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White Algae?

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I'm scared to ask because I'm not finding any Google answers. 

I WC once a week, and use remineralized rodi. 4month old 90g. Guppies, neocaridina, nerites. Anubias, java fern, mosses, bolbitis, buce.  My tank parameters have been stable for months, except my pH swings have gotten tighter- which I attribute to the siesta light schedule I started over a week ago.



Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 10

pH 7.5-7.9

Phosphates 0.25

I noticed a few of these white smudges 2-3 weeks ago on the bottom of the glass. They are multiplying.  They don't seem to scrape off easily but that could be because I'm a newb and scraping is a lot harder than I thought, especially lower down on the glass.  It's all stuck to the glass, there aren't any dangly bits waving in the current. 





Edited by PerceptivePesce
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What I'm about to share with you may seem extreme, but I've connected some dots.  Some fish sicknesses, deaths, fins looking slightly tattered, and @TheSwissAquaristcalling it fungus... I just dosed 1tsp/10g of ich-x.  And 1pack/10g Maracyn.  Maybe the anti-biotic was too much, but I'll do the "less severe" regimen.

Also, I looked around and I found a couple of small white spots on a java fern and anubias.  I just dosed the whole tank.

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On 2/10/2023 at 1:25 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

It's really difficult to see with the blur.  Can snap a few more photos?

I already dosed the tank yesterday.  Ich-x and Maracyn.  I'm pretty sure it worked!  After yesterday's treatment the white spots were dyed blue and they had already started to diminish.  This morning, more of the white spots are gone, and I found a dead guppy with a bit of white fluff around her birthing area (the first time I've seen any definitive signs).  I thought my fish were acting kind of frantic leading up to this but I couldnt be sure because there werent any physical signs of sickness, just possible behavioral signs- except I did cull a dropsy fry a few weeks ago and there were some sudden deaths of seemingly healthy guppys.  Maybe it's my imagination but I swear the fish seem calmer this am.  Anyways, here's a pic of the same area with fewer white spots.


This thread belongs in the Disease forum, sorry, I didn't realize what I was dealing with when I started it.

I'd like to page @Coluand ask if they think I should do the "severe" treatment regimen or the "less severe" treatment regimen?  And perhaps ask a couple follow-up questions after their answer.

Edited by PerceptivePesce
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On 2/10/2023 at 9:21 AM, Colu said:

It's difficult to tell what the white smudges are off your pictures have you added anything new to the tank recently any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out sunken belly @PerceptivePesce

I added 4 devil spike snails to my tank around 4 weeks ago, it was an online order and it was supposed to be 2 day shipping but delivery was delayed by one day.  They immediately raced to the top of the tank, not eating any algae, and then they fell to the substrate.  I left them in the tank where they fell, smell checked them, and they were all foul smelling after a week.  I removed them then.

There was a bottom-sitting guppy who was breathing fast.  She sat in the same place for quite a few days, and would leave to eat.  I saw her eat.  Then she moved to the outflow bar and surfed in the current, and she stopped eating.  She was the one I found dead this am with a tuft of fluff in her gravitas area.  I saw a couple flashes here and there in my population but it wasnt incessant.  There have been a few who hangout at the surface and dont eat, they usually die.  I can't say I've seen spitting out of food, but I can say I may not have been paying attention to that.  As far as sunken belly... is it hard to distinguish sunken belly from pregnancy?  My fry population is much lower than when I first added them, but I also dropped the temperature to 74F in an attempt to slow births.  I've also been culling jack-knifed spine guppies, some severe and some not so severe.  I've ordered a total of 13 nerites, 2 separate orders, and I only have 4 left... maybe 3...  My shrimp seem fine.  I placed two orders of 10 shrimp.  The first order was delivered with the devil spike snails, and I lost 4 shrimp from that order a couple days after adding.  The second order, which was delivered on time, I havent lost any of them.

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Also, I've RR'd all the plants that I've added to my tank.  However, I did not weigh down the dwarf water lettuce.  That's actually a story I should share.  The first order of lettuce, I weighed them down during RR but they died off.  The second order, I floated them during RR and they made it.  So there is a question of if I killed off everything that may have been present on them.

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On 2/10/2023 at 10:29 AM, nabokovfan87 said:


Very interesting. Hard to get an ID on this one.

I had the thought that the white spots may be calcium deposits because they dull and white in appearance.  Like chalk. 

But the shape of  some of the smatterings made me think maybe it was superglue because some of them look like they have a trailing tail, like a tacky glue can have a trailing tail.  If that makes sense.

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Careful with over medicating and killing your cycle! If it were me to treat ick id just turn the heat up to speed up the life cycle of the ick spores, treat with ick-x and keep up with water changes as recommended. Maybe also a light gravel vac.

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Yeah @JoeQ, not crashing is always on my mind. 😱 I'm collecting opinions, and I'd like to know what you think: on a scale of 1-10, how severe do you think this may be?

@Coluthanks for your advice.  I'll keep my eyes on things and use expel p if things dont get better.  If they do get worse, I hope you don't mind me tagging you.  Thanks for being a hero around here!


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On 2/10/2023 at 9:25 PM, PerceptivePesce said:

@Coluoh wait. I missed your edit and your post sounds more decisive.  (I read the pre-edit email alert)  I'll go get some expel p from LFS is a couple hours and dose today.

You will need to black out your tank for 24hr as active ingredient in Expel p levamisole is light sensitive medication 

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On 2/10/2023 at 4:16 PM, PerceptivePesce said:

Yeah @JoeQ, not crashing is always on my mind. 😱 I'm collecting opinions, and I'd like to know what you think: on a scale of 1-10, how severe do you think this may be?

Probably a .5 to a 1, im not even sure if there is a disease going on. We've seen no pictures of diseased fish, or any floating spores for that matter. Clean water is always the first step IMO. Fish have an incredible immune system, given the right conditions.  I've probably killed more fish than I saved by over reacting,  over medicating, and over thinking things. Instead of practicing patience and letting nature take care of nature. 

Edited by JoeQ
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On 2/11/2023 at 4:31 AM, PerceptivePesce said:

@Colu my KH is 5, it's on the low end of guppy parameters.  I hope my shrimp are okay!  I think there was a shrimp eating the gunk but i took those plants out and cleaned them up.  I didnt think it was a lot of dead plant matter while cleaning.

I have water ready if it's a nightmare in the morning.



I would add some crushed coral to help raise your KH you can use a media bag and put it in your filter 

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On 2/11/2023 at 5:12 AM, Colu said:

I would add some crushed coral to help raise your KH you can use a media bag and put it in your filter 

I remineralize RO/DI water with CaSO4.2H20, MgSO4.7H20, & K2CO3.  

I also have CaCO3 powder, but through my observations I think it may take longer than a week to fully dissolve and I do weekly ~30% WC.  I stopped using it quite a few months ago.

I can raise KH with those things.  What level do you think I should raise KH to?

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