommended?


2 ml for 10g once a day, add stress coat in to help them fight it off as well. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, I keep my tanks all at 77 currently...gradually over a few days, 2 degrees a day? That sudden lift then drop back down won't hurt them eh?

I am also doing daily water changes now even though the tank was cycled to provide as clean of water as I can give them, then heavy cleaning all my water change hoses with hot tap water to make sure I don't pass anything onto other tanks. 

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On 7/29/2023 at 1:01 PM, Shadow said:

@Chick-In-Of-TheSea, I keep my tanks all at 77 currently...gradually over a few days, 2 degrees a day? That sudden lift then drop back down won't hurt them eh?

@9:30 is the method I used for the temp change. All was well. Use a separate thermometer to check temp level, do not rely on the heater dial or heater display. They are not always accurate.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Lots of things happening this weekend...

Today was usual water change day for all the other tanks. I also finished preparing my hardscape for my upcoming 55 gal project, tomorrow looks to be the day to begin. Looking to also have a combo tank for skittles shrimp as I am going to downsize all my shrimp breeding projects. I think right now I just enjoy the hobby and if I get babies, cool, they grow cool. I am not going to move into breeding again until I have the time allotted to do so. Guess that is a first lesson learned, but I did break down one tank and prepare on in my bedroom for a nice little shrimp haven that I might add a couple fish to at some point. Anyways, more on the 55 gal in that tank journal manana. 

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ANOTHER BABY!!! Well babies galore! Tons more guppy fry in my OG Babies tank, but now I have found another Gold Laser fry that is new and thriving like 'Squirt' did! Pretty hyped that this tank seems so settled they are producing fry all around. I didn't even notice a spawn from them lately, so pretty stoked about it. My newly assembled 55 gal is ready to be stocked and looks like I will choose Sterbai as the first fish to include! Check out my link below here to follow that progress, but def hyped with how this tank came together. Looking real clean and I am a new believer in Oase canisters...super easy to assemble and get going, plus the spray bar coming with it for the return portion is so much better than what Fluval sends as your return. So def using them again in the near future. Still debating whether or not to go with the FX series when I set up my big tank here in the fish room. 

Hoping everyone is staying cool and not cooking to a crisp in this summer heat! Happy Sunday! 

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On 7/29/2023 at 3:57 AM, Shadow said:

No new news besides I planted and set up my mother's first rimless tank in her office at her request. My stepfather and her have both really enjoyed all the tanks which is super cool! Little setback with this tank in that its instant cycled thanks to sponges from other tanks, but the first two fish I received from an online breeder arrived, its hot AF down here, but the Post Office holds my packages often as they know I keep fish. I think even with cooling packs the warehouse got kinda hot and the 2 long fin lemon blue eyed bristlenose got a bit stressed. They've developed ich, first time this has happened, so I am currently treating them with a recommended treatment from the pet store. Didnt notice it yesterday but this afternoon I could def see it. Hopefully they will get through it and I can add more fish. I currently have an order on hold with @DansFish just to make sure they are healthy and also this heat wave passes. 

Besides that, "Squirt", as I like to call it, is getting big. Its the only Gold Laser Cory fry that has made it and now is a full fledged juvenile showing all the markings/colors of the GLCs! Definitely it and the lone surviving black angelfish I nicknamed Black Phillip(not sure if its male or female so maybe Phillipa lol) are my favorite fish currently. BP comes to the tank to greet me every time I get home or wake in the morning. Super personable little fish that struggled and was bullied in the big tank to near death, but now is getting BIG and BEAUTIFUL!!! 


Anyways...gonna relax before a full day of tank work tomorrow! Appreciate everyone that has been following my journey and of course all of you that has responded to my threads, given so much help! This community rocks!!! ❤️ 

Are we sure this is a gold laser cory? Looks more of a green laser to me. Gold lasers are really bright gold/yellow color.



On 7/29/2023 at 8:05 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I keep my tanks all at 77 currently...gradually over a few days, 2 degrees a day? That sudden lift then drop back down won't hurt them eh?

Healthy fish can deal with a lot of stuff as long as it is not extreme or super sudden. They probably face such temp change during the day in their nature too. I wouldn't worry much myself

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On 8/13/2023 at 10:29 AM, Lennie said:

Are we sure this is a gold laser cory? Looks more of a green laser to me. Gold lasers are really bright gold/yellow color.



Healthy fish can deal with a lot of stuff as long as it is not extreme or super sudden. They probably face such temp change during the day in their nature too. I wouldn't worry much myself

Yea they are def Gold Laser. Thats all I have in my tanks currently, as I like them a lot. All came from same breeder. The juvenile is def more gold now and the newest fry has the speckling same as the juvenile did before, so another GLC. 🙂 

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Today was supposed to be an uneventful give back day as I had to work the 4th and I am sitting for a LONG tattoo today. Welp...things never go to plan. Dans Fish was supposed to cancel an order, as I had to redo my mother's tank for her as something was amiss... well, they shipped them last night and I won't be home all day, nor will my parents. So now, fish I am not prepared for are on their way and I had to scramble to reset my mother's tank. I likely still will have to refuse the order and send back this evening if the driver ignores my HUGE sign on the front door or they dont redirect to the UPS store, so I can call and refuse to send back. Definitely not a headache I was expecting this morning and it pushed me to reset my mother's tank very fast. Definitely a bit stressed and irritated this morning. 🤪

Edited by Shadow
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On 8/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, nabokovfan87 said:


Hopefully things work out. 

They actually had refunded me my money and sent the fish on accident. I was luckily able to catch them, reroute to a UPS Store locally(AC and such) then Dans Fish called them and had them send them back. I didnt even see the box. So, as they are overnight shippers, they should be back tomorrow and good to go.

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  • 1 month later...

Been busy busy last few weeks at work along with getting a few new tanks going. My newest and largest tank is fully cycled, everyone doing well inside and more livestock coming this week. Click on my journal below for more. Mom's 10 gal rimless in her office is cycling and she has ramshorn snails in it already...red cherry shrimp and 1 lemon bristlenose coming. Once its going well, I have a surprise for her... Blueberry Tetras, a school of ten. Costing me almost 240$ for the 10, but they are so cool and I want to get them going, maybe try to breed them, as I want more of them for my biggest tank upcoming. I know you will dig the rare tetra thing @nabokovfan87. @Fish Folk you have any experience with rarer tetras? My ideas for that tank have been ever evolving but I think I am sold on what I am doing now. 100 gal, all rare tetras and some other tetras I have wanted to keep, plus Rainbows and Corys, other kitties. Will be a majority rock and hardscape tank with plants pulling from water column, not substrate. Got the idea from a recent build MD Tanks did. 

Bad news, I cannot go to Aquashella anymore in November. Need to get a implant in my mouth, so that will cost me a bit over 4 grand before its said n done. Years letting my teeth go without dental insurance as a chef. Oh well...its back in Chicago next year and my daughter lives in North Harbor, so guess its in the cards for my first one to be there. All my other tanks are doing incredibly well...especially the neocaridinas. My Black Rose are exploding in their breeding lately, so now all my tanks are producing a lot. Need to get on selling them before I become overrun. LOL!

More to come later on when I have a little more time. Hope all are well!! 

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On 9/26/2023 at 4:11 PM, Shadow said:

Been busy busy last few weeks at work along with getting a few new tanks going. My newest and largest tank is fully cycled, everyone doing well inside and more livestock coming this week. Click on my journal below for more. Mom's 10 gal rimless in her office is cycling and she has ramshorn snails in it already...red cherry shrimp and 1 lemon bristlenose coming. Once its going well, I have a surprise for her... Blueberry Tetras, a school of ten. Costing me almost 240$ for the 10, but they are so cool and I want to get them going, maybe try to breed them, as I want more of them for my biggest tank upcoming. I know you will dig the rare tetra thing @nabokovfan87. @Fish Folk you have any experience with rarer tetras? My ideas for that tank have been ever evolving but I think I am sold on what I am doing now. 100 gal, all rare tetras and some other tetras I have wanted to keep, plus Rainbows and Corys, other kitties. Will be a majority rock and hardscape tank with plants pulling from water column, not substrate. Got the idea from a recent build MD Tanks did. 

Bad news, I cannot go to Aquashella anymore in November. Need to get a implant in my mouth, so that will cost me a bit over 4 grand before its said n done. Years letting my teeth go without dental insurance as a chef. Oh well...its back in Chicago next year and my daughter lives in North Harbor, so guess its in the cards for my first one to be there. All my other tanks are doing incredibly well...especially the neocaridinas. My Black Rose are exploding in their breeding lately, so now all my tanks are producing a lot. Need to get on selling them before I become overrun. LOL!

More to come later on when I have a little more time. Hope all are well!! 

Didn't know you were a Chef. Respect! That's real work mate.

I do not have first-hand experience with rare tetras. All the ones I've kept -- Cardinals, Neons, Silvertip, Ember, Buenos Aires, Congos, Rummynose, and maybe a few others -- were all pretty common. Those Blueberry Tetras look amazing!

I've always secretly wanted to to a massive school of Hummingbird Tetras in my 33 gal long over a massive bed of Java Moss and glorious lighting. Maybe someday...


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On 9/26/2023 at 3:29 PM, Fish Folk said:

Didn't know you were a Chef. Respect! That's real work mate.

I do not have first-hand experience with rare tetras. All the ones I've kept -- Cardinals, Neons, Silvertip, Ember, Buenos Aires, Congos, Rummynose, and maybe a few others -- were all pretty common. Those Blueberry Tetras look amazing!

I've always secretly wanted to to a massive school of Hummingbird Tetras in my 33 gal long over a massive bed of Java Moss and glorious lighting. Maybe someday...


Those are super cool! I was a chef for almost 20 years, but now back selling beer, wine & na stuff to the masses. Way better money, less stress and waaaaaaaaay better benefits. If I didn't have two dental insurances this stuff would have cost me a lot more. 

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